View Full Version : Happy slapper gets owned...

02-Oct-2006, 05:00 PM

:lol: :lol: that'll teach the little scallys a lesson!

02-Oct-2006, 05:12 PM
****ing A

02-Oct-2006, 05:18 PM
That was great but sadly I don't think that it will stop moron's from their "happy slapping". That guy should have gone further & pummeled these idiot's more then he did. Although if law inforcement had arrived HE probably would have gotten into some trouble for defending his girlfriend :|. He made his point & left. Good on him :cool:.

02-Oct-2006, 05:37 PM
He sure was quick to get at em.

Is this "Happy Slapping" thing something that actually happens? I;ve never heard or seen of anyone doing something so stupid. That's just ridiculous.:rolleyes:

02-Oct-2006, 05:38 PM
That video was posted on the boxing forum I go to last week. Funny stuff. Just shows you what trained fighters can do to ordinary jerkoffs.

02-Oct-2006, 05:41 PM
He sure was quick to get at em.

Is this "Happy Slapping" thing something that actually happens? I;ve never heard or seen of anyone doing something so stupid. That's just ridiculous.:rolleyes:

Yeah,its common practice over here among the feral kids that run loose on the streets,one of them films it on a phone or whatever while the other(s) attack some innocent passer by :mad: lack of discipline from police,teachers & parents who dont give a **** are whats causing all this stuff :( sad state of affairs

02-Oct-2006, 05:48 PM
Wow, happy slapping wouldnt go on well over here... thats the sort of thing that gets you shot. Thank god for the 2A.

02-Oct-2006, 05:52 PM
Legendary! F*ckin' happing slapping wankers ... it'd be even funnier if the wanker got happy slapped in the bollocks ... with the guy's foot, or a brick, whichever was nearest...

03-Oct-2006, 02:02 AM
wow what a jerk

that kind of thing would get you killed
where i live

you wouldnt even think of slapping somebodys girl
in front of them

you would be stabbed, shot or run over in a heart beat

03-Oct-2006, 01:21 PM
wow what a jerk

that kind of thing would get you killed
where i live

you wouldnt even think of slapping somebodys girl
in front of them

you would be stabbed, shot or run over in a heart beat

exactly. i don't see this trend taking off in the us,

I remember over the summer there was an article on Fark, about this Italian TV crew going around a beach in Virginia. in short they would find girls that had dozed off or were vapor locked while sunbathing with thier tops undone. a fixxer for the crew would then run up to the girls and scare them, making them jump up without their tops on.

people of course called the police, but under virginia law the police couldn't do much as it's a common area, and the crew was just filming it. the fixxer denied we has with the crew so the police just escorted everyone off the beach.

low and behold the following day there was another article. the crew came back to the same beach, and tried this on another group of girls. except this time a number of them had their boyfriends/spouses in waiting.

This time it was the camera crew calling the police, as they were getting their asses kicked. aparently the Fixxer was hospitalized.


03-Oct-2006, 04:42 PM

That was hilarious. Maybe if more incidences like that go on they'll stop...

Or all be killed, that sounds like it'd be fine too.

Shows how blind America is to other countries, I had never heard about these "Happy Slappers" before, but strangely enough I just saw a sticker that said, "Slap Happy" on a railing near one of the buildings at my college not 10 minutes ago.

03-Oct-2006, 05:15 PM
I've never even heard of people doing this. Very childish and immature, yet look at the age of the guy that does it in this video. I'm glad that dude beat the crap out of him.

05-Oct-2006, 06:48 AM
The clip that I saw had better sound. But the guys were speaking a language that wasn't English. Someone mentioned under the comment section that the guys were arguing about money before the assault took place.

05-Oct-2006, 11:30 AM
He sure was quick to get at em.

Is this "Happy Slapping" thing something that actually happens? I;ve never heard or seen of anyone doing something so stupid. That's just ridiculous.:rolleyes:


And the ironic thing to me is, they worry about guns here... but at least strangers are't slappin us :D .
