View Full Version : I met Bub....

14-Oct-2006, 08:53 PM
I met Howard Sherman today....
and along with discussing an interview for D-C.com, he signed my facial appliance made from his body cast back when they filmed day...this is a custom piece that was made, painted and sent to me by a friend who worked as an instructor at Tom Savini's school, it 's been the "headpiece" of my memorabilia for years ... now I have the crowning jewel for it, Howards autograph!!
Check it out:


and a close up:

Click Here (http://dead-central.com/rns/closeUp.JPG) to read the close up.

14-Oct-2006, 09:53 PM
now that kicks ten shades of ass!

but did you ask him what he thinks of the remake?:D

14-Oct-2006, 10:45 PM
...I did... I'll answer that question tomorrow after I spend a lil time with the man, he'll be at the con til 6 pm, and so will I ...It was as awesome as the day I met George, been waiting years for it....and talk about a friendly guy....We started to discuss the remake but he had fans to attend to and I didn't want to hold them up, so we chatted in between pictures & autographs....

Oh in case your latin isn't up to par..it reads "Expect the Dead to rise"

ok one more ...my daughter took these shots and we weren't quite ready...lol that's why the funny expression in the pic above...


14-Oct-2006, 11:42 PM
Top notch pics, man. If I ever met him, I'd have him sign my copy of Salem's Lot.

14-Oct-2006, 11:59 PM
ah mr spauling your that rare thing :a londener with taste:p

15-Oct-2006, 12:12 AM
did u get to cast and autograph his member too?:D

15-Oct-2006, 03:09 AM
Poor joke DeadBeat, not amusing at all.
The lifecast (as they are called) was made for the film back in 1984, by Tom Savini himself...
There are only 3 left in existance and the one in these pics is one of the three, the other is owned by Chad Ball, and the third by Savini ....
Howard told me he'd never seen one like this since he'd done the film... spare me the distasteful jokes,okay my friend??

15-Oct-2006, 03:56 AM
There are only 3 left in existance and the one in these pics is one of the three, the other is owned by Chad Ball, and the third by Savini...

I bet you guard that thing with your life. I'd be so paranoid I'd have to put it in a vault!

15-Oct-2006, 09:55 AM
Cap I walked around the convention with it in a bag wrapped around my wrist ....If someone was going to grab it they were dragging me along!

Yeah.... aside from my LAND poster signed by George Romero, Greg Nicotero, Howard Berger,Pedro D'Arce, Eugene Clark & Robert Joy...it's the most important piece of memorabilia I own....DAY is my favorite of GAR's films, and BUB was the shiznit when I saw the film at 20, so I hold that one item very highly.
Yesterday made as big an impression on me as meeting George did last year.

15-Oct-2006, 02:13 PM
definatly props for that one! if there was still a rep system i'd shoot you one! maybe now that i live in western PA i can make it to cons now. anyone going to (are they really gonna do it?) the dawn 2008 reunion? i'll be there if its happening! and who's your friend? i go to savini school, maybe i know him or her! (you obviously dont have to say!)

15-Oct-2006, 10:38 PM
It was Greg McDougall actually,he made the molding when instructing there I also have a couple other friends who attended Toms school, the LaBonte twins...

15-Oct-2006, 10:49 PM
DAY is my favorite of GAR's films, and BUB was the shiznit when I saw the film at 20

I can dig that, it would be like me owning Blade's machete from Dawn, signed by Savini and Lies - something I'll never, ever have. As for GAR's best film, I'd have to give that one to Martin. I saw that movie in 1982 when I was 9 (about a year after I first saw Dawn) and when I finally owned it 10 years later, I was pure blown away all over again. The film is so tragic. Dawn is my favourite GAR film but Day can sometimes override that.

15-Oct-2006, 11:10 PM
way cool

great pics

make us all jealous....

16-Oct-2006, 01:59 AM
Hellsing I did ask..... and his response was more of a "shrug it off " deal, like ..bahhh who cares...he knows no one will ever touch the original nor make a legitimate comparison to Georgea film, so he didn't really seem to care...though he doen't agree with runners, that we DID discuss.

Howard is an extremely intelligent man and very interested in the mind & body on a medical level. During the panel he did, he touched on his approach to BUB and expressed more of an opinion after with me & my friend on the concept of re-animated flesh & how it would move, being the mind and brain run on electrical impulses and after death these impulses would behave irraticly and probably much slower, motor function would be slowed or impaired greatly...hence , shuffling , awkward and clumsy zombies... runners would only truly be possible if the brain functions on a higher level, that seems to be an impossiblity after death....I mentioned the impairments to stroke victims as an example and we both seemed to agree on that...so

in short, he's not too impressed with the idea of a remake , and he doesn't care for runners... :elol:

Mister Chrome
16-Oct-2006, 02:24 AM
He always came off as a bright guy in the interviews I've seen with him. I wish he would have had more roles in the horror genre, because I think he would have made a great hero type.

Great stuff you have - the mask and the interview!

Spider Rico
16-Oct-2006, 04:16 AM
I'd love to meet any of thoses guys but I know I'd freeze up if I every saw them.

16-Oct-2006, 04:33 AM
in short, he's not too impressed with the idea of a remake...

I don't blame him. Howard Sherman is untouchable as Bub. I pity the fool that has to re-play his character!

16-Oct-2006, 04:56 AM
i reckon he'll get a few hate mails from the hardcore day fans.

you know who you are and you know you would.:shifty:

20-Oct-2006, 08:34 AM
Met Tom Savini in Orlando Florida in 2003 at Full Sail . He was talikng to the film students there , and they had video equipment set up and stuff . Greg Nicotero was there too . As Tom was taking questions from the audience , I asked him what is was like to work so hard at something and see it come to success , while he was answering me , I asked him to sign my hat . It was a Dawn of the Dead hat given to me by a friend long before then . He singed the inside if it because its black on the outside , afterwards he looked at the top and exclaimed " Oh look , its a Dawn of the Dead hat!!! " It was really cool to meet him .
By the photos , it looks like you had fun .