View Full Version : Children Of The Living Dead - WTF!!!

13-Oct-2006, 08:47 PM
I'm not proud to say that I own this piece of s**t but one day last month I decided to pop Children Of The Living Dead in the dvd and give it another try. Why? Because the first ten minutes of the film kicks major ass and forces me to keep this otherwise useless waste of dvd space. I think the whole Savini opening segment should've been kept back as a short film, anyone agree?

13-Oct-2006, 09:19 PM
the first 10 minutes is the only reason I own it.:D

13-Oct-2006, 09:54 PM
Why? Because the first ten minutes of the film kicks major ass and forces me to keep this otherwise useless waste of dvd space.

same goes for dawn '04 with me.

13-Oct-2006, 10:28 PM
same goes for dawn '04 with me.

I totally agree. The opening segment of that movie was promising up until the point 'Have A Nice Day' kicked in, after that it was downhill all the way! They tried to re-hash the original script the best they could but in the end, it was way to glossy. The whole scene with the baby was almost laughable...

...I have to admit that the father/girl scene was a nice touch, it's a shame they never introduced the characters earlier.

13-Oct-2006, 11:24 PM
I'm not proud to say that I own this piece of s**t but one day last month I decided to pop Children Of The Living Dead in the dvd and give it another try. Why? Because the first ten minutes of the film kicks major ass and forces me to keep this otherwise useless waste of dvd space. I think the whole Savini opening segment should've been kept back as a short film, anyone agree?

From what I understood, Savini was suppose to be the star of 'Children of the Living Dead', but that one bitch came in and ripped the script to pieces and messed it up to fit her own means, ruining what would have been a great movie.

Oh well, maybe Grindhouse/Deadly Planet will see Savini kick some zombie @$$ a few years after this $hitstorm called COTLD.

:dead: Dawg

15-Oct-2006, 11:55 AM
I too have it on DVD, got it for a fiver in one of those smoke-smelling, everything-has-a-dirty-film-on-it, video shops that sell a lot of ex-rental stuff in downtown Norwich (i.e. the bit that sinks below the rest of the city and is stuck out on the outskirts in the dodgy area) ... brought back some memories of previous video purchases.

Anyway, as it was so cheap I figured why not - watched it that same night with my housemates at the time and we laughed for days about "ABBOTT HAYES!!!!!" alone. We just sat there and took the piss out of the flick the whole time ... and yeah, Savini's portion was the best part - after he carked it the movie just crashed and burned with gay abandon...

15-Oct-2006, 05:27 PM
after he carked it the movie just crashed and burned with gay abandon...

....i cant be the only person thats a little confused by that.:lol:

15-Oct-2006, 11:39 PM
Anyway, as it was so cheap I figured why not - watched it that same night with my housemates at the time and we laughed for days about "ABBOTT HAYES!!!!!" alone. We just sat there and took the piss out of the flick the whole time ... and yeah, Savini's portion was the best part - after he carked it the movie just crashed and burned with gay abandon...

Haha, I know that feeling. Only I payed full price for my DVD... Damnit...

But I don't really regret it, because I've gotten so much enjoyment out of this piece of turd. Me and my bro sometimes just yell out "Abbott... Abbott Hayes!" and burst out laughing.

16-Oct-2006, 12:11 AM
Me and my bro sometimes just yell out "Abbott... Abbott Hayes!" and burst out laughing.

It seems like everybody is doing this. Including myself!

16-Oct-2006, 10:35 AM
It's the cool new thing to do, if you ain't doin' it ... you ain't cool. :D

ABBOTT HAYES!!!!!!:eek:

16-Oct-2006, 04:45 PM
We should release a song or something. "Everyone Do The Abbott!" :lol:

16-Oct-2006, 07:09 PM
I second that, but I'm too lazy and musically-retarded, so whoever does ... if they do ... will earn my kudos. :D

17-Oct-2006, 02:29 PM
yeah a confusing film, the first 10 minutes with savini kicked arse, but from thereon in it was merciless suckiness...that laughable graveyard in some farmer's field, abbot hayes, the acting, the dialogue, the humanity!

was it a drastically different crew worked on the beginning?

17-Oct-2006, 11:51 PM
I was looking for some cool avatar pictures and I stumbled across the make-up photos for Abbott Hayes. OMG, they're soooo S**T! Tom Savini was at hand man, WTF didn't they use him!