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14-Oct-2006, 04:37 AM
The more I see that Ken Foree.com picture, the more convinced I am he should've played Big Daddy as a cameo in 'Land'.

19-Oct-2006, 01:51 AM
That would have been nice.

Except carry over Peter's zombified character.

Peter was brilliant and a good leader... His zombie form would probably carry those same traits.

Samuel L. Jackson would have been a good choice too.

19-Oct-2006, 04:30 PM
Yeah.....at least Foree would have the respect to research and perfect his role.

Clark must have felt that wasn't necessary.:rolleyes:

19-Oct-2006, 04:58 PM
Except carry over Peter's zombified character.

Funny you should say that, I often envision him in his SWAT uniform staggering around as a zombie in Land. He could've cameo'd himself from that scene at the end of Dawn where he puts the gun to his head. Maybe he could of been the first zombie with the real intelligence to pull the trigger and end his misery!

25-Oct-2006, 02:17 AM
Ken also already walks like a zombie almost..just slow him down a bit more and PERFECTION

25-Oct-2006, 09:37 AM
Yeah.....at least Foree would have the respect to research and perfect his role.

Clark must have felt that wasn't necessary.:rolleyes:

The only real problem I had with Clark was his makeup...

25-Oct-2006, 11:30 AM
His annoying howl didn't bother you? He sounded like a bad FRANKENSTEIN monster

25-Oct-2006, 12:07 PM
The only real problem I had with Clark was his makeup...

What about his zombie walk? Sometimes he was walking like an average (living) joe, other times he's got a slight limp, and other times he's walking with a HUGE limp.

And the howl of anger.....although a good idea by Romero, should have been done in a different manner. It starts to get slightly excessive and laughable toward the end of the flick.

All these things aside.....I still like the character. And I agree with you that the make up should have been different. Overall, Romero had a great idea but it wasn't quite executed to a "T".

25-Oct-2006, 12:34 PM
And the howl of anger.....although a good idea by Romero, should have been done in a different manner. It starts to get slightly excessive and laughable toward the end of the flick.

Slightly excessive and laughable by the end of the flick? :rockbrow: Try completely annoying from the very first grunt. :p

Big Daddy is one of the main reason why I dislike Land. Somewhat of a good idea, poorly executed by a actor that had no business being in lotd. I mean, i'm sure eugene clark is a decent actor (I can't say, i've never seen any of his other films) but in this one, we could've done without him.

Hey, does anyone remember a edit of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace released on the internet called "Star Wars: The Phantom Edit"? It was Phantom Menace without ANY jarjar scenes - they were all cut out. Dj, I think you should go back and edit Land yourself and remove everything Big Daddy from the film - then, maybe, just maybe, it might be worth watching. :lol: :p

Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. (but i'm not.. :lol:)

25-Oct-2006, 12:39 PM
Slightly excessive and laughable by the end of the flick? :rockbrow: Try completely annoying from the very first grunt. :p

Big Daddy is one of the main reason why I dislike Land. Somewhat of a good idea, poorly executed by a actor that had no business being in lotd. I mean, i'm sure eugene clark is a decent actor (I can't say, i've never seen any of his other films) but in this one, we could've done without him.

Hey, does anyone remember a edit of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace released on the internet called "Star Wars: The Phantom Edit"? It was Phantom Menace without ANY jarjar scenes - they were all cut out. Dj, I think you should go back and edit Land yourself and remove everything Big Daddy from the film - then, maybe, just maybe, it might be worth watching. :lol: :p

Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. (but i'm not.. :lol:)

And this is coming from a fan of Yawn04 where the zombie noises are basically lifted straight from "Jurrasic Park"?

25-Oct-2006, 12:48 PM
And this is coming from a fan of Yawn04 where the zombie noises are basically lifted straight from "Jurrasic Park"?

At least YAWN 04 had scary moments, and had a generally terrifying atmosphere. LAND was just a polished turd. Nice and shiny, but through all the glare, glamour, and dressing it is still just a turd.

As to Lou's question...

I wouldn't waste my time.

25-Oct-2006, 12:51 PM
Yup....you're right. MTV scares the sh*t out of me.

25-Oct-2006, 01:01 PM
Me too... which is why I liked DAWN 04...

Come on, be serious. Name me one horrific moment in LAND. One moment when you were generally terrified. I can name many in YAWN 04

The little girl coming in the bedroom
Her eyes and demeanor
The neighborhood and city under attack.
The walk through the deserted playground
The standoff in the elevator
The zombies in the parking garage tearing down the fence.
The zombies swarming the buses as they leave the mall
CJ trapped inside the bus
The overturned bus in the city with everyone trying to save who survived

Land of the Dead scary moments

Ummm.... oh yeah there was... Nope
Hey that scene.... Nah
When Big daddy showed up and ... That was laughable

25-Oct-2006, 01:05 PM
And this is coming from a fan of Yawn04 where the zombie noises are basically lifted straight from "Jurrasic Park"?

Damn right. Yawn04 scared me a HELL of a lot more than Bland. I jumped during certain scenes of Yawn - something that NEVER happened to me one single time in Bland.

..so your point is what, exactly?

actually, wait a sec, you complain about the zombies in Yawn04 sounding like Jurassic Park dinos, but yet you like a movie where the lead zombie moans and groans like frankenstein? give to me a large break. :rolleyes:

25-Oct-2006, 01:08 PM

We've gone round and round on this subject, man. You love beating those dead horses, don't ya:p . I like Land, you like Dawn04, yadda yadda. It's all opinion and both sides have equal fans.

Besides, there's no point in turning this thread about Big Daddy into yet another argument on which of these two films is better.

actually, wait a sec, you complain about the zombies in Yawn04 sounding like Jurassic Park dinos, but yet you like a movie where the lead zombie moans and groans like frankenstein? give to me a large break.

I already stated that I don't like Big Daddy's scream.

25-Oct-2006, 01:15 PM
You're the one that started with me again with the "And this is coming from a fan of Yawn04 where the zombie noises are basically lifted straight from "Jurrasic Park"?"

...and i'll gladly go round-for-round about the differences between the two any day of the week. Neil brought up BD, I chimed in. That's how it goes. If you don't like it, don't read it, but if you're gonna make smartass comments directed at me, I'm gonna chime in..

25-Oct-2006, 01:27 PM
Every film has flaws. All I was saying was that Big Daddy's scream shouldn't ruin the whole movie for you. That's the way it seemed in your post. But, I'm sure there are other things that you don't like about Land, as well. Just like the Dino screams aren't the only thing that ruins Dawn04 for me.

And it wasn't meant to be a "smartass comment". It was meant as a joke because I thought we could all finally laugh at our difference of opinions between Land and Dawn04. I guess if I would have put one of those smilies on there it wouldn't have seemed like I was being a smartass.

Everyone's got their own opinion.....no need in arguing or insulting. I didn't mean for it to seem that way.

25-Oct-2006, 01:35 PM
Fair enough. That was bad interpretation on my part. Sorry 'bout that chief. ;)

I agree, we all have our differences in movies we like (remember the Bill Murray conversation? :lol:) and it's all good. I just thought you were taking a jab at me on that one.

BD's moans didn't ruin the whole movie for me, there were many other aspects that added to my dislike of LOTD, but it's all just my opinion, and I don't expect anyone to share it - actually, i'm sure most won't, but that's ok, that's why it's called an opinion. I was just kinda taken back when you mentioned the 'screeching' of the zombies in Yawn, but yet liked Bland, and that had BD doing one of the worst zombie moans i've ever heard. :lol:

There are many things I did like about Land, and there are many things I disliked about Dawn04 - but my likes in Dawn outweighed my likes in Land, so I have to side with Dawn04. That's ok though, no one said I was in my right mind anyway.. :lol:

25-Oct-2006, 03:03 PM
That's ok though, no one said I was in my right mind anyway.. :lol:

Since I have known you I don't think you were ever in your "right mind" :p

Lets do this...

Lets buy all the LAND DVD's we can find and burn them. Then we can forget this travesty of a zombie film ever existed, and the soil put on Romero's zombie career would be erased for ever.

However, the idea of him going back under the RADAR rules. The man does his best stuff out of the studio's eye.

25-Oct-2006, 05:05 PM
Man, i'm no where near as hard on Bland as Dj is, even though I didn't care for it. :lol:

...and no, i've never been in my right mind Dj. Remember, the left side of the body is controlled by the right side of the brain, so that means only left-handed people are in their right mind, right? :D :p

25-Oct-2006, 05:45 PM
Since I have known you I don't think you were ever in your "right mind" :p

Lets do this...

Lets buy all the LAND DVD's we can find and burn them. Then we can forget this travesty of a zombie film ever existed, and the soil put on Romero's zombie career would be erased for ever.

However, the idea of him going back under the RADAR rules. The man does his best stuff out of the studio's eye.

:rolleyes: :bored:

25-Oct-2006, 08:14 PM
:rolleyes: :bored:

In my eyes I am doing the zombie world a favor, and to add to the list lets get Children of the Living Dead, NOTLD 30th and All the House of the Dead films

29-Oct-2006, 02:16 AM
Fair enough. That was bad interpretation on my part. Sorry 'bout that chief. ;)

I agree, we all have our differences in movies we like (remember the Bill Murray conversation? :lol:) and it's all good. I just thought you were taking a jab at me on that one.

BD's moans didn't ruin the whole movie for me, there were many other aspects that added to my dislike of LOTD, but it's all just my opinion, and I don't expect anyone to share it - actually, i'm sure most won't, but that's ok, that's why it's called an opinion. I was just kinda taken back when you mentioned the 'screeching' of the zombies in Yawn, but yet liked Bland, and that had BD doing one of the worst zombie moans i've ever heard. :lol:

There are many things I did like about Land, and there are many things I disliked about Dawn04 - but my likes in Dawn outweighed my likes in Land, so I have to side with Dawn04. That's ok though, no one said I was in my right mind anyway.. :lol:

I'll throw myself into the fire and admit I liked both Land and Dawn (04). I liked all four of Romero's Dead movies and both remakes that have been released thus far.

This is drifting off-topic, though, and far away from Capn's original topic. Ken Foree would have been great in Land. The critics would have killed the picture, though, if he played Big Daddy for the whole movie. Then again, some idiot critics killed the movie in their reviews, anyway. Just have Ken show up as a SWAT zombie in the same shot as Savini.

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 04:05 AM
Yeah.....at least Foree would have the respect to research and perfect his role.

Clark must have felt that wasn't necessary.:rolleyes:

He's just one of a few actors (cough....leguizamo...cough) who i felt didn't respect the role. Do you guys think he actuall asked any of the cast to do cameos in the film?

30-Jun-2007, 06:20 AM
Comeon now we all know Peter was the one person who'd be alive at the end of the Earth when there's no more humans left and he'd make like CJ from Dawn 04 and just do whatever he could to kill however many before finally succombing...

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 04:53 AM
Comeon now we all know Peter was the one person who'd be alive at the end of the Earth when there's no more humans left and he'd make like CJ from Dawn 04 and just do whatever he could to kill however many before finally succombing...

I didn't get that vibe from peter at all. There were a few scenes in the film where you can see tremendous internal conflict within him. He even sheds tears at one point. I don't think he was ruthless at all. If you recall he was ready to blow his own head off before he thought better of it. Also, not everyone is willing to step on a drowning person's head just so that they might have a few more seconds of life.

24-Jul-2007, 03:43 PM
I should've written that better... at the end of Dawn 04 CJ gave his own life to help out his team mates and before he died/reanimated he killed as many as possible... so in essence if Peter was the last one on Earth as I imagine he could be... he'd go down killing 'em ('em as in zombies... notice how in my post I said no more humans left on Earth) ...he did have internal conflict but he worked his **** out when he realized he didn't wanna be one of 'them' ...he'd save a bullet for himself and go down killing...

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 05:26 PM
Yeah, i could picture him doing that. It's crazy how peter was the strongest character, imo, and at the same time the most empathetic.

24-Jul-2007, 06:49 PM
Peter was the hero, probably of the whole series.

Big Daddy though, he was a clown. First time I saw him and
he howled I was like, WTF was that. Think someone was trying
to be like Bub and wayyyyyyy over did it

24-Jul-2007, 07:00 PM
big daddy kinda reminded me of the black biker guy from Friday the 13th part 3... dunno why

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 07:07 PM
Peter was the hero, probably of the whole series.

Big Daddy though, he was a clown. First time I saw him and
he howled I was like, WTF was that. Think someone was trying
to be like Bub and wayyyyyyy over did it

To me his shrieking is the equivalent of fingernails on a blackboard. How can anyone stand it? It totally ruins the film for me. I'm like, is this guy serious?

24-Jul-2007, 07:28 PM
A few grunts and groans would have been good enough for me.
I didn't like the way he sort of became a leader of the zombies,
not that it wasn't a good idea, this Big Daddy just couldn't
pull it off. If there is an award for an overacted zombie
he should win it, hands down

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 07:31 PM
I think that the nurse zombie from dawn would have something to say about that.

24-Jul-2007, 07:31 PM
I agree the zombie nurse would win it... as far as BD goes... I mean how do we know he was overacting or just acting how GAR wanted him to?

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 07:35 PM
That's not a bad question burt.

24-Jul-2007, 07:38 PM
nice ROTLD quote... good form!

24-Jul-2007, 07:43 PM
I think the guy watched Day too much and tried to
bring some of Bub into his character and
went overboard. But you'r right,
the Nurse should win...second
place goes to B.D.

24-Jul-2007, 07:47 PM
that's a good idea... he prolly did watch too much bubtv

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 08:27 PM
I think that it's a safe bet that we'll never see another ghoul the likes of bg daddy again. (thatnk goodness!!). Gar has taken this series as far as it can go. I think that's why he decided to reboot and start back at the beginning.

24-Jul-2007, 09:01 PM
Maybe Land was just a warm up.

Maybe his new series could be
Dawn: The next generation:rockbrow::elol::p

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 09:24 PM
" MAKE IT SO!!" :lol: