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View Full Version : I Am Zombie Man ... 2

05-Oct-2006, 10:45 AM
Listen up bitches :D

Like I said in earlier discussions about IAZM2 I'm looking for questions from you guys to ask Zombie Man himself, which will be featured in a Q&A session in his Christmas Message.

What I'm after is questions that are zombie related, stuff that wasn't covered in the first IAZM, or perhaps you want to know more specifics about an "issue" raised in the first IAZM. Think up some good'uns and I'll include them in the script for IAZM2 (which will be filmed between Xmas and New Year).

Either post your question here or send me a PM with the title "IAZM2".

Cheers chaps (and chappettes), I'm looking forward to pointing my brand spanking new DVX100B at ZM himself, should be a fun Xmas holiday. :cool:

05-Oct-2006, 11:01 AM
Mr. Zombie...

As a zombie yourself, how do you feel about the depiction of your brethern on film today?

Do you feel that zombie films today are more watered down, and catered to for the MTV generation, or do you feel they are better than previous entries?

05-Oct-2006, 11:30 AM
*rubs hands together in an evil manner*

Ok, I need a day or two, but I'll come up with some good questions for ZM.. :elol:

05-Oct-2006, 11:37 AM
Mr. Zombie Man,

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

yours truly,


05-Oct-2006, 06:12 PM
Zombie Man,

What exactly are your thoughts on the violently post-mortemist feelings of society today?


05-Oct-2006, 07:12 PM
Nice questions guys, ZM's gonna have fun with these, keep them coming.

Maitreya, ZM's agent wants to clarify what you mean by "post-mortemist"? Like 'anti-dead-people', or something else? :cool:

05-Oct-2006, 11:52 PM
Yep... Anti-dead-people

06-Oct-2006, 12:33 AM
I dunno about anyone else... but I am really excited to be getting a sequel to IAZM. Dude, film it now. We need Zombie Man :D

06-Oct-2006, 02:09 AM
Zombie man: How's the bean bag doin'? Last I heard you were having a tough time with it. :D

::sings to himself to the tune of 'spiderman':: "Zombie man, zombie man.. does whatever a zombie can.. eats a brain, any size.. arm or legs, a neck or thigh.. look out.. here comes the zombie maaaaan!"

*cough* *sniff* :eek:

06-Oct-2006, 11:34 AM
Sweet as (lovin' the theme tune there Lou), keep the questions coming people, I'll no doubt PM the people who commented on IAZM if they haven't responded here, get the fans involved you know.

*chuckles* Oh Dj, you're just going to have to wait :elol:, ZM's currently touring Cardiff for a while, last I heard he was passed out, face down in a gutter with a used condom up his nose after it floated down the street-water-stream he was lying in ... of course, being a zombie, he can survive under water ... or at least with his decaying nose submerged in gutter water. But yeah, he's enjoying the high life at the moment ... the fame has totally gone to his maggoty head.

06-Oct-2006, 12:03 PM
Ohh, another question:

Zombie man: if you could rejoin the living, would you do so? why?

also... If you had one wish in this world - anything at all - what would it be and why?

and lastly: Why did the chicken cross the road?


06-Oct-2006, 06:54 PM
what was b.a's real name?:lol:

06-Oct-2006, 07:34 PM
I can answer that bitch on my own (with Wikipedia :rockbrow:):

Bosco Albert "B.A." Baracus (otherwise nicknamed "Bad Attitude").

Now back to the thread...

06-Oct-2006, 07:51 PM
you learn something everyday.

OH - i got another one.

"dont you think the ask a ninja ninja is a pussy?":lol:

06-Oct-2006, 09:35 PM
"dont you think the ask a ninja ninja is a pussy?":lol:



06-Oct-2006, 09:53 PM
its gotta be said man, its just gotta be said.:D

09-Oct-2006, 05:00 PM
its gotta be said man, its just gotta be said.:D

I'll second that. :D

Zombie Man, have you ever considered plastic surgery to repair your... ummmm.. head? :lol:

Also, what are the social ramifications on an individual with no skin on their skull? is it hard to fit in with your zombie brothers & sisters? do you care?


Oh man, by the time you're ready to film this MZ, you're gonna have too many questions! You might have to make this a feature length version! :D

09-Oct-2006, 05:53 PM

At this rate I'll have to do a whole separate section for your questions! (They're rather spiffing though :cool:) I've even added IAZM2 to the 'HPOTD member's films sticky' thingymajig.

