View Full Version : Axl Rose is singing better these days

05-Oct-2006, 08:38 PM
Check out the video clips, he sounds as good as ever. Not wild about the dreads though.


05-Oct-2006, 08:40 PM
....sounds okay. One problem, though.....that's not Guns N Roses..

05-Oct-2006, 08:47 PM
No doubt. I wish he would have just gone by Axl Rose, it would have more cred IMHO.

05-Oct-2006, 09:32 PM
People give axl a lot of sh*t - even me - but he really is a hell of a singer when he's having an "on" night. He, like Layne Staley though, would either be "fantastic" in concert or leave you scratching your head thinking "who the hell was just singing for that band!?" :lol:

but you guys are right, that's not Guns, that's the Axl Rose band. They're all extremely talented musicians, but it's not Guns. They sound pretty good though. I have 3 of the demos from Chinese Democracy, and one of them (Better) is absolutely kick-ass, but I still say China will actually be a democracy before Paxil Rose puts out that album. :D He keeps saying "you'll hear new music before the end of the year" and so far i've only heard 3 crappily-recorded demos of CD. :(

There's still 3 months left in the year though.. we shall see.

Although, I must agree.. the cornrows have got to go.:lol:

05-Oct-2006, 11:51 PM
Yea... Axl Rose? More like Axl ROWS!!! HAHAHAH (Bad joke)

06-Oct-2006, 11:59 AM
I've been waiting for Axel to make a come-back for years. I loved GNR back in the day. But he looks pretty rough these days...and that didn't look like a water bottle he was swigging out of....:( ....here's hoping for a good album anyway.