View Full Version : UNBELIEVABLE.. O'Reilly labels Foley a Democrat!!

04-Oct-2006, 11:48 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

I guess I shouldn't be shocked considering it's O'Reilly.


Click Me!! (http://www.bradblog.com/Video/FoxOReilly_FoleyDEMOCRAT_100603.wmv)

:barf: :barf: :barf: Bill O'Reilly :barf: :barf: :barf:

04-Oct-2006, 11:58 PM
I've been so confused over this entire story.....all I know is, Foley was/is a pedophile -- hang him!!!!

05-Oct-2006, 12:26 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

I guess I shouldn't be shocked considering it's O'Reilly.


Click Me!! (http://www.bradblog.com/Video/FoxOReilly_FoleyDEMOCRAT_100603.wmv)

:barf: :barf: :barf: Bill O'Reilly :barf: :barf: :barf:

What exactly does Bill O'Reilly have to do with this? It was FOX News who did it...by mistake. I'm sure it had to be a mistake. Do they think that people would not notice?

05-Oct-2006, 12:31 AM
yeah fox started this yesterday, ****ing sad.

i'm waiting for an Olberman commentary on this all.

I've been so confused over this entire story.....all I know is, Foley was/is a pedophile -- hang him!!!!

hanging isn't a gaurenteed kill.

double tap him in the back of the head, it; quick and certain.

05-Oct-2006, 01:41 AM
What exactly does Bill O'Reilly have to do with this? It was FOX News who did it...by mistake. I'm sure it had to be a mistake. Do they think that people would not notice?

This clip is from the O'Reilly factor, but yeah I guess you're right, it is Fox, not O'Reilly himself.

He still disgusts me though!

05-Oct-2006, 02:17 AM
The Fux News folks grasping at straw. Gotta love it! :elol:

05-Oct-2006, 02:39 AM
sh!ts gonna hit the ceiling fan

05-Oct-2006, 02:53 AM
Oh noes, a technical **** up!!!!

Remember when CNN put a big X over Dick Cheneys head? **** happens, give it a rest. :cool:

05-Oct-2006, 03:47 AM
DrudgeReport had a brief article about the young page being named. A website called PassionateAmerica names a Menudo looking kid Jordan Edmund as the secret IMer.

05-Oct-2006, 12:49 PM
What exactly does Bill O'Reilly have to do with this? It was FOX News who did it...by mistake. I'm sure it had to be a mistake. Do they think that people would not notice?

Oh noes, a technical **** up!!!!

Remember when CNN put a big X over Dick Cheneys head? **** happens, give it a rest. :cool:

Question for you "It's just a F-up" folks.

If it was just a technical glitch, then why, when they showed the re-run of the O'Reilly factor later that night, did they remove the text all together.

When they played that exact clip on the later re-run. there was nothing there on the screen. Seems to me they would have left the image and simply replaced the (mistaken) (D) with the (correct) (R).

Most all of us know that he is not a (D). however, there are some folks out there, that saw this episode of o'reilly and will now think this guy a Dem, no matter what.

I mean come on, it's the "No Spin Zone" :lol: :lol:

All of the right wing, Repub, conserv, supporting crap I have seen outta faux news over the years. I can't just immediately dismiss it as a mistake.

05-Oct-2006, 12:54 PM
While I would reserve judgement on wether or not it was a mistake, I would just say its stupid. Not that all the liberal stations havent done just as bad if nt worse things. Ahem Dan Rather for example.

This isnt a real big issue though, although it was stupid. They should just have the guy who did the editing for it come on and apologize and be done with it.

05-Oct-2006, 06:00 PM
While I would reserve judgement on wether or not it was a mistake, I would just say its stupid. Not that all the liberal stations havent done just as bad if nt worse things. Ahem Dan Rather for example.

This isnt a real big issue though, although it was stupid. They should just have the guy who did the editing for it come on and apologize and be done with it.

Amen, on the money.

05-Oct-2006, 06:22 PM
DrudgeReport had a brief article about the young page being named. A website called PassionateAmerica names a Menudo looking kid Jordan Edmund as the secret IMer.

Yeah Drudge was also on TV last night blaming the KIDS!!

Of course it isn't the adult, pedophiles fault, he couldn't help it.

Drudge was going on and on about how the kids were leading the Senator (yes he kept calling Foley "The Senator", hasn't he resigned?) on with suggestive messages.


They are freakin kids!!!!

He is an adult!!!

It's against the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a question, why hasn't he been contacted by law enforcement? why isn't he sitting in jail.

What he did was solicitation! That is illegal!

Drudge even had the nerve to compare Clinton's Lewinsky scandal to this!

Uh, I believe Monica was 22 at the time, not freakin 15!

This isn't a question of adultry, or having sex in an inappropriate place, It's about pedophilia. The man is a pedophile and he is being treated by the right as if he is the victim.

It makes me sick!

05-Oct-2006, 06:31 PM
Yeah Drudge was also on TV last night blaming the KIDS!!

Of course it isn't the adult, pedophiles fault, he couldn't help it.

Drudge was going on and on about how the kids were leading the Senator (yes he kept calling Foley "The Senator", hasn't he resigned?) on with suggestive messages.


They are freakin kids!!!!

He is an adult!!!

It's against the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a question, why hasn't he been contacted by law enforcement? why isn't he sitting in jail.

What he did was solicitation! That is illegal!

Drudge even had the nerve to compare Clinton's Lewinsky scandal to this!

Uh, I believe Monica was 22 at the time, not freakin 15!

This isn't a question of adultry, or having sex in an inappropriate place, It's about pedophilia. The man is a pedophile and he is being treated by the right as if he is the victim.

It makes me sick!

I am not defending Foley, but lets be realistic, there isnt any proof that he had a sexual relationship with this kid, and this kid was 17 by the way, seen the IM transcripts? He was like 2 months shy of his 18th birthday. So lets not pretend it was some 12 year old.

This doesnt excuse that he was predatory and harrassing a page. Much like Gery Stubbs who actually DID have sex with an underaged male page. By the way he was a (D). He was also re-elected and never did jail time.

05-Oct-2006, 06:42 PM
but lets be realistic, there isnt any proof that he had a sexual relationship with this kid, and this kid was 17 by the way, seen the IM transcripts? He was like 2 months shy of his 18th birthday. So lets not pretend it was some 12 year old.

This doesnt excuse that he was predatory and harrassing a page. Much like Gery Stubbs who actually DID have sex with an underaged male page. By the way he was a (D). He was also re-elected and never did jail time.

That's not the point Khardis! Wether he actually penetrated the child with his member or not!

I have tried to say this as clearly as possible.


Simply by the action of pressing the send key, he broke the law. Solicitation.

And no, the kid was not 17, he is now! He was 15 when the IM's were being passed.

and that's just the one kid whose messages has leaked, what about all of the other pages that are coming out now, saying they too got messages from him. Were they planted in there by the left? Probably not!

Pedophilia is a sickness, a disease if you will, and if that sick bastard was doing this, this past year, you can bet your ass he has done it for YEARS!!!!

Right, no proof of SEX, but plently of proof that he broke the law, and plenty of proof that he had the intent!

I know you'll find this hard to believe, but this has gone past political lines for me. R or D means nothing to me in this deiscussion. I am a father of an 11 yo and a 13 yo and this boils my blood.

And to top it off, this sicko was in charge, IN CHARGE, of legislating internet porn, and missing and exploited childern. I guess he wanted to get an up close and personal view of the situiation, so he could be more effective in his job, huh?

05-Oct-2006, 06:57 PM
That's not the point Khardis! Wether he actually penetrated the child with his member or not!

I have tried to say this as clearly as possible.


Simply by the action of pressing the send key, he broke the law. Solicitation.

And no, the kid was not 17, he is now! He was 15 when the IM's were being passed.

and that's just the one kid whose messages has leaked, what about all of the other pages that are coming out now, saying they too got messages from him. Were they planted in there by the left? Probably not!

Pedophilia is a sickness, a disease if you will, and if that sick bastard was doing this, this past year, you can bet your ass he has done it for YEARS!!!!

Right, no proof of SEX, but plently of proof that he broke the law, and plenty of proof that he had the intent!

I know you'll find this hard to believe, but this has gone past political lines for me. R or D means nothing to me in this deiscussion. I am a father of an 11 yo and a 13 yo and this boils my blood.

And to top it off, this sicko was in charge, IN CHARGE, of legislating internet porn, and missing and exploited childern. I guess he wanted to get an up close and personal view of the situiation, so he could be more effective in his job, huh?

I just find it hypocritical that the left is all over this like flies on sh*t, and yet they re-elect that Gerry Stubbs guy like 3 or 4 times? And he was proven to be having sex with underage male pages. Why arent you out for his blood too? Why only for this guy who didnt actually have sex with anyone? Have you read any of the transcripts? I agree they made me sick, but the guy wasnt buggering anyone.

And on top of that, its apparent that the democrats knew about this for some time, now they are calling for peoples resignations... Correct me if I am wrong, but if you know someone is a predator and you sit on it for your own personal gain at a later date youre just as guilty.

You will have to prove that the "kid" was 15 at the time, the transcript that I had seen said he was 17 in the kids own words. What you SHOULD be asking though is why the democrats who leaked this to the press sat on it and allowed a pedophile to go after kids for so long.

05-Oct-2006, 07:15 PM
I just find it hypocritical that the left is all over this like flies on sh*t, and yet they re-elect that Gerry Stubbs guy like 3 or 4 times? And he was proven to be having sex with underage male pages. Why arent you out for his blood too? Why only for this guy who didnt actually have sex with anyone? Have you read any of the transcripts? I agree they made me sick, but the guy wasnt buggering anyone.

And on top of that, its apparent that the democrats knew about this for some time, now they are calling for peoples resignations... Correct me if I am wrong, but if you know someone is a predator and you sit on it for your own personal gain at a later date youre just as guilty.

You will have to prove that the "kid" was 15 at the time, the transcript that I had seen said he was 17 in the kids own words. What you SHOULD be
asking though is why the democrats who leaked this to the press sat on it and allowed a pedophile to go after kids for so long.

First of all, I didn't re-elect Gary Stubbs. And unfortuntely, I do not know who he is. I will do some research on him tonight. Sorry, I just haven't heard of him. But I can promise you one thing, If he did do what you say, then there is a TCM meathook for him hanging right next to Foley's as far as I'm concerned!

Khardis, this is where you always make me loose respect for you. Everytime it looks like you are actually gonna come out of a post without making a ridicualous comment, you have to go and say something like this:

Have you read any of the transcripts? I agree they made me sick, but the guy wasnt buggering anyone.

Do you not understand what "Against the law" means? Especially when it is supposed to be someone making the exact laws he was breaking.

I know that since you are WAAYY too young to have kids, that you are simply incapable of seeing this issue the same way people with kids do, but hell, I'll try:

What if it was your 15 yo (or 16 or even 17) child that this 54 year old bastard was sending those type messages to?

Would you still feel as though he "wasn't buggering anyone?"

Answer that one Khardis, don't just pass over it and spew more rhetoric. I want you to address that question right there. what if it was your kid!

you really sound like you taking up for him!

05-Oct-2006, 07:36 PM
I agree this guy's in the wrong and that if this was the only leaked incident, I'm sure if they dig, they'll find many, many more. However, you can't help but see the tactic happening here. Politics is a popularity contest. See how much crap you can make the competition look like so that you come out smelling like a rose.

The fact that this is even *big* news is a crime too. A big one. When are ANY media outlets going to concentrate on any REAL issues? You'll see a story about some kid with polio while you read across the bottom in a scroller how some bill that could possibly mean we're moving towards a fascist state sneaks along. The kid with polio is of no concernt to me and is not news that matters to me or anyone except the boy and his immediate family.

The fact that you guys are arguing about this dumbass' sexual behavior as if it affects your REAL future is simply absurd, just like the media circus surrounding it.

I hate the media and I hate spin. Now, the two are synonomous with each other. It's sickening.

Romero should make a new zombie movie that makes a commentary on this aspect, that much of america is zombies...and the news will run stories about how some child molester sent IMs even though the public at large is dying/undead. Pffft.

05-Oct-2006, 08:15 PM
Romero should make a new zombie movie that makes a commentary on this aspect, that much of america is zombies...and the news will run stories about how some child molester sent IMs even though the public at large is dying/undead. Pffft.

Hehe thats actually a really good idea for a zombie movie.....

Like the video and audio of the news cast is all about rising oil prices...and ****ty economy... Human Interests Stories....

And at the bottom running in text.... "The Dead have Risen Seek Immediate Shelter"...

05-Oct-2006, 08:36 PM

I don't think anything has ever been said better about our current administration.

05-Oct-2006, 09:13 PM
Yeah Drudge was also on TV last night blaming the KIDS!!

Of course it isn't the adult, pedophiles fault, he couldn't help it.

Drudge was going on and on about how the kids were leading the Senator (yes he kept calling Foley "The Senator", hasn't he resigned?) on with suggestive messages.


They are freakin kids!!!!

He is an adult!!!

It's against the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a question, why hasn't he been contacted by law enforcement? why isn't he sitting in jail.

What he did was solicitation! That is illegal!

Drudge even had the nerve to compare Clinton's Lewinsky scandal to this!

Uh, I believe Monica was 22 at the time, not freakin 15!

This isn't a question of adultry, or having sex in an inappropriate place, It's about pedophilia. The man is a pedophile and he is being treated by the right as if he is the victim.

It makes me sick!

You should wait before making such ignorant remarks. And I do mean ignorant, you are not very well informed on this subject. The false outrage is laughable as well. The page was 18, not 15 when these IM's happened. It's also coming to light that this was a prank by the page and some of his buddies to get Foley to make a fool of himself. The truth is probably along these lines...Foley is a pathetic, lonely, aging homosexual man who fell for a sick joke by some young jerkoff. Who did this guy really hurt other than himself?

05-Oct-2006, 09:23 PM
And I do mean ignorant,

you are not very well informed on this subject.

The false outrage is laughable as well.

Oh do you now!: :D :D Well that settles it, since you DO mean it!:lol: :lol:

Ha Ha, but of course YOU are!

By THE false outrage, do you mean that my personal outrage towards this sick PEDOPHILE is false?

Well, you sir are ignorant, and I DO mean ignorant!

Thanks for the afternoon chuckle leo, you never let us down, do you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Multi-year Senators do not resign from their positions over pranks!

05-Oct-2006, 09:28 PM
Oh do you now!: :D :D Well that settles it, since you DO mean it!:lol: :lol:

Ha Ha, but of course YOU are!

By THE false outrage, do you mean that my personal outrage towards this sick PEDOPHILE is false?

Well, you sir are ignorant, and I DO mean ignorant!

Thanks for the afternoon chuckle leo, you never let us down, do you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Multi-year Senators do not resign from their positions over pranks!

How can he be a pedophile if the "victim" is of legal age?

05-Oct-2006, 09:36 PM
How can he be a pedophile if the "victim" is of legal age?

They, read THEY were not 18!!

It amazes me that you can say I am not well informed on the subject! :confused: :confused:

Do you watch Fox New Leo?

05-Oct-2006, 09:44 PM
They, read THEY were not 18!!

It amazes me that you can say I am not well informed on the subject! :confused: :confused:

Do you watch Fox New Leo?

WTF are you talking about? The page was 18. Who is "they"? What are you talking about?
Again, how can Foley be a pedophile if the page was 18? Can you answer that question without some retarded reply?