09-Oct-2006, 06:52 PM
Well then, that makes it official, so you can't back out now! :D

09-Oct-2006, 07:05 PM
Mr. Zombie Man,

Does this dress make my butt look fat?

**pirouettes daintily making sure ZM gets the full veiw**

09-Oct-2006, 07:43 PM
aaarrrgghhH!!! I'M BLIND!!!!!!

*cough* <ahem>

oh, sorry... but you need to warn me prior to doing that kinda stuff Adrenochrome. I was looking that direction and I know that my retinas have now been permanently scarred by looking at that display of weirdness. :lol: :lol:

09-Oct-2006, 10:43 PM
Any zombie-related questions in your pockets there, Adreno? :p

Lou's got handfuls of stolen thunder in his. :D (ideal thunder though)

10-Oct-2006, 12:15 AM
Zombie Man, do you feel like you're on a reality show with all these cameras in your face?

How come you haven't bitten the camera operator or the interviewer? Are you losing your 'hunger'? :D :p

10-Oct-2006, 07:18 AM
are the rumors on the zombie grapevine true, did big daddy love the suasageparties?:lol:

10-Oct-2006, 11:49 AM
The old .txt file with all the questions in is growin' alright...dayumn.

10-Oct-2006, 11:49 AM
Yeah, and speaking of Big Daddy..

Zombie Man - is it true the rumors we're hearing as far as how "big" daddy got his name? Can you confirm this rumor? Is he really.. ummm... 'big'? :lol: :D

By the way, I would like to add that your air guitar skills kick mucho ass. :D

10-Oct-2006, 12:17 PM
Yeah, and speaking of Big Daddy..

Zombie Man - is it true the rumors we're hearing as far as how "big" daddy got his name? Can you confirm this rumor? Is he really.. ummm... 'big'? :lol: :D

By the way, I would like to add that your air guitar skills kick mucho ass. :D

Mr. Zombie Man,

Which do you find more to your liking; Brain or Stomach, Liver or spleen?

Would you like to comment on your addiction ZM? Rumor has it you have taken quite a fondness to the new super drug HPotD and it seems to enhanced your mobility... as read in the rumor box. :shifty:

10-Oct-2006, 12:19 PM
Would you like to comment on your addiction ZM? Rumor has it you have taken quite a fondness to the new super drug HPotD and it seems to enhanced your mobility... as read in the rumor box. :shifty:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Second best question ever!

*whispers to dj* pssssst - he got the stuff from adrenochrome, I swear, I saw it go down right there in the woods!

10-Oct-2006, 01:38 PM
ZM, you compared being bit as being as painful as taking a frisbee to the beanbag. Have you ever taken a frisbee to the beanbag? If so can you describe the sensations and the retaliation you invoked once you recovered from said bean bag hit?

10-Oct-2006, 01:45 PM
..and speaking of the beanbag hit, did you get it in the left jewel, the right one, or did it smack both at the same time? I would assume from your description that it was both, but I think we need some clarification on this.

Also, can you please show us some more of your mad air guitar skills? You looked like a faceless Jimi Hendrix out there, man! Especially when you smashed your 'guitar' against the tree. :D Maybe next time you could to the Jimi/Monterey festival move on the stick - douse it with lighter fluid and set it on fire!

(uh oh, I probably shouldn't suggest that.. ZM might burn down the forest if he's had enough to drink prior to filming! :lol:)

10-Oct-2006, 01:53 PM
..and speaking of the beanbag hit, did you get it in the left jewel, the right one, or did it smack both at the same time? I would assume from your description that it was both, but I think we need some clarification on this.

Also, can you please show us some more of your mad air guitar skills? You looked like a faceless Jimi Hendrix out there, man! Especially when you smashed your 'guitar' against the tree. :D Maybe next time you could to the Jimi/Monterey festival move on the stick - douse it with lighter fluid and set it on fire!

(uh oh, I probably shouldn't suggest that.. ZM might burn down the forest if he's had enough to drink prior to filming! :lol:)

If he does that, the fire guitar that is... MZ needs someone in a bear costume in a forest rangers hat dousing ZM with a fire extibguisher.

Then cut to a scene of ZM eating the bear.

10-Oct-2006, 02:02 PM
YES! have the bear wear a rangers hat so we can do a reference to Smokey the Bear (y'know, the US mascot for forest fire prevention.. do you guys have something like that across the pond?) getting feasted upon by ZM! w00t! :D

That would rule three ways to sunday. :lol:

10-Oct-2006, 05:59 PM
We don't have a Smokey the Bear, but we have Pudsy the Bear ... and Fireman Sam...:D

Damn, these questions are coming thick and fast, IAZM2 is gonna end up being about 8 hours long at this point! :eek:

10-Oct-2006, 06:34 PM
ZM, if you had the chance to be with any zombie chick you wanted out of the three whom would you chose?

1. Julie -ROTLD 3
2. #9 - Land of the Dead
3. The girlfriend zombie from LAND

10-Oct-2006, 06:48 PM
Oh man, I love that question ... and ZM's gonna have a phat answer for that...probably. :D

16-Oct-2006, 02:50 PM
Zombie Man - I only have one more question for you... Where's Waldo?

(please tell me you're familiar with the "Where's Waldo" books over there across the pond - if not, I'll explain.. ;))

16-Oct-2006, 07:02 PM
lol, you're crazy ... don't you worry I'm writing the script now so I'll be getting yours and everyone else's questions sewn into the film...excellent.

16-Oct-2006, 07:07 PM
so is this going to be the "epic" IAZM film or what? With these quesitons and that new DVX100 camera, you should be able to pull a full-length feature outta this one! :elol:

16-Oct-2006, 07:51 PM
lol, maybe not full length, but it's growing in a number of ways.

* New music
* A second zombie
* Planned sequences :eek::D
* HPOTD interaction
* TWO locations :p
* A tripod! (for some of it)
* DVX100B! :cool:
* Maybe a rental car (not rented by me :) - gotta stick true to my DeadShed roots)

And so-on...with all the growth I'll have to try harder to keep the fast and loose vibe of the first alive and well to make it all still fun to make, I have to admit with "VHS" I was starting to wane a bit, for this style of filmmaking I was taking the process a little too seriously while not having enough off-the-cuff fun, I needed to take things easier and just enjoy it more - so I did that with IAZM and it was promptly taken into people's hearts, which has been great.

So I just need to keep that feeling alive in #2 ... I reckon I'll find myself ditching the tripod in favour of that sexy handle-grip more than I've currently planned for, especially with one of the sequences I have planned ... nay, TWO of the sequences I have planned in particular.

Running time ... hmmm ... this could be twice as long perhaps, who knows, it depends on how it goes, I might do some stuff totally off-the-cuff and then dub in extra dialogue later, who knows, just depends on how it goes. Gotta keep things fast and loose...gotta stay true to the original, but grow and polish other parts...and most importantly, make something a zombie fan can laugh at.

16-Oct-2006, 10:46 PM
Zombie Man, do you still need to take a s**t after a good flesh binge?

16-Oct-2006, 11:36 PM
Zombie Man, do you still need to take a s**t after a good flesh binge?


That one almost made me spit my soda on my monitor. :D

17-Oct-2006, 05:01 AM
Zombie Man, if you eat human flesh then why are you hanging out at the forest?

17-Oct-2006, 12:16 PM
Zombie Man - I understand from your first film that you say "zombies can't run" however, I distinctly remember chasing you through the woods and after a huge spoonful of HPotD into your nasal cavity, I'd say you could boogie through the forest pretty well - care to explain yourself?

(you don't need to answer this one in IAZM2, I just wanted to bust balls... :lol: :lol:)

**edited to add: "Zombie man, can dogs look up?" :elol:

17-Oct-2006, 06:42 PM
lol, there's just no stopping you is there? :D Gonna have to pick your best ones to include...:eek:...so many questions ... are you sure you're not a 3-year-old adventurous kid following his uncle around? :)

17-Oct-2006, 06:55 PM
Zombie Man......this is NOT a question...this is a fact,......
I'm showing your ass!!!! (Halloween night showing)
Zombie man
Shaun of the Dead
Night of the Living Dead
Deadlands AGAIN!!!
OK, here's my question,.......when do I get Zombie Man II?

17-Oct-2006, 07:12 PM
Cool man, hope your guests enjoy it - remind them that it was filmed for literally £0.00, was done on consumer level equipment (non-3CCD camera too) and was done from basic idea to final render inside 30 days in spare time - it was designed to be a fast and loose bit of fun.

Introduce it with that so nobody expects something different. :lol:

As for IAZM2 - expect it January 2007.

17-Oct-2006, 07:45 PM
lol, there's just no stopping you is there? :D Gonna have to pick your best ones to include...:eek:...so many questions ... are you sure you're not a 3-year-old adventurous kid following his uncle around? :)

I'll never tell. :elol: :p

Hey, feel free to do a "best of Lou's questions" segment.. I'll keep posting 'em, you just use whatever you feel will have the best reaction from ZM. :D

Adreno - you're watching Deadlands twice on halloween? Man, you're a glutton for punishment, aren't ya? :lol: At least you're kicking off the night with a true classic - IAZM!

17-Oct-2006, 08:10 PM
*oh pishaw*

Flattery will quite literally get you everywhere with me...

I'm still quite shocked at how well it's been received - very, very cool. Mucho appreciente guys.

18-Oct-2006, 06:13 AM
The commentary made me laugh more. Hehe. :lol:

19-Oct-2006, 05:23 PM
I personally think we should petition Dj and MZ to get all of their "director spaz-outs" cut together in one long edit so we can all see how fun it is to watch a director have an aneurysm on set. :lol: :D

Now that, for just the pure entertainment level alone, would be worth the price of admission!

I can see it now..

MZ: "fu*ck!"

cut to Dj, trying to film at my house and a car drives by 2 seconds after yelling action..


cut back to MZ..


back to Dj

"SON OF A MOTHERF*CKIN' BITCH!" ::throws whatever is in his hands down on the ground at full force::

man, I think i'd laugh so hard at that I'd break a few ribs in the process! :lol: :lol:

19-Oct-2006, 07:19 PM
lol ... I too would love to see that.

Strange thing is, I'm such an angel to my actors ... well, sorta ... and I never shout at them, although I'm sure Dj doesn't either, but thus far I haven't really had anything to complain about ... except those buggering bastard midgies/whatever-they-are biting me while filming "my NIGHTMARE" or "I Am Zombie Man" ... then I suppose there were the passing cars while trying to film "Smack Addict" ... oh man, wait till you see the out-take reel from what I was doing before the impromptu video commentary, it will literally be about 5 to 10 minutes of me swearing to the ends of the universe followed by a lot of shaking head in hands with an orchestra of sighing...which goes to show why exactly I'm not an actor, or a TV presenter...

When you guys get to see it, I think you'll bust a nut laughing. I haven't cut it together yet ... but damn, think about the swear tally at the end of the IAZM featurette ... times that by 100. :D

19-Oct-2006, 09:20 PM
I would like to see Zombie Man (TM) score some undead action! Yeah, Zombie Man and Zombie Woman could share some congealed fluids together! :D

19-Oct-2006, 10:21 PM
lol ... perhaps for IAZM3 eh?

(Hell, I actually would film it too, make a killin' in the niche market of zombie porn) :lol:

Never too soon to sell out. :)

20-Oct-2006, 03:29 PM
Zombie Man - if you could be any guitar player in the world (dead or alive) who would it be? Do you think your air guitar skills are just as good as their ability to play their instrument?

...and man, the next time you air guitar, I wanna hear FREEBIRD! PLAY SOME LYNYRD SKYNYRD, MAAAAN!! :lol:

20-Oct-2006, 04:30 PM


Just some evidence to show things are underway - note that the first draft of the script was completed on the 19th, second draft underway soon. The second pic was just an idea I had to get scribbled down with a couple of rough storyboard type pics to retain a visual memory of what I was thinking of at the time.

20-Oct-2006, 04:58 PM

I always preferred 'T For Texas' myself. :D

30-Sep-2009, 11:55 PM
So I was searching through my hard drives tonight and came across I am Zombie Man 2 and decided WTF I wanna give it a watch. God I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. I literally forgot how goddamn funny this short was, and am glad I was able to contribute music to the flick.

Now WHERE THE FUCK IS ZOMBIE MAN 3? You know, the inevitable decomposition of Zombie Man :elol:

01-Oct-2009, 09:43 AM
Bloody nora, here's a blast from the past.

I haven't seen it in ages myself, it's certainly been a long time since it was upped on 'teh intarwebz' (January 2007).

I'm glad you had a good time re-watching it Deej. :cool:

As for IAZM3, it's still on the cards. It's just hard as hell to get a time when I'm ready and Knox is ready, especially as Knox does a lot of activities - he did a 10 day trek for Unicef in Nepal earlier this year for example, and the other weekend he was doing a charity 10k Run, plus his job that carries demanding hours.

Then next year he's doing all sorts, and possibly going abroad for a spell.


So we're gonna TRY and get something done come December as there is a chance of mutually free time being available.

Nothing certain or set in stone, but I have been reworking the IAZM3 script just in case.