View Full Version : World War Z - anyone else read it yet?

12-Oct-2006, 01:08 AM
Max Brooks' new book is a must-buy. I pray for a film or TV adaptation. Best commerical Zombie fiction ever in my humble opinion.

I searched the forums and didn't find any posts about this yet. Has this been discussed already?

I'm halfway through the book. Absolutely amazing!

12-Oct-2006, 01:15 AM
Max Brooks' new book is a must-buy. I pray for a film or TV adaptation. Best commerical Zombie fiction ever in my humble opinion.

I searched the forums and didn't find any posts about this yet. Has this been discussed already?

I'm halfway through the book. Absolutely amazing!
Yeah, it's been talked about already, do a search.:)
Don't spoil it for me though, i have the book, just not read it yet.
Btw, Welcome.:)

12-Oct-2006, 10:53 AM
please, no spoilers....

i've read the Z.S.G. but got a little bored by the end.

what's the format of this book? is it a traditional "Story" or mock-reference or more of the same?

12-Oct-2006, 05:51 PM
It's described as more of a serious novel.

Takes a bunch of survivor's accounts and puts them together.

I want to get it desperately, it sounds great.

Mister Chrome
13-Oct-2006, 04:11 PM
I saw an ad for it a while back, and I'm hoping to include it in my next Amazon order.

13-Oct-2006, 04:22 PM
I picked the book up last week at Barnes & Noble & am just waiting to finish a book I'm reading now & then I'll start it. Looking forward to it :).

I was PO'ed when I went to get the book though. When I took the book to the checkout they told me that I just missed a book signing with Max Brooks 2 days before :(.

13-Oct-2006, 06:04 PM
Its Brad Pitt's company that optioned the book and apparently they're very serious about it.

16-Oct-2006, 12:11 PM
I must get this. I'm almost done reading "From A Buick 8"; I need some zombie fiction.

16-Oct-2006, 01:29 PM
right now im working my way through the dark tower series but i still want to check this one out.

16-Oct-2006, 04:14 PM
Max Brooks' new book is a must-buy. I pray for a film or TV adaptation. Best commerical Zombie fiction ever in my humble opinion.

I searched the forums and didn't find any posts about this yet. Has this been discussed already?

I'm halfway through the book. Absolutely amazing!

I am also halfway through it at this time and I am enjoying it very much.

I personally did not enjoy "The Zombie Survival Guide" because it is really a technical manual and that is not my thing.

This one though is very thought provoking the way it ties the stories together.

16-Oct-2006, 11:03 PM
I bought the audio book versions of both of these (I'm lazy and have a frustrating attention span when it comes to books and novels). I've been through both of them already and I'm very impressed. Max Brooks has an articulate and intelligent grip on how humanity might be shaped by a living dead saga, especially in World War Z. Zombie Survival Guide was entertaining, but increased tenfold in interest from me during the last section ("Recorded Attacks"). This was also a perfect segway into World War Z which was, in my opinion, finely casted and performed.

I hope Brad Pitt's production company can do something with WWZ, it has the potential to be pretty epic ...

18-Oct-2006, 08:25 PM
I finished reading World War Z, it was good I thought, but not as good as the Survival Guide. I would love to see a franchise of books written in George's Zombie Apocalyptic world. Its the best world for Zombie and would make a quality series of books.

18-Oct-2006, 08:39 PM
I would love to see a franchise of books written in George's Zombie Apocalyptic world. Its the best world for Zombie and would make a quality series of books.

This actually exists - there's quite a collection out there of fine written works set in Romero's World - stuff like Reign of the Dead (http://www.reignofthedead.com) - check Amazon and you should find plenty.

21-Oct-2006, 12:01 PM
One word: YONKERS.....woohoo cant wait to see the film :D

24-Oct-2006, 04:00 PM
I finished it this weekend. Very good. Well worth a read. I like the way it covers how the world reacted to a walking dead outbreak. Hopefully this book inspire many others.

24-Oct-2006, 06:16 PM
Gah! I must get this book!!!

22-Nov-2006, 01:29 AM
Thanks to Cereval's recommendation, I managed to downlaod the audio book. I'm somewhere in the middle, around where the tide has turned and the account of the vice president.

I've been downloading it to my mp3 and saving it for sleepless nights or journeys on the bus, hopefully I can make it last a bit longer.

Loved the account of Yankers (sp). :)

22-Nov-2006, 02:33 AM
Thanks to Cereval's recommendation, I managed to downlaod the audio book. I'm somewhere in the middle, around where the tide has turned and the account of the vice president.

I've been downloading it to my mp3 and saving it for sleepless nights or journeys on the bus, hopefully I can make it last a bit longer.

Loved the account of Yankers (sp). :)

Yonkers! Just flippin' epic, man. :skull: :evil:

I was on my 2nd listen when I stopped for another audio book (my new addiction). It's just too good of a listen.

The Alive Man
22-Nov-2006, 06:46 PM
This fuc*ing, dumb-ass country... they don't release this kind of stuff here anymore. Fuc* Italy, I'm going towards Canada. There's no fuc*ing people there.

Anyway: the book looks awesome. I LOVE Zombies, if you know what I mean.

23-Nov-2006, 01:35 AM
I borrowed it from the library a few weeks back and finished it in 2 days. Excellent book, maybe the best living dead related book written. A lot better than stupid action/adventure type **** like Monster Island or whatever it was called.


I miss the old forums.

24-Nov-2006, 07:12 PM
This is defintely in the top three best zombie books. I loved it, its a must have for any zombie fan.

26-Nov-2006, 12:53 AM
What would be the other 2?

30-Nov-2006, 06:43 AM
Got it over the Thanksgiving weekend. Great book so far. Loved the mock-documentary style and how all the survivor accounts were tied together.

Presented a really good case for how the smartest creature on the face of the Earth almost got wiped out by it's own reanimated dead, and how we took back the planet.

I think it'd work best as a mock-documentary if Pitt's company actually does anything with it. There have been a few decent mock-documentaries with a disaster/apocalyptic flavor, done for television, like Supervolcano, Oilstorm, Smallpox.

I think if they interwove interviews with the 'survivor' in with 'stock footage', like say, news footage of the Battle of Yonkers, or personal video like the Battle of the Five Colleges, or that family that headed up to Canada only to find starvation, cannibalism and death, it'd make a pretty kicking flick. Maybe add some 'dramatizations' like the Russian soldiers at the bridge and the gas attack.