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View Full Version : HorrorTalk.Com Reviews DEADLANDS... Grade B-

02-Oct-2006, 11:28 AM
The folks at Horrortalk.com have reviewed DEADLANDS: The Rising, and while the bulk of the review is good. There is some bad. However, you judge for yourself.


02-Oct-2006, 12:06 PM
Just got done reading it. Actually, I don't read the review as having any 'bad' in it really. I mean, the things he points out (sound, acting) are typical issues of an indie film that usually aren't raked over with such a fine tooth comb, but they did, and that's ok.. they still gave it a B- and said: "It’s worth a look, because while it requires some patience, good scenes do come to those who wait." ;)

The one thing the guy states in his review is that it takes a good 20 minutes for the movie to really "take off" into the instantiy, and that if people were to turn it off before the action hits it would be "a mistake" - I think the initial 20 minutes is necessary because without that slow buildup, the 40 minutes of slaughter wouldn't have the impact that they do. I don't think he realized the idea behind the pacing. The idea was to get the character development out of the way before ripping off everyones face - help people identify with the characters, then really stomp the pedal to the floor. I think it worked pretty good, but apparently it was an issue for this one reviewer. Can't win 'em all. ;)

"Despite all that, Deadlands has to be called a success, because once the walking dead appear and the blood starts flowing, it really takes a big step forward."

Now that's what I'm talkin' about. :D

Hey, a "B-" ? for an indie zombie film with a $15k budget? I'll take it. :D

It should also be noted that what he reviewed was a 'screener' and not what is being officially released. This was sent to them for review prior to much color correction and sound issues being fixed.

02-Oct-2006, 12:37 PM
I was waiting for a semi-good,semi-bad review, and this was it. Now I am waiting for the all out... this sucks don't bother review. :lol:

I have always said the beginning is very slow. I wish I could speed it up, but I can't. If you take off the 3 minutes of opening credits you would still be waiting 17 minutes for the zombies to appear, however I did my best to get the character development out of the way and then move the film into death mode.

I can relate to the review because the source is unbiased (no offense to anyone here) The people at horrortalk.com...They don't know me from Adam, and hold no grudges with me either. I have always said to everyone this film is not going to please everyone... If they can get through the first 20 minutes, the last 40+ will deliver an insane amount of violence and want them cheering for more.

DEADLANDS 1 was never supposed to be the film that it is, but I cut it back to be the film that it is and saved the best script for Part 2. I am glad a medium type review came in, and confirmed the issues I always had with the film, but am unable to correct because there really is nothing more I can do with it.

Audio problems... 90% fixed in the DVD release. Equipment limitations really hampered the sound. Story... yes it could have used some work. Acting, I always said... don't watch it for the acting.

Anyway, a B- is nothing to sneeze at, it is still a decent review and worthy.

02-Oct-2006, 12:58 PM
I was too - I mean, it can't all be roses. ;)

Sooner or later someone is going to watch the film and say "that's not for me" but for right now, I'm liking what i'm seeing, even if there are some rough spots being pointed out. We knew there would at least be some areas in need of improvement - there always will be 'till someone gives us a million bucks to do part 2! :lol:


02-Oct-2006, 03:41 PM
I would have to agree with the audio issues, that was a problem that constantly plagued us, as most indies at this level. Audio is one of the hardest departments to fill, and we really had no one until Rick came on. The "slow pacing" does not bother me, but I am accustomed to slower paced films perhaps. I feel that the review was fair and honest.

02-Oct-2006, 03:48 PM
Ditto and ditto, LD.

I agree, and the pace doesn't bother me either because they was I look at it is it's like a ball rolling down a steady graded hill: It starts slow at first, keeps moving, and by the time it's 1/3rd of the way down the hill...it's at top speed and doesn't stop 'till it hits the bottom. ;)

02-Oct-2006, 04:17 PM
LD and I talked about audio issues from the get go... I always knew it would be a problem. I love the review I think it is very fair and honest and covers exactly what plagues most films on this level as well.

In response to Lou... I never really looked at DEADLANDS as a ball on a downgraded hill... But now that you mention it... Yes, I agree.