View Full Version : Lost Clues: 3.1

05-Oct-2006, 05:37 PM
Cool episode, but honestly, not a lot of clues. I wonder if that's so that newbies can get in and make some sense of the plot. Going to be a great season....

All three of the prisoners (Jack, Sawyer, Kate) suffer from bad father syndrome...Jack's father is a sot who may or may not have shtupped his daughter in law, Kate killed hers and Sawyer's killed himself.

The Stephen King book that Juliet (the girl Other who was a cereal killer in Running Scared...sic) was holding was Carrie, held by others in at least three different editions, some very modern. While we're at it, someone pointed out the many, many similarities between Lost and King's Dark Tower series. Among these are that Dark Tower II starts in an airplane, deals with a character who starts in a wheelchair, a hero struggling with a heroin habit, an underground city or refuge with a 'hatch', Lud in DT series), drums beating incongruously in the background and guns showing up unexpectedly. Sounds far fetched, but King has said repeatedly that he's a big fan of the show, so one of these soon-to-be-aired episodes should show Roland the Gunslinger appearing to shoot up the beach

From Television Without Pity: "None of the other Lostaways is even so much as mentioned, possibly because Hurley is still making his way back to camp. Since this wasn't one of the most action-oriented episodes ever, I was kind of expecting a big cliffhanger ending. Which turned out to be Jack asking Juliette, who has a dossier on him, not what Sarah's new man's name is but if she's happy. Screw Sarah! Make me happy!" ha


Numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42): Over the summer, during the so-called Lost Experience, we learned the relevence of the Numbers, the ones that seem to hex everything they touch. They are apparently related to the Valenzetti Equation, which, according to Lostpedia (link below), predicts the exact number of years and months until humanity extinguishes itself. The equation was derived by a mathematician named Enzo Valenzetti and was commissioned by the UN in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Despite all efforts by the Hanso Foundation, new derivations of the equation keep revealing the same numbers. Their efforts are proving in vain. On the blast door map, there was an area labeled as "low relevance to Valenzetti-related research activity". Gary Troup (author of 'Bad Twin' and also a dead passenger from Oceanic 815) also apparently 'published' a book on Valenzetti. There is, incidentally, a real mathematician named Valenzetti and he did create a mathematical theory but it is probabilistic based around future life of mankind based on birth statistics. This is an interesting corollary to Asimov's Psychohistory from the Foundation science fiction novels...predicting the future with mathematical modeling.


http://www.valenzettiequation.com/ (http://www.valenzettiequation.com/)
Other cool links worth checking out:


06-Oct-2006, 06:48 PM
y'know i just discovered the dark tower books last week and i just ran out to buy the 3rd and yeah i thought "damn this is a little lost-ish in places"