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View Full Version : PSP or XBox 360: I can't decide!!

14-Mar-2006, 09:34 AM
Okay folks, your help is needed. I don't know which one to get. should I get a PSP or a 360? Both have good games, good accessories, good everything. Someone, please help!!!

14-Mar-2006, 02:57 PM
heh, what do need a portable system or a home system? :)

14-Mar-2006, 03:30 PM
I'm happy with my home system (Playstation 2)

14-Mar-2006, 04:32 PM
i say the xboc 360.
my buddy has one and it rocks.
and the games kick a$$

14-Mar-2006, 05:31 PM
PSP has been dead since arrival just go for the Xbox.

14-Mar-2006, 05:37 PM
I Would say the Xbox 360. Than again, I just really don't understand the PSP. It's cool to have a portable game system like that every now and again...but how often would you need a portable game? Usually if I want to play a game, that means i'm bored and sitting at the house.

And let's not forget the PSP movies.....who the hell wants to watch a movie on a 2 inch screen that you have to hold in your hands the entire time?? Buy a damn dvd player, kids!:evil:

Sorry....just my thoughts..

14-Mar-2006, 05:40 PM
I gotta wonder about that myself, PSP movies? who the hell buys those things?? :confused:

14-Mar-2006, 06:09 PM
honestly id say wait till the ps3 comes out. chances are the psp and 360 will drop in price by then and the revolution should be out too . see what all the systems have to offer overall and then decide. im personally waiting for the ps3 its backwards compatible with ps1 and ps2 games ( which i have both of) i think it really depends on how bad you have to have a new system. i dont think either of the handhelds are worth what theyre selling for if they were 100 or less id say do it but at 150 and 250 whats the rush? and the 360 doesnt have that many great games and i still havent heard if they ironed out the whole backward compatibility problem( most xbox games dont play on the 360 and those that do require some kind of download).

so save your money by the time all the new systems are out you should have enough to buy a new system with tons of accessories and games and what not. in the mean time theres plenty of great games coming out on the ps2 and if you dont have an xbox already id say see if you cant buy one used somehwere seeing as alot of its best games ( halo , halo 2 and fable and ninja gaiden ) are all really cheap now.

14-Mar-2006, 06:29 PM
Don't get either right now, wait a few months. The PSP has mostly ports of old playstation games and it's PSP exclusive titles are lacking in almost every aspect of what a good game should have. The XBOX 360 is still having problems with their chips burning out and the power supplies frying. They have supposedly fixed it, but I would still say to give it a little bit of time, like a month or so, just so that you definatly get one of the newly fixed units. So on top of all those problems, they also lied about the backwards compatability. Backwards compatability is not an option on the 360 until you download the XBOX emulation programs. Yes, programs. You see, the 360 is only compatable with about 60 xbox games out of the box and when you download the emulators to make it compatable with more you have to pay for it. You have to pay real cash for a feature that should be free. That is Microsoft and their "Anything for a buck" attitude.

Now on the positive side of the Xbox 360, it does have incredible graphics and about 20 fun games, but about 15 of those 20 games are just port overs from the PS2 and Xbox. It is still young though, I am willing to bet that in a year the lack of original exclusive titles will not even be a factor anymore.

I would say that if you don't want to wait, get the Premium package on the XBOX 360 in about a month when they are supposed to be readily available on store shelves and forget about the PSP until the PS3 comes out, then it will be usefull and not just a $250 paperweight.

I am not getting either of those until they drop in price. I love gaming, but if I am gonig to spend upwards of $400 just to play games I am going to spend that money on upgrading my computer. That's why I am excited about the Nintendo Revolution, it will be lower priced (A max price of $250) , backwards compatable with the Game Cube, have a download service to download classic Nintendo games, and it is a new Nintendo system so you know it will work the first time and not have to be shipped back to be fixed unlike every other system on the market.

14-Mar-2006, 07:23 PM
if your willing to wait there's rumored to be a new PSP unit coming out for Q4 2006. it'll have a few beefed up features an better battery life.

if you can't wait get the psp, armored core and GTA ****ing rock.

x360 looks nice and i'm a commited xbox fan, but right now there simply aren't enough games (i'd actually play) to merit buying the system, yet. i'm going to grab one early next year. or earlier if they accounce when halo 3 is comming out.

as for the PS3? it's in duke nukem land at this point. right now i have an ongoing bet with a buddy at the local Gamestop as to which one we'll get first the Batman Begins sequel, or PS3.

14-Mar-2006, 09:30 PM

14-Mar-2006, 10:37 PM
if you willing to wait forget about both and get a PS3 :p

15-Mar-2006, 12:17 AM
if you willing to wait forget about both and get a PS3 :p

when it's released in 2008:eek:

15-Mar-2006, 01:35 AM
id go with the 360, dead rising baby!.

that and xbox live (which the ps3 is releasing under a different name, but its just a 'coincidence' that it has exactly the same features ohhh a freinds list,lol.)

i like the ps2 as much as my xbox but im getting a 360, purely becuase the ps3 looks terrible and if you need to steal the font from the spiderman films title for your logo, then thats not gonna give your gaming patrons much faith in your new console.

22-Mar-2006, 04:07 PM
Get a 360. With games really coming out in droves now you won't have to worry about which games to get.

22-Mar-2006, 08:05 PM
i would say wait for PS3 or the REV. i would say REV more. the XBOX 360 has gone down like a nazi joke in a Jewish house. no one likes it and infact the Gamecube has been outselling it MASIVLY!! so withut Jap Support its not realy gonna get any REALY good games. i say go nintendo. PSP is worthless so just avoid it like a stinking fat tramp that talks to him self.

22-Mar-2006, 08:08 PM
i would say wait for PS3 or the REV. i would say REV more. the XBOX 360 has gone down like a nazi joke in a Jewish house. no one likes it and infact the Gamecube has been outselling it MASIVLY!! so withut Jap Support its not realy gonna get any REALY good games. i say go nintendo. PSP is worthless so just avoid it like a stinking fat tramp that talks to him self.

Sounds like cow propaganda to me!

Also, I need empirical proof about the 360 being a failure you think it is before I should even contemplate your views. Until the PS3 and the Rev comes out or at least gets its SKU released to stores for pre-orders they're nothing but vaporware to me.

23-Mar-2006, 05:29 AM
Sounds like cow propaganda to me!

Also, I need empirical proof about the 360 being a failure you think it is before I should even contemplate your views. Until the PS3 and the Rev comes out or at least gets its SKU released to stores for pre-orders they're nothing but vaporware to me.

As of January 15th 2006, nearly 2 months into the release, the X360 had not sold as many units in Japan as the original Xbox had sold in its first 3 days. It is still selling poorly in Japan so in Japan it is a failure. Here in the USA, it's not doing so bad, it still sells out very quick, but it lacks games. There are a lot of games set to come out soon, but nothing that really stands out and shines. I really think that people should wait for all 3 systems to come out and then see which has the better games, as the games are what counts.

One thing about the PS3 that is a great advantage, the online service will be very similar to Xbox Live, but it will be free.

23-Mar-2006, 12:02 PM
not only will the PS3 have far better games but it will have a bigger and more varied catalogue. this is because its far more programmer friendly than the 360 and has already drawn alot of attention away from it from many big game companies.

the games are also going to be technically and graphically superior (as it uses blueray disks which can hold 50GB of data compared to the 360 and its DVD's, which can hold a massive 4GB :rolleyes:).on top of that, the system its self is far superior to the 360, sony, knowing that the original XBOX was technically superior to the PS2, have deliberatly held back on the PS3 until the specs of the 360 were set in stone so they wouldn't make the same mistake again.

and with the date set at august '06 i seriously doubt sony would knock it back more, considering the PS3 uses a format which has never been used (BD-R) they can be excuses one minor set back.

23-Mar-2006, 12:57 PM
One, most of the talk coming out some of the developers (though unsubstantiated since no one wants to **** off Sony) are that the PS3 is easier to dvelop for than the PS2 but not the 360. Part of that is the fact that the 360 has the XNA developer tools to help bridge the gap between developing games for the console and the pc. The two are pretty much similar and Microsoft (a company heavy on software) has made XNA to make it easy for games developers to create games for the 360 and for future Vista-based games. The PS3 is running off a new processor architecture with CELL, a custom-made nVidia graphics processor, and a new storage media. All three being new untested systems and technologies that developers are still learning how to really use. If you don't believe me just go scour news and articles on Gamespot, Joystiq and other gaming news sites.

As for the 360 not selling in Japan, that's understandable and I pretty much knew it would be happening since Japan as a gaming consumer region is very insular. They will buy Japanese first. But the latest news from analyst have already reported the 360 having sold between 1.5 to 2 million units and thats with all the shortages since launch. They see the 360 nearing the 5 million unit sold mark by summer time since manufacturing has ramped up since the start of spring. 10 million units sold of the 360 being an attainable goal by the November release of the PS3.

As for the PSNP (Playstation Network Platform), yes it is free and it does boast similar things from Live, but if you read closer to their announcement it's pretty much similar to what the PS2 online system was. Sony is willing to set-up servers for Sony-based games, but leaves it up for third-party developers to set their own systems up then hook it up to the PSNP. This is not a unified network system like Live. Now factor in the fact that CELL still hasn't been proven as a viable and stable network system and developers may not support deep and complex online gaming for the PS3. XBLive is a unified system thus allowing developers to just learn how the XBL system works. Developers need not set-up their own network connections (which costs money) since Microsoft has built-up such a large, stable and proven infrastructure.

Does this all mean I won't buy a PS3? Nope. I've been a gamer since the early 80's and have owned every conceivable console systems (Turbo Grafx-16 and Neo-Geo anyone), but the blind fanaticism people have for the PS3 when it hasn't been released, shown to fully work, and details about pricing, whether HDD is packaged with the system or to be purchased separately, and all the hoopla for the BD-DVD (I like my dvd-9 system fine enough alright and manufacturers are already complaining about the new tehcnology, LG and Samsung specifically) is getting abit old. People dismiss the 360 jst because MS makes it and its that way of thinking which kept certain gamers from playing games like KOTOR, HALO, Forza, Jade Empire, Ninja Gaiden, etc...

Also, scour the major gaming new sites about the current GDC and for all the cool news about the PS3 and the PSNP, its balanced out by sobering, unanswered questions about the PS3 HDD, PSNP, pricing, etc...

23-Mar-2006, 03:02 PM
Just a personal factioid in regard to the XBOX 360 in Japan: I was in Nagoya last December on the day it was released, and there was literally no one buying the system. There were stacks of it at electronics stores, and most folks were buying games for PSP and Nintendo DS instead.

The XBOX really tends to be a Western popularity, and it was interesting to see the "selling poorly in Japan" thing actually played out.

24-Mar-2006, 05:39 AM
Also, scour the major gaming new sites about the current GDC and for all the cool news about the PS3 and the PSNP, its balanced out by sobering, unanswered questions about the PS3 HDD, PSNP, pricing, etc...

Sony answered most of the questions last week. The PS3 will be no less than $425, have an internal 60gb HDD come standard, will have a free online service just like Xbox Live, and will be out on November 11th world wide.

and with the date set at august '06 i seriously doubt sony would knock it back more, considering the PS3 uses a format which has never been used (BD-R) they can be excuses one minor set back.

They gave a release date of November 11th last week during their press conference about the PS3.

Just a personal factioid in regard to the XBOX 360 in Japan: I was in Nagoya last December on the day it was released, and there was literally no one buying the system. There were stacks of it at electronics stores, and most folks were buying games for PSP and Nintendo DS instead.

The XBOX really tends to be a Western popularity, and it was interesting to see the "selling poorly in Japan" thing actually played out.

I think that the Xbox and Xbox 360 aren't as popular in Japan because they just don't provide the games that Japaneese gamers like. I really do believe it is as simple as that.

24-Mar-2006, 10:20 AM

awwww i wanted to do it rainbowy too but I cany do it....I suck :confused: :(

25-Mar-2006, 10:48 PM
Cykotic, what current systems do you have besides a PS2?

26-Mar-2006, 06:09 AM
what exactly has PS3 got going for it anyway?
Metal Gear Solid 4 with 5 minutes of MGS2 gameplay and some new gimmick as well as 5 hours of preachy cut scenes?
A pointless and disc format that is more expensive then both DVD ) and HD-DVD?
All Iv'e heard is Sony and the fan boys preach pure hype about nothing.

The only solid facts are that the next generation consoles are evenly matched in terms of power and that PS3 is going to be the most expensive of the lot.