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View Full Version : Judge to force Google's hand

14-Mar-2006, 07:42 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, looks like Google just lost the fight...

14-Mar-2006, 09:22 PM
That sucks I wanted Google to win

14-Mar-2006, 10:41 PM
Ok... first off wasn't the Internet invented so people could share pornohrapgy with each other? :D

Secondly... where in the F*CK is the parent? Why would they let a little 8 year old or 13 yr old on the net without supervision?

Thirdly, it is probably the frigging parents themselves. I know a lot of married couples who look at porn on the net... **** I was married and I looked at pporn. The kids probably found the freakin sites in the recent web hostory if Internet explorer.

I blame the parents, not the internet.

14-Mar-2006, 11:42 PM
Ok... first off wasn't the Internet invented so people could share pornohrapgy with each other? :D

Amen to that one! :evil:

Secondly... where in the F*CK is the parent? Why would they let a little 8 year old or 13 yr old on the net without supervision?

Thirdly, it is probably the frigging parents themselves. I know a lot of married couples who look at porn on the net... **** I was married and I looked at pporn. The kids probably found the freakin sites in the recent web hostory if Internet explorer.

I blame the parents, not the internet.

Make the parents do some parenting? Proposterous! Let them spend all their time being absurdly liberal. Complaining, but never acting. Never nailing the source where they should. Parenting! Ha! That is the LAST thing parents want to be doing. There's sex to be done. Socializing. And professional bitching. Come on! Get with the program.
