View Full Version : The Walking Dead 31 - spoilers

30-Sep-2006, 09:47 AM
I was kidding about no spoilers (Edit: I changed the header of this thread to accurately reflect the content. - Kaos)

Two new characters from Woodbury are introduced, both are combatants in the governers cage fights and both characters are subsequently killed. Three other stereotypical characters are brought in, the doctor, Martinez - a friendly guard who's so far been oblivious to the fact every new guy they bring in disappears and Alice - a young fast learning student, no guesses for which three will survive a impending zombie massacre.
Michonne's been beaten, raped and now she lets off some steam in the ring first by beheading one combatant and then the zombies.
Gods honest truth this series will soon be about Rick and the human resistance fighting against alien colonists from venus with lightsabers made from matchsticks.

Pushead Jim
02-Oct-2006, 11:38 PM
I like Alice. the jury is still out on Martinez. So what if Michonne is crazy(talking to herself etc.),she kicks *SS with that katana.I like the old doc dude too.SPOILER ALERTis Alice a future love interest for rick?
Will Martinez help rick escape only to betray the location of the prison to the psycho governor.:rockbrow: