View Full Version : Podcast review: Pseudopod

13-Oct-2006, 12:51 PM
I don't know how many people listen to podcasts, but I've been finding them pretty amazing. For those that don't know, these are very specific, very directed 'radio' shows for you ipod. You download them from Itunes for free and listen in anytime. Subjects can be political, business, entertainment, news, sports, pretty much anything.

Pseudopod is a horror show, where they read a short story. I've listened to 6of them now and they've all been excellent. The readers are easy to listen to (not always the case either in podcasts or in audiobooks, I've found). I usually listen in my car.

The latest story is called "What the Dead Are Supposed To Do." It would fit in very neatly with this website. The dead are brought back to life to work off the unpaid bills they owed in life. I won't say more except the humor is black, the story is deep and all in 20 minutes.

For those that dig podcasts, I also subscribe to AtomFilms, Battlestar Galactica, Learn Excel from Mr Excel, Popular Mechanics, Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack, Learn Japanese, Lynn's SciFi Videocast. All are very good!