View Full Version : NO!!! Not yet!! I'm not ready!!!!

08-Oct-2006, 07:39 PM
look at Wednesday night and Thursday!!!!

08-Oct-2006, 07:53 PM
It was super hot this summer here in VA...bring on the snow, dammit! :)

08-Oct-2006, 08:03 PM
:lol: Well, for me that would be a welcome sight! I'd much rather have fall or winter over spring & summer. There's nothing like that first snowfall of the year... I just fired up my fireplace for the first time this year yesterday. I'm lovin' it. :D

08-Oct-2006, 08:13 PM
I hate cold weather. I want to move to the Keys or somewhere like that.

08-Oct-2006, 08:29 PM

I'm not ready for snow. It gets so cold in Nevada...

08-Oct-2006, 10:28 PM
YES! :eek: *high five!*

I hate the summer, and the spring is just about do-able - "fall" *ahem* autumn, is great. I get more satisfaction from the leaves changing colour and the night drawing in and the temperature coming down. I like all that. I hate the constant summertime crap of "oh I love the sun/let's get tanned/I love the heat" etc - er no, it's crap! It's easier to warm up than cool down, trying to sleep in the summer is hell.

Also, the summer holds hay fever, which I get, and it sucks so every year I have to put up with it (I take tablets, but the defence barrier takes a while to build, no matter what I just sneeze way more than usual).

Winter - snow - I like snow, but it's rather rare where I currently live. I remember some wicked snowfall from when I was a kid living in Scotland (where I came from) and I just love how everything looks. I guess I'm more of a hibernator type - I do like my sleep after all (been getting a solid ten hours all this week, except one day :D)

We don't have a traditional fireplace, well we do, but it's decorative and it's very 1990. We have central heating, not so special, but quite nice when we kick it off in early October (went on t'other day). As for rain - as long as I'm not in the rain, then I think it's great. I love being in a car when it's raining, being so close to it, but being all dry and cosy. Or - going to sleep when it's raining - love that.

There's just something more satisfying about getting home after being out somewhere in the winter than in the summer. Now, while the summer is when I have my birthday, the winter has Christmas! And I love it, not necessarily all the chintzy commercial add-ons, but I love the family coming together (although it's really just me, my sister and my folks as the majority of our family have either passed on or live abroad or far away) - but yeah I love Christmas, it just feels special.

For a brief time (when I was a mopey teenager pining over girls listening to aggressive music - living up to all the cliches I so desperately tried to avoid :lol:) I hated the whole Xmas hoopla, but still enjoyed the day itself, but now I love a lot more of the surrounding vibe - which of course is another part of the winter season I enjoy.

F*ck summer, rock on winter! :D Well, not f*ck summer, but consider it preferred least (I do love the leaves arriving on the trees and the sound of a summer breeze rustling through them, blue skies and everything looking fresh is quite nice too). :p

09-Oct-2006, 03:15 AM
i love the snow

i hate shoveling it
but i love walking
at night in a blizzard

it is just so awesome to see
everything that used to be
green and vibrant
barren and empty

the change of seasons
is a thing i have learned to

09-Oct-2006, 03:48 AM
it hasnt snowed in about 2 years were i live its rain or heat and thats it, but hey at least its autumn now, **** summer, i hate it, the only good thing is light nights cus then the chavs stay inside longer.

09-Oct-2006, 03:59 AM
Awesome, I love the snow. I kind of like shoveling it too except when its starting to melt and it gets wet and heavy... thats when i kick out the snowblower.

09-Oct-2006, 01:17 PM
i love the snow

i hate shoveling it
but i love walking
at night in a blizzard

it is just so awesome to see
everything that used to be
green and vibrant
barren and empty

the change of seasons
is a thing i have learned to

my original gripe was that the bikinis, shorts, tube-tops and miniskirts are about to be packed up and put away:( (I know, I'm such a pig!)
But, I do LOVE walking during a nice snowstorm (light or heavy)
listen to this song.....Walking Through the Snow (http://www.thesamples.com/mp3s/through.mp3)

09-Oct-2006, 11:51 PM
Like anyone is concerned here on KC weather, but ya it sucks. i did not expect chance of flurries this early. eeeeeeeeek:eek: :eek:

09-Oct-2006, 11:57 PM
Like anyone is concerned here on KC weather, but ya it sucks. i did not expect chance of flurries this early. eeeeeeeeek:eek: :eek:

:rolleyes: *yawn*
*points to the name of the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION*
Many a good conversation has started out with "how is the weather?"

10-Oct-2006, 12:20 AM
sheeyat, it was 80 here this afternoon.

10-Oct-2006, 12:22 AM
So, how's the weather over there?


10-Oct-2006, 07:12 AM
a strong gale and pissin' it down with rain.:dead:

10-Oct-2006, 11:54 AM
I've got a light grey mush for the sky, some mild sun illumination as a result, bugger all wind or breeze and it's about 21.5 celcius. It was actually a little hotter last night, but my computer whizzing away rendering out WMVs of IAZM extra features for you chaps to see was probably the cause of my room heating up...:D