View Full Version : Night Of The Comet

15-Oct-2006, 05:19 AM
In the mid eighties I saw a movie called 'Night Of The Comet' where a comet lands on Earth and turns the people into crazies. I remember liking it as a kid and often wonder if it still holds up now as I've never seen it since. Has it been released on dvd?

15-Oct-2006, 01:17 PM
In the mid eighties I saