View Full Version : Guys and dolls..

11-Oct-2006, 05:47 PM
I saw this program on channel 5 last night,& it was seriously disturbing!it was about blokes who have those "real doll" sex dolls,and they treated them like real people!one had loads of them in his house,and he dressed them up & took them out in the car with him & stuff :eek: looked like he was lugging a corpse about!
heres one of the fruitloops

11-Oct-2006, 06:00 PM
i think that picture really explains it all.

the guy looks like Trent Reznor and Iggy Pop's retarded assbaby.

11-Oct-2006, 06:14 PM

which is pretty mutch all anyones gonna say about that.

well maybe a riske' comment from mz or dj.:D

11-Oct-2006, 07:42 PM
The look and feel real!

Am I weird for wanting to own one?

11-Oct-2006, 07:56 PM
The look and feel real!

Am I weird for wanting to own one?

no, i want one just so i can screw with my friends.

11-Oct-2006, 08:55 PM

And yet I'd still buy one if I had the free cash... :lol:

Damn, I was wikipedia-ing random things the other day and got around to Real Dolls after about half an hour of looking at random topics and that documentary was mentioned, damn! Missed it again! I would have laughed my ass off at that doc...

But I mean look at that guy, no wonder he's got a shedload of rubber-poontang floating about, he's like a serial killer in one of those really crummy serial killer movies - not even a good serial killer movie, but one of those crappy TV movie ones, that lurks in the background of bars and has really crappy acting skills ... hmmm.

Damn, I really would have laughed my ass off at the doc, shame I missed it. :D

11-Oct-2006, 09:22 PM
no, i want one just so i can screw with my friends.
Wtf? Are you talking about some kind of "realdoll" pass-around here?:eek: :D

I read somewhere once that guys that prefer shagging rubber women rather than the real thing may be latent necrophiles, dunno if that's true or not but judging by the numbty in that picture it's probably true.:D
That guy must be loaded, If I remember right those things are expensive.
Btw, Minion, yes they do a shemale version and.. oh ****! thought this was a private message! Sorry.:shifty: :o

11-Oct-2006, 11:28 PM
Chakobsa: They're damn expensive. Nearly $7,000 a piece.

11-Oct-2006, 11:37 PM
Chakobsa: They're damn expensive. Nearly $7,000 a piece.
Bloody hell! According to my currency converter that's £3776.3318.
That's really going to eat into the student loan, Minion.

12-Oct-2006, 01:04 AM
If he's happy with that he isn't bothering real women so leave him alone PLEASE <G>


12-Oct-2006, 04:37 AM
Damn I wanted to see this documentary...I remember hearing about it...

I just would love to hear his justification ... you know...get a little window into his mindset...

I mean hell I could understand this phenomenon if it were a "sex-bot"...like a robot that "perfectly" simulates a human...but this is just like literally having sex with a fabrication...Its neither alive nor dead ( I dont know if we can draw clear associations with real dolls and necros)...
You can even buy like half people to save money...like just to torso of a chick shoulders...no arms no head no legs....I dunno man....bizarre....

If they were cheaper though man they would be like the ultimate in gag gifts....

12-Oct-2006, 09:22 AM
Damn I wanted to see this documentary...I remember hearing about it...

I just would love to hear his justification ... you know...get a little window into his mindset...

I mean hell I could understand this phenomenon if it were a "sex-bot"...like a robot that "perfectly" simulates a human...but this is just like literally having sex with a fabrication...Its neither alive nor dead ( I dont know if we can draw clear associations with real dolls and necros)...
You can even buy like half people to save money...like just to torso of a chick shoulders...no arms no head no legs....I dunno man....bizarre....

If they were cheaper though man they would be like the ultimate in gag gifts....
Weirdest thing of this type I ever saw was a head, no shoulders or torso or anything, just a head complete with "realistic" hair and open mouth.
the picture in the ad was hilarious, this guy is lying on a sofa with the thing in his lap whilst reading a jazz mag.:lol:

12-Oct-2006, 11:00 AM
lol ... well I definately wouldn't get a shemale one - if I had the cash I'd get one as a joke for a friend to justify one of these - :elol: - :p...but yeah, that would eat away a whole year's loan ... shame I graduated over a year ago and therefore ended my loan privileges, besides, I don't have the wardrobe space! :lol:

Hmmm ... hadn't thought of the "latent necrophile" aspect, I guess it's possible in some situations...what a strange topic you've started here, Tricky...:eek:

12-Oct-2006, 02:58 PM

this reminds me of necrophila

i told a freind of this and he said

"ugh i can only imagine what its crotch smells like"

that pretty much sums it up...

13-Oct-2006, 03:22 PM
Damn I wanted to see this documentary...I remember hearing about it...

I just would love to hear his justification ... you know...get a little window into his mindset...

I mean hell I could understand this phenomenon if it were a "sex-bot"...like a robot that "perfectly" simulates a human...but this is just like literally having sex with a fabrication...Its neither alive nor dead ( I dont know if we can draw clear associations with real dolls and necros)...
You can even buy like half people to save money...like just to torso of a chick shoulders...no arms no head no legs....I dunno man....bizarre....

If they were cheaper though man they would be like the ultimate in gag gifts....

I saw something about this were some people buy a complete doll then purposefully cut off the dolls' arms at the elbows and legs at the knees. They have an amputee fetish too!