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View Full Version : I Am Zombie Man - EXTRA FEATURES!!

10-Oct-2006, 12:04 PM
Hell yes bitches,

What you'll find here is the somewhat "making of" I splodged together when editing IAZM, as well as the "deleted scenes" - all the footage I cut out or didn't use, or only used a bit of - now extended.

The featurette is 6:30, the deleted scenes run for about 4:30. Enjoy!

Featurette (http://media.putfile.com/IAZMfeaturette)

Deleted Scenes (http://media.putfile.com/IAZMdeletedscenes)

10-Oct-2006, 12:13 PM
Bloody Brilliant. :D

I love the Rave and Death Metal cue's.

IAZM rules. :D

10-Oct-2006, 12:15 PM
AARRGGHH!! I can't view these at work, so now i'm gonna have to wait 'till I get home. DAMN YOU ZOMBIE MAN! :lol:

This I cannot wait to see. Thanks for servin' it up there, MZ! :D

10-Oct-2006, 12:44 PM
No probs, lemme know your thoughts after you see them. My favourite bit is the swear tally after the shots of me reciting the dialogue to camera, because it just holds a mirror up to my incredibly foul mouth ... as well as just how much I do love the "F" word. :lol:

10-Oct-2006, 01:08 PM
oh man! these are better than coffee!!!
The bit where the F'ing car is getting a good cussing is priceless footage!!

10-Oct-2006, 01:17 PM
lol, yep, that's me rounded to a tee.

When I get pissed at something - such as a chavvy "ride" roaring through the night (and it was astonishing how long the noise from their sawn-off exhaust lasted) - then I just let loose with a string of expletives, especially at that time of night.

I also (so I'm told) say the "F" word as every other word when I'm drunk, now obviously I can't remember the next morning except for vague snippets ... or video evidence ... but yes, I've been told/have seen in playback that indeed, when a drunk monkey I do swear at every-other-word. Doing this in public was quite amusing apparently ... slash shocking. The girls we were friends with then (still are though) at the time were just balled over by the utter stream of filth falling from my double-vodka-and-red-bull gob.

Now though I'm ashamed to say it's only a couple of Budweisers (American, not that horrid Czech sh*t) in a quiet pub with friends playing pool ... I've gotten so old, so fast!

Glad people are enjoying the extra features. :cool:

10-Oct-2006, 01:19 PM
And I thought I used the F-word a lot. Damn I am like a priest in a monestary next to MZ. :D

10-Oct-2006, 01:37 PM
MZ, tell me this isn't true? :lol: You cuss more than Dj? Ho-ly sheeeit.

Y'know, speaking of cussing up a storm at passing cars & things, I think we should get Dj to compile a bunch of clips of him spazzing out during the filming of Deadlands.. see, in my neighborhood, it's pretty busy, but it seemed every time we shot outdoors the neighborhood was silent and nothing was going on while we were setting up shots. No planes, no cars, nothing.

Well, it was inevitable that as soon as Dj said "....aaaaand, action!" a goddamn car would drive by - prompting Dj to throw things like water bottles around screaming "YOU MOTHERF*CKER!!!!" :lol: :lol:

That was just in MY neighborhood!

My uncle, whos house is "Kevin's house" in the movie, lives about 5 minutes from Baltimore/Washington International Airport... and right across from his house is one of the busier train lines in the state... and about a 1/2 mile down the road is Route 100, which is a HEAVILY travelled road with lots and lots of cars... anyway, when we were filming the scene of Dj and myself talking at the picnic bench at the end of the movie, every single time we would start a take, either a plane would fly overhead, a train would pass by (loud as sh*t I might add) or you could hear the cars flying down route 100. Then some asshole a few houses down decided to cut his grass that day with a riding lawnmower (apparently with no friggin' exhaust on the thing) - now how can we film a bit that's supposed to be 6 months after the inital attack - most people in the world are dead - and have some dickwad riding around on his riding lawnmower in the background? :mad:

Needless to say, after about 200+ F-words from Dj and stopping the camera every 2 minutes, we FINALLY got the scenes done without any sound interference...

but man, I'd love to see all those 'director spaz-outs' all strung together in one 10 minute clip. :lol:

Dj, you gotta do that, that would be absolutely HILARIOUS!!! :lol: :lol: People would buy Deadlands for the "Director Freak-Outs" extras alone! Hell, I think *I* would buy a copy just to see that. :D

10-Oct-2006, 01:43 PM
To be honest Lou, I erased all footage that wasn't of any use off the HDD's and kept only stuff I used and some "questionable footage I may or maynot use down the road if I ever do a renegade version.

I would have to not only find, but recapture all the footage. Not too mention if I were to compile this stuff, the swear real would be longer than the friggin' movie. :lol:

10-Oct-2006, 01:50 PM
Well, you still have the MiniDV masters, so I expect you to capture this stuff sometime by mid-next-year and have it ready for the masses! :lol: put it on the disc when we release the "SUPER-SPECIAL-PLATINUM-DIRECTORS-CUT-UNRATED-NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN" version of DL. :D

He's right though folks, if we strung all his freak-outs together, it really would be longer than the movie. :lol:

Scary, isn't it? :D

10-Oct-2006, 01:51 PM
Well, you still have the MiniDV masters, so I expect you to capture this stuff sometime by mid-next-year and have it ready for the masses! :lol: put it on the disc when we release the "SUPER-SPECIAL-PLATINUM-DIRECTORS-CUT-UNRATED-NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN" version of DL. :D

He's right though folks, if we strung all his freak-outs together, it really would be longer than the movie. :lol:

Scary, isn't it? :D

Isn't it. :D

10-Oct-2006, 05:56 PM
You gotta do that, if you guys get a US distributor looking to put out the DVD you've gotta do a bumper version with extra extras, I'd personally LOVE to see Dj's spaz-outs, now that he's seen one of mine. :lol: (That statement does sound a tad "b'ave", doesn't it? :eek:)

10-Oct-2006, 06:07 PM
Oh, MZ, they were not just spaz-outs, but they were AWARD-WINNING SPAZ OUTS! :lol: :lol:

10-Oct-2006, 06:33 PM
I think I covered every single dirty word ever made. One thing I am is inpatient. I hate waiting for anything. I want go go go now, get it done, let's move it type of guy.

Believe me I have spewed quite a few obscenities on the set of DEADLANDS

10-Oct-2006, 06:44 PM
Alright, enough about you...let's talk about ME somemore, I wanna talk about MY awesomeness! :D:lol::D


Oh yeah, be on the lookout for *drumroll* the featurettes for Trapped and VHS, as well as the audio commentaries for both of those films.

I also had a great idea today when rendering out those four extra features for you chaps and chappettes to view from tomorrow, next time I do an audio commentary I'll film it and put a little window in the corner of the screen with us jibber-jabbering away - a video commentary, w00t. (Yes, I know Kevin Smith has done it, perhaps even pioneered it, but it's a great idea).

20-Oct-2006, 04:38 AM
:lol: FINALLY got to watch these.. The spaz-out about the car was absolutely hilarious.. and you do rival Dj with the use of the "F" word! My god, that is scary!!

Good stuff, MZ!

20-Oct-2006, 10:48 AM
Oh I can F-word with the best of them ... well, verbally anyway! :lol:

If you thought my spaz-out from that chavvy car noise, you should see me when my computer goes slightly wrong or takes too long about doing a simple task - the fists come out and the expletives are in strong flow, face all read, body shakin' with venomous anger ... oh it's a sight. :D

Maybe one day when I'm a millionnaire director I can whip out some swear-a-thons at some idiotic mistake by a crew member. :lol: For now though I have to hold my tongue about someone not reading the script before turning up (although that's really the only problem I've had of any significance - anything else is easy to work around calmly)...

Then I come home and edit ... and the swearing starts again. :eek::D

20-Oct-2006, 02:02 PM
You're starting to remind me of Chris Rock's character (Chaka, the director) in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back.

"It's not that hard.. You make up some sh*t, fight him for a while, I film it, I yell "cut," and then head back to my trailer where I got more white women waiting for me than the first lifeboat off the Titanic!

They alllll want a part of the movie, and I got just the part for 'em" :elol:

20-Oct-2006, 04:37 PM
lol, funnily enough I have joked several times with my business partner about getting a casting couch if we ever decide to get an office. :lol:

Some of my direction can be a bit like that sometimes - "just like, you know, act like a zombie, go over there and attack them and then you know, do stuff for about a minute" ... well, sorta like that. You'll see some of my bad communication moments in the Trapped and VHS featurettes posted in another thread here in filmmaker's. :D

20-Oct-2006, 04:51 PM
Hilarious stuff MZ, especially the swear tally. Me and some friends used to do our own comical commentaries for films we loved so I know exactly how it feels when cars constantly break the silence. In the drive, out the drive, up the street, down the street, "F**K OFF IT'S 2 AM, CAN I GET SOME SILENCE MAN!!!"

IAZM2 should be 3 hours long so we get a bumper commentary of your classic bugger, f**k, t**t-isms!

20-Oct-2006, 06:25 PM
lol, if you like the bugger-f*ck-twat-isms, you'll love the sh*tty-bollocks frenzy that is this fabled gag reel I keep talking about (yet haven't even edited together yet, ha!) In due time ... in due time ...

IAZM2 will definately be longer than IAZM1, not sure by how long, probably in the region of 15 minutes ... but it could rise to 20, it just depends, only in the middle of scripting at the moment ... then factoring in the actual filmed version (as opposed to the written version) all edited together ... 10 to 15 to possibly 20 minutes I'd imagine at this point.