View Full Version : Perfect

05-Oct-2006, 03:59 AM
You know, I just remembered that Land Of The Dead was like the only film i've ever seen get a perfect 5/5 score from critics on movies.go ? Huh.. lol. I love Land. I think its a real breath of fresh air.

05-Oct-2006, 04:03 AM
I smell fish

05-Oct-2006, 01:09 PM
Yup, fish that just got munched by a troll.

I smell fish

05-Oct-2006, 01:19 PM
Fish? Trolls? I'm confused:p .

I like Land.....but to call it perfect is a pretty big stretch. It has it's flaws. Some of them pretty large. I'm mostly talking about Eugene Clark, of course.

It's a good film and I enjoy the hell out of it, but to call it perfect is just kind of crazy.

05-Oct-2006, 05:23 PM
i didn't say its perfect. but, it got a perfect rating from critics on movies.go. i thought that was quite amazing.

05-Oct-2006, 05:24 PM
i didn't say its perfect. but, it got a perfect rating from critics on movies.go. i thought that was quite amazing.

Yeah, I know. I was talking about their 5/5 rating. I mean....isn't that basically implying that it's perfect?:confused:

05-Oct-2006, 06:09 PM
Maybe not perfect... And maybe not the absolute best addition to the series... But I'm finding myself liking it more and more everytime I watch it.

05-Oct-2006, 11:56 PM
Hostages have been known to come to sympathize with their captors. Perhaps your growing affinity is a film version of the Helsinki Syndrome.

Maybe not perfect... And maybe not the absolute best addition to the series... But I'm finding myself liking it more and more everytime I watch it.

06-Oct-2006, 07:05 PM
Hostages have been known to come to sympathize with their captors. Perhaps your growing affinity is a film version of the Helsinki Syndrome.

very lol man:lol:

06-Oct-2006, 07:16 PM
Hostages have been known to come to sympathize with their captors. Perhaps your growing affinity is a film version of the Helsinki Syndrome.


Yeah, so your appreciation of the other films didn't grow the more you watched them?

06-Oct-2006, 07:32 PM
Hostages have been known to come to sympathize with their captors. Perhaps your growing affinity is a film version of the Helsinki Syndrome.

Get your syndromes right. There's no such thing as a "Helsinki Syndrome". You're referring to the Stockholm syndrome. :p

07-Oct-2006, 12:53 AM
Wouldn't it be more like empathize?

07-Oct-2006, 06:08 PM
'Land' is a damn fine entry in the series. In terms of atmosphere, I think it's the darkest chapter since 'Night' but perfect? Nah! That's crazy talk!

08-Oct-2006, 08:10 AM
LOL EvilNed, you are so right. My bad.

Get your syndromes right. There's no such thing as a "Helsinki Syndrome". You're referring to the Stockholm syndrome. :p

08-Oct-2006, 05:48 PM
Lol @ Helsinki syndrome :lol:

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 03:06 AM
Yeah, I know. I was talking about their 5/5 rating. I mean....isn't that basically implying that it's perfect?:confused:

Yes a 5/5 is indeed perfect, there's just no other way to interperet it. It's the highest ranking on the scale. What critics were these anyway? The two gay dues from " in living color?" Two snaps up!!