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View Full Version : DEADLANDS: The New World aka DEADLANDS 2

04-Oct-2006, 12:50 PM
Well I am almost finished with the script for the second film. I am at page 107 and I am about to unleash hell on the characters. Deadlands 2 is probably going into production in Fall 2008.

So far I have over 20 headshots and resumes, but the people I want as my leads... most of them have agreed to come back. :cool:

I will keep you guys updated on this script, which i will probably finish by friday.

I started it Monday 25Sep06 and write on average of 9 pages a day.

04-Oct-2006, 11:46 PM
i recommend going around a few towns posting fliers for actors whod star for free as extras in "sequel to zombie flick" and just fill the screen with as many as you can, give it a real apocalypse feel to it, like the the end of the 3rd autumn novel, that be awesome though you'd need like 600 extras at once, but hey its a suggestion and you know its rock!:elol:

06-Oct-2006, 10:12 PM
Don't forget my part! :D

06-Oct-2006, 11:16 PM
Don't forget my part! :D

as long as you drive to Maryland :D

06-Oct-2006, 11:36 PM
how 'bout a tribute to GAR - me standing on a street corner wearing a sandwichboard that says "Choke on 'em!!" - in the background, of course.:D

07-Oct-2006, 12:22 AM
as long as you drive to Maryland :D

I will, just write me something good!

07-Oct-2006, 02:06 AM
I promise I will.:D

11-Oct-2006, 11:46 AM

I have finally finished the script for DEADLANDS 2. the first draft after I re-read it and edited it is 103 pages long. (Yep it's a big one) Now most people would think DEADLANDS 2 is not that big for 103 pages. However when I write I put all camera movements into the script, what characters should exactly be doing and how long each piece of dialogue should take with the emotion conveyed this way The actors are prepared for what I have in store for them.

Now the best part is the films script will be polished by Under The Bed writer/director Lonnie Martin, whom also plays my drooling zombie in DEADLANDS 1. Lonnie sent me some preliminary re-write stuff from the first 20 pages I sent him and was willing to polish the screenplay on the film. So once Lonnie is done with the script it will either grow in size or shrink in size. I am betting it grows.

DEADLANDS 2 is a much more Darker film and more dramatic film. A complete 180 of DEADLANDS 1. The violence level has been upped, not only from the zombie prespective, but also from the human perspective.

So far in the script I have counted the following:

109 uses of the F-word or it's variations
10 uses of the S-Word or it's variations
3 sequences of intense zombie violence
2 major sequences of physical violence including hints of sexual violence
Of the two sequences of physical violence they include the cold blooded murder of children

Now DEADLANDS 2 is set one year after the outbreak and goes into 18 months after the outbreak. I have referenced 2 zombie films and one zombie-esqe film. Those films are DAWN of the DEAD (1978), DAY of the DEAD, and 28 Days Later. The characters are modeled after characters in all 3 films not so much as a mimmick of their actions and mannerisms, but just hinting towards they "Hey he reminds me a little of...."

DEADLANDS 2 will begin filming in the early fall of 2008.

11-Oct-2006, 03:08 PM
Do I get to choke-slam any zombies? :)

11-Oct-2006, 04:20 PM
Actually I have you anal raped by 6 zombies. :D


I will send you the script soon and I want you to consider Matt as a role

11-Oct-2006, 06:23 PM
Since you're our next zombie Master...how do you get to be an extra?

(Pulls out wallet to bribe.....but its empty. Damn!!!)

11-Oct-2006, 06:53 PM
Gary was always pretty good about posting his mass zombie shoots. I'm pretty sure you'd only have to show up.

11-Oct-2006, 07:09 PM
Since you're our next zombie Master...how do you get to be an extra?

(Pulls out wallet to bribe.....but its empty. Damn!!!)

Like Axlish said, I will be posting, as i did for DEADLANDS 1 when i need zombies for DEADLANDS 2. I will actually need some background humans too.

It won't be until 2008 because I am trying to finalize financing, which is all but secured.

13-Oct-2006, 05:09 AM
Hopefully I can make it as an extra this go round.