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View Full Version : Horror-Movies.ca reviews D:TR during podcast

03-Oct-2006, 12:56 AM
check it out here: horror-movies.ca podcast (http://www.horror-movies.ca/horror_6620.html)

you can stream it or d/l the mp3.

They discuss what makes a good horror movie for the first few minutes, then go right into Deadlands. The person who reviewed Deadlands on horror-movies.ca is there (Goon) and talks for around 9 minutes about the film. ;)


03-Oct-2006, 01:08 AM
$25,000? phew, lots more then it really was, haha.

03-Oct-2006, 01:23 AM
yeah, about $10,000 more! :lol:

03-Oct-2006, 03:00 AM
Still, it was cool, I like podcasts because it shows more what people think (In my opinion). its like how they talk about it informally rather then in a review, and i like hearing that aspect of their opinion.

03-Oct-2006, 10:40 AM
I think the podcast show was brilliant. I love those kind of shows where you hear the reviewer discuss the film as opposed to reading a review. I think open discussion about a film helps the audience get a different perspective.