05-Oct-2006, 09:53 PM
WTF are you talking about? The page was 18. Who is "they"? What are you talking about?
Again, how can Foley be a pedophile if the page was 18? Can you answer that question without some retarded reply?

IF the PAGES were 18, he wouldn't be a pedophile.

THEY were not!

As I said, which by the way, was in no way retarded, you call me mis-informed! :lol: :lol:

Go get informed! I am done.

05-Oct-2006, 09:59 PM
IF the PAGES were 18, he wouldn't be a pedophile.

THEY were not!

As I said, which by the way, was in no way retarded, you call me mis-informed! :lol: :lol:

Go get informed! I am done.

It's mind numbing how stupid you are behaving. Foley was talking to one page. And the page he was talking with was 18.
And you are done? Thank god for small miracles.

05-Oct-2006, 10:28 PM


Looky there, it took me about 30 seconds to find two links!

05-Oct-2006, 10:29 PM
It's mind numbing how stupid you are behaving. Foley was talking to one page. And the page he was talking with was 18.
And you are done? Thank god for small miracles.

Im not taking sides here....

But everything I have heard so far has indicated that he was talking to more than one page...but who knows that could be exagerated journalism

05-Oct-2006, 10:43 PM
Im not taking sides here....

But everything I have heard so far has indicated that he was talking to more than one page...but who knows that could be exagerated journalism

This stuff about the other pages just broke. I was talking specifically about the 18 year old page. The one that we have proof of right now.
He missed my point though. He just goes off without knowing all the details. It's not as if I'm a supporter of the guy. The guy(Foley) is a sad, pathetic man.

05-Oct-2006, 10:55 PM
This stuff about the other pages just broke.

Uh, no it didn't, you were just, and I quote, not very well informed on this subject.

And you know what, I would appreciate it if you would drop the insults. If you've noticed, they have all been going one way! Rarely do I resort to the childish name calling and insulting though! I don't see the point.

It does, however, tend to get a little old. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

05-Oct-2006, 11:07 PM
Uh, no it didn't, you were just, and I quote, not very well informed on this subject.

Yes it did. And I thought you were done?
By the way, don't blow a gasket with that false outrage of yours. I'm sure you are losing sleep at night over the old fart pervert lusting over some jerkoff pages.
And how much you wanna bet that maybe we don't know all the details yet? If I listened to you though, I would get the impression that there is nothing left to know. That is ignorant.

05-Oct-2006, 11:17 PM
Yes it did. And I thought you were done?
By the way, don't blow a gasket with that false outrage of yours. I'm sure you are losing sleep at night over the old fart pervert lusting over some jerkoff pages.
And how much you wanna bet that maybe we don't know all the details yet? If I listened to you though, I would get the impression that there is nothing left to know. That is ignorant.

There go those insults again!:lol: :lol: :lol:

05-Oct-2006, 11:31 PM
There go those insults again!:lol: :lol: :lol:

Where are the insults?

06-Oct-2006, 12:23 AM
Ok, can we just clear this up the best we can and move on for the moment.

Was Foley doing something inappropriate? Yes he was.

Was it a crime? No since the page wasn't a minor but it was still wrong.

Should he have criminal charges brought against him? Only if and investigation shows a minor was somehow abused.

Did the Republicans really know about it? Most likely a few, but not that many.

Did the Democrats know about it? Probably as many Democrats as Republicans.

Did the media jump to conclusions? When has it not?

Should we wait for all the facts to come out before starting another long thread that turns into flaming and then gets off topic somewhere in the third page? For the love of God, YES!!!!!

06-Oct-2006, 12:33 AM
Ok, can we just clear this up the best we can and move on for the moment.

Was Foley doing something inappropriate? Yes he was.

Was it a crime? No since the page wasn't a minor but it was still wrong.

Should he have criminal charges brought against him? Only if and investigation shows a minor was somehow abused.

Did the Republicans really know about it? Most likely a few, but not that many.

Did the Democrats know about it? Probably as many Democrats as Republicans.

Did the media jump to conclusions? When has it not?

Should we wait for all the facts to come out before starting another long thread that turns into flaming and then gets off topic somewhere in the third page? For the love of God, YES!!!!!


06-Oct-2006, 01:35 AM
I reiterate...what importance does this fiasco serve? None that I can see. It's a glorification by the media to detract attention from events that actually concern US as a NATION.

Jeeze...get a friggin brain already, people.

06-Oct-2006, 12:59 PM
First of all, I didn't re-elect Gary Stubbs. And unfortuntely, I do not know who he is. I will do some research on him tonight. Sorry, I just haven't heard of him. But I can promise you one thing, If he did do what you say, then there is a TCM meathook for him hanging right next to Foley's as far as I'm concerned!

Khardis, this is where you always make me loose respect for you. Everytime it looks like you are actually gonna come out of a post without making a ridicualous comment, you have to go and say something like this:

Have you read any of the transcripts? I agree they made me sick, but the guy wasnt buggering anyone.

Do you not understand what "Against the law" means? Especially when it is supposed to be someone making the exact laws he was breaking.

I know that since you are WAAYY too young to have kids, that you are simply incapable of seeing this issue the same way people with kids do, but hell, I'll try:

What if it was your 15 yo (or 16 or even 17) child that this 54 year old bastard was sending those type messages to?

Would you still feel as though he "wasn't buggering anyone?"

Answer that one Khardis, don't just pass over it and spew more rhetoric. I want you to address that question right there. what if it was your kid!

you really sound like you taking up for him!

Well like I said according to the bit of transcript I had read, he never propositioned anyone, he made nasty coments then stopped when the guy told him to. Thats not illegal. There is a lot to this story that hasnt come out yet and I will reserve judgement of him being guilty or not until we have all the facts. If youre looking for someone to hang though, Gerry Stubbs is the man, he raped a 17 year old boy.

Oh do you now!: :D :D Well that settles it, since you DO mean it!:lol: :lol:

Ha Ha, but of course YOU are!

By THE false outrage, do you mean that my personal outrage towards this sick PEDOPHILE is false?

Well, you sir are ignorant, and I DO mean ignorant!

Thanks for the afternoon chuckle leo, you never let us down, do you?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Multi-year Senators do not resign from their positions over pranks!

well they do if they are republicans. People who are ashamed if they do something shameful. unlike say Gerry Stubbs who raped a boy page and then got re-elected by all his democrat pals. Oh by the way he was applauded in congress after by a number of current democrats like nancy pelosi.

I reiterate...what importance does this fiasco serve? None that I can see. It's a glorification by the media to detract attention from events that actually concern US as a NATION.

Jeeze...get a friggin brain already, people.

The liberal media is hyping this because Democrats have no plans or positions to secure America in ths world. And they need something to embarrass Republicans right before the election.

06-Oct-2006, 06:54 PM
The liberal media is hyping this because Democrats have no plans or positions to secure America in ths world. And they need something to embarrass Republicans right before the election.

First off, you've just described the basis for modern politics. It's not what you do, it's how good you look. Both sides have proven this time and again. It's a crying shame, though, that because the media is playing this to be a big deal, everyone feels the need to treat it like one. It's not. It's akin to watching your local news with a story about a 60lbs. cat for several days. TV show bumpers would include blurbs like "60lbs cat takes a 10lbs dump! Story at 11." Does that matter to you? More than what your state is doing with your tax dollars and what laws are being written to govern your life and lifestyle?

I know the media is about sensationalism. The point I'm trying to make is that you guys here arguing about it just confirm that you let the media dictate what is important to you, liberal or not. I mean, if it REALLY interests you, fine. Personally, I couldn't give a puke. Bills are being rushed through while this fiasco is happening as we speak with very little mention of what they entail. Misdirection..."...when she got fired, she was looking the wrong way..."

This story should have been only a blurb on a scroller at best.