View Full Version : I just saw the trailer for the "Chainsaw" prequel last night.

01-Oct-2006, 04:01 PM
My hopes aren't exactly atmospheric, because it appears to be a prequel to the lousy remake, not the original classic. You'd think they'd have the common sense to make a prequel that would portray how the original clan--Leatherface, Grandpa, the butcher, and the hitchhiker--came to be. :( :mad:

01-Oct-2006, 04:17 PM
I give up!
I have no idea what's going on with film-makers theses days - give me indies!!!!!

01-Oct-2006, 04:39 PM
Personally I prefer them making a prequel to their take on the Chainsaw story, rather than doing a "Halloween 8, let's mess with the original's lore by saying Michael was abused by his parents" cop out.

TCM'03 wasn't superb, but I enjoyed it - the original STILL wins out easily though and will forever be the real champion - but I'll check out TCM: Beginning, looks interesting to see where their interpretation on the story started out ... and more R. Lee Ermey? Bosh-tastic.

01-Oct-2006, 04:52 PM
The trailer has ben out for weeks now. Ya, I think they need to let it rest, like how many chansaw movies can they make without it getting old?

01-Oct-2006, 06:59 PM
Personally I prefer them making a prequel to their take on the Chainsaw story, rather than doing a "Halloween 8, let's mess with the original's lore by saying Michael was abused by his parents" cop out.

TCM'03 wasn't superb, but I enjoyed it - the original STILL wins out easily though and will forever be the real champion - but I'll check out TCM: Beginning, looks interesting to see where their interpretation on the story started out ... and more R. Lee Ermey? Bosh-tastic.
i agree it looks kind of interesting. i'll burn a fat and go se it.

02-Oct-2006, 12:16 PM
...like how many chansaw movies can they make without it getting old?

They've already crossed that line if you ask me. TCM 1 & 2 were all that was needed. I didn't even care for those two that much, but they were watchable.. once or twice.


02-Oct-2006, 04:07 PM
maybe i'm in the minority here. but the original, really didnt scare me at all. i just laughed my ass of during it.

the remake on the other hand Ho-mumma. R. Lee ermy alone, elevated the remake above the original. but the fat lady and disturbing rednecks, in addition to the newer more country diesel version of leatherface?

sorry for me the remake was an actually scarry premise

then again, i saw Deliverance at an early age, so when i road trip i tend to carry 2 firearms with me. so the original TCM is solv-able without even affecting a magazine change.

02-Oct-2006, 05:33 PM
Yeah....I think R. Lee Ermey and Jessica Beil were the two things that saved the remake, for me. It was decent....but just didn't have the same grittiness of the original.

I'll see "The Beginning" eventually.....but I'm in no hurry. I'm going straight for "The Departed" this weekend.;)

02-Oct-2006, 05:45 PM
Mmm ... Jessica Biel ... I actually wrote a section of my final year dissertation on her and her role in TCM2003 ... mentioned her tight, wet vest several times too ... even included a picture :lol: ... got a good grade... :thumbsup:

02-Oct-2006, 06:15 PM
maybe i'm in the minority here. but the original, really didnt scare me at all. i just laughed my ass of during it.

the remake on the other hand Ho-mumma. R. Lee ermy alone, elevated the remake above the original. but the fat lady and disturbing rednecks, in addition to the newer more country diesel version of leatherface?

sorry for me the remake was an actually scarry premise

then again, i saw Deliverance at an early age, so when i road trip i tend to carry 2 firearms with me. so the original TCM is solv-able without even affecting a magazine change.

Throw what you will, but I actually liked the remakes of TCM and the Hills Have Eyes-- BETTER than the originals...

to each his own...:eek:

02-Oct-2006, 06:49 PM
Hills2006 was pretty damn good, I liked it much better than the original - I think the 3rd act really helped. Just a bunch of ferrals running around a bunch of rocks gets old quick - but the nuclear testing town really added that extra something that Craven was missing.

Robert Joy is also fantastic in Hills'06, certainly the opposite of Charlie in Land!

02-Oct-2006, 07:05 PM
While this thread is sort of on the subject of the "Chainsaw" flicks.......There's a new editon of "TCM 2" coming out soon and I've never seen it. Is it worth the purchase?

I know Savini did the effects, Hooper directed, and Bill Moseley took over the role of the hitch hiker.....so those things make it very tempting. What do you guys think? Is it pretty good?

02-Oct-2006, 11:48 PM
I agree...I saw the remake of the hills have eyes, and then the original, and the remake is far superior...I actually count the remake as one of the better horro films I've seen....

Now, TCM 03 was great, but I liked the original a little better, altho the sheriff alone was worth it...he played the role perfectly.

03-Oct-2006, 08:40 PM
I've just finished reading a few reviews of "The Beginning", and apparently if you've seen the remake, you've seen this new one. From what I read, it doesn't try to venture into new grounds and the "origin story" that the film's title and promos suggest is basically non-existent.

In fact, one reviewer went as far as to say that the way things go down with the young kids, and the characters of the young kids, is IDENTICAL to the remake. Supposedly they even have the same wardrobe.:lol:


With the exception of those things, the reviewers do say that it still incorporates the tasty stuff that general genre fans enjoy. Lots of nice killings with even better gore to come in the unrated DVD.

I'm still hoping. But it's not looking too good...

03-Oct-2006, 09:37 PM
Hmmm ... if that's the case then it's a shame and a missed golden opportunity to do, like you say, something new. Ah well, download it is then. :lol:

04-Oct-2006, 02:32 AM
My prediction: http://www.darkthirty.com/dar/images/6586-belly-up-sign.jpg

04-Oct-2006, 11:49 AM
See? This is what happens when producers sit around doing massive amounts of cocaine while trying to brainstorm ideas for their next remake, re-invisioning, and/or a sequels/prequel. :rolleyes:

Yeah, this is a download for sure. Of course, most of what's come out in the past few years has been anyway.


04-Oct-2006, 11:40 PM
i dunno at first i thought another hollywood sqeeze a franchise type movie but a film about the young child that became the twisted leather face does sound a lot better than that lame sequel with rene zelwigger in.

08-Oct-2006, 04:20 PM
I went and saw it last night because I had nothing better to do, and my prediction above seems to be fairly accurate. Hastily written and dull. Keep away.

09-Oct-2006, 01:53 PM
Even though I knew this film would be a rehash of the other remake and not very good.....I still figured it would get number one this past weekend because of all the kiddies. NOPE. "The Departed", baby!:p

Yeah....I'm happy for Scorsese.

09-Oct-2006, 05:47 PM
Well, I downloaded the TCM:TB OST today, maybe that'll be good lol...aye, TCM:TB will blates be a downloader. Just reading the titles of the tracks on the OST makes it look like a complete rehash of TCM'03! :eek: