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View Full Version : Funny IGN article about top 10 Wildest Statements Made by Industry Veterans

15-Mar-2006, 03:46 AM

im still laughing at nintendos statement about online gaming lol how the hell could anyone be so blind. and that guys view on rpg gamers lmao. is it just a coincidence that the most outrageous statements are made by people who do or did work for nintendo?

15-Mar-2006, 07:49 AM
im still laughing at nintendos statement about online gaming lol how the hell could anyone be so blind

Well, it is Nintendo after all ain't it.... They were supposed to be putting online capabilities on the Gamecube, but for as long as I owned one, I never heard anything about when it's gonna go online. I might be wrong so if I am, let me know!!!

16-Mar-2006, 03:21 PM
Only people who do not know the videogame business would advocate the release of next-generation machines when people are not interested in cutting-edge technologies."

Now thats comedy :D

16-Mar-2006, 07:59 PM
They were supposed to be putting online capabilities on the Gamecube, but for as long as I owned one, I never heard anything about when it's gonna go online. I might be wrong so if I am, let me know!!!

There was a modem attachment released of the GC. I don't think many made it out of Japan and there was no real support for it anyway.

I think they've began to learn from their mistakes. The online ability of the DS is pretty strong and what they've planned for the Revolution is also pretty good. Doubt it will be as strong as Xbox live.

17-Mar-2006, 04:30 AM
Well, it is Nintendo after all ain't it.... They were supposed to be putting online capabilities on the Gamecube, but for as long as I owned one, I never heard anything about when it's gonna go online. I might be wrong so if I am, let me know!!!

It came out here in the US, but only in very limited release. I have only seen 2 in my life and they were both at a Game Stop, one near my house, the other pretty far away. It was for Phantasy Star Online and the Mario Kart Double Dash also used it for network play, but there was a program that you could use to play Double Dash online. I never bought it when I saw it because it was $40 and I didn't want to play Phantasty Star Online.

It was a useless attachment like the hard drive on PS2.