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06-Oct-2006, 10:06 PM

*shudders*, that'd suck so bad.

and can someone please tell me how to embed youtube vids on this forum, its driving me crazy!

06-Oct-2006, 10:53 PM

*shudders*, that'd suck so bad.

and can someone please tell me how to embed youtube vids on this forum, its driving me crazy!

Just put the unique part of the url that represents your vid (ie lv4Potdpjhw)

between tags {youtube}lv4Potdpjhw{/youtube} using brackets instead [].

06-Oct-2006, 10:57 PM
Thank you!!!!
That made my night!!!
And Peter Jackoff would have fit in perfectly with that as well.:D
:lol: :lol: :lol:

06-Oct-2006, 11:18 PM
The second two films might as well have been directed by George Lucas. They were so filled with CGI and sucked so bad.

06-Oct-2006, 11:30 PM
The second two films might as well have been directed by George Lucas. They were so filled with CGI and sucked so bad.

I vomited through the second in the theater and it was a loooooooong time before I could sit through his third.........I vomited again.
I was so let down by those flicks it's not even funny.

oh, and then there was that ice skating, jovial, love stricken, CGI ape,....sheesh!!!!!

What I thought was so funny about the original post (the youtube skit) was the whisper of "Let's put Jar Jar here."
A friend and I spent weeks laughing over Jar Jar Gollum.

07-Oct-2006, 01:49 PM

we have a FaQ which answers questions like that, IF you read it. :rockbrow:

07-Oct-2006, 08:04 PM
I vomited through the second in the theater and it was a loooooooong time before I could sit through his third.........I vomited again.
I was so let down by those flicks it's not even funny.

Well, personally I love all three of the films... I think Peter Jackson did a biblical job in bringing what he did to the screen, especially with that amount of quality and soul.

07-Oct-2006, 08:07 PM
Well, personally I love all three of the films... I think Peter Jackson did a biblical job in bringing what he did to the screen, especially with that amount of quality and soul.
Neil, I love you, brother......but, you're wrong.
Peter Jackoff failed!
I have read those books countless times and Peter did NOT capture one in'th of them.
Tolkien started those stories scribbling on wasted paper in a foxhole during WW1 - Peter sat back and let CGI do the work for him.

check. (chess)

07-Oct-2006, 09:31 PM
I'm gonna join Neil, the Rings trilogy was a simply epic piece of filmmaking on all levels, CGI put to good use, to bring a full story to life ... not to distract kids from the immense amount of heavy-brained politics between fictional galaxies and alien races *cough* Episode 1 *gag*.

Just so we don't go round and round and ROUND in circles, let's just say we have our different opinions ... Adreno, you can go on with disliking the flicks (to say the least :lol:) and I'll join Neil and a shedload of other folk (teehee) and wink merrily at the three 4-disc extended edition DVDs sitting on our respective shelves.

And now back to Critters!

07-Oct-2006, 09:35 PM
I'm gonna join Neil, the Rings trilogy was a simply epic piece of filmmaking on all levels, CGI put to good use, to bring a full story to life ... not to distract kids from the immense amount of heavy-brained politics between fictional galaxies and alien races *cough* Episode 1 *gag*.

Just so we don't go round and round and ROUND in circles, let's just say we have our different opinions ... Adreno, you can go on with disliking the flicks (to say the least :lol:) and I'll join Neil and a shedload of other folk (teehee) and wink merrily at the three 4-disc extended edition DVDs sitting on our respective shelves.

And now back to Critters!

i seriously couldnt have put it better myself, i loved the books since i was little, and though i was a little pissed he didnt include tom bombadil those films are masterpieces of cinema, and episode one was blue screen bull**** and lucas is a hack, hence my starting this thread.

and yeah all 3 4 disc sets are on my shelf too:D .

now back to the 3rd dark tower novel, its just getting good.

and critters 3 was the best one!:lol:

08-Oct-2006, 10:59 AM
Neil, I love you, brother......but, you're wrong.
Peter Jackoff failed!
I have read those books countless times and Peter did NOT capture one in'th of them.
Tolkien started those stories scribbling on wasted paper in a foxhole during WW1 - Peter sat back and let CGI do the work for him.

check. (chess)

But producing a film of those books will never match up to them. You simply cannot convey that depth. I think what Jackson did do, was make three exceptionally well made films which at least did do the books some justice.

As for the CGI work, it was ground breaking, and necessary, but he did not do a Lucas on us :) Gollum was a work of genious! I watched that animated figure and thought to myself, "Lucas! That's how it's done!"

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy them, and I can understand why someone who knows the books inside out, or has a clear image in their head of the works, may not connect with the films. But what I can't understand is how at the least you cannot respect how Jackson took on such a mountain of a project, and produced three works of such outstanding quality...

08-Oct-2006, 11:34 AM
I haven't read the books. I found the first one too boring. So I have a different perspective than you guys have, I guess. I simply expected movies.

The first film was good. I'm not saying it was mindblowingly awesome, but it was good. The action was good, the plot was good, the characters were good.

But the sequels? Tha action is reduced to George Lucas CGI-athon with no soul, the plot vanishes totally (especially in part 3) and Gimli and Legolas evolve into some of the worst characters ever, compareable with Jar Jar Binks.

08-Oct-2006, 11:37 AM
I haven't read the books. I found the first one too boring. So I have a different perspective than you guys have, I guess. I simply expected movies.

The first film was good. I'm not saying it was mindblowingly awesome, but it was good. The action was good, the plot was good, the characters were good.

But the sequels? Tha action is reduced to George Lucas CGI-athon with no soul, the plot vanishes totally (especially in part 3) and Gimli and Legolas evolve into some of the worst characters ever, compareable with Jar Jar Binks.

The only thing that grated with me in the second one, was Gimli was a bit too comical at times. But having watch the director's cut of all the films, I think they're all great :) The extended footage is more than welcome... On the re-watches the plot/characters come across better I think...

08-Oct-2006, 11:40 AM
I haven't read the books. I found the first one too boring. So I have a different perspective than you guys have, I guess. I simply expected movies.

The first film was good. I'm not saying it was mindblowingly awesome, but it was good. The action was good, the plot was good, the characters were good.

But the sequels? Tha action is reduced to George Lucas CGI-athon with no soul, the plot vanishes totally (especially in part 3) and Gimli and Legolas evolve into some of the worst characters ever, compareable with Jar Jar Binks.

tell me about it, im a fan of the books and i loved the first film but found the 2nd and 3rd a little more "phantom menace" in places but they were still good but people whent ape **** over the two towers and i think that is the worst of the three.
its like the matrix films, the sequels may look all flash and impressive when they come out but when you come bak to them a few months later you realise the oriognal is allways best.