View Full Version : Halloween Zombie Costume

06-Oct-2006, 07:57 PM
Hello - first time poster, long time lurker!

Anyway, so i finally talked my wife into it

she and i are going to be zombies for halloween. now i need some **really** good ideas for costumes because im just not creative enough to do this on my own. i want to be an awesome scary zombie.

1. i need contact lenses ... i keep looking around online but i only see them for like $60-80 a pair .. thats way too much for one time use. Any help suggestions here?

2. i guess i could just shred up some old clothes and use fake blood .. the makeup is no issue as she is awesome at making me look dead. the issue here is i want like a sweet bullet hole in my head or like a huge gash in my face, but those things never quite work right - any ideas here?

anything else i should think of? I already have the walk/limp down, and the look on my face, well...

"Just look at the face; vacant, with a hint of sadness. Like a drunk who's lost a bet."


06-Oct-2006, 08:25 PM
Get yourself some latex , from some surgical gloves . You will need spirit gum to attach it . Get some cherry jello , of course the darkest stage blood you can find . Kero syrup is good . You can make a gash using anykind of glue on your skin .Take care though , when it comes time to take it off you may want be sparing with it to avoid unnecessary pain . I have also used an old flannel shirt , spatted with brown paint . I have made an excellent throat gash by using the spirit gum to attach a latex flap at the edge of my right jawline , making it flap when I move my mouth . (shave first) It depends on the how dead you want to look , a day :sorta pale , 3 days :bluish pale , a week :yellow and bluish pale white . Indentations are where blood co-agulates , you'll want to add darker hues there on your face . The neck gash can start with the glue to form basic trauma , from there add the red jello and blood liberally . Follow your instincts , get some great ideas from Day of the Dead ...That one had some of the best I have ever seen ...BOOO!!! :skull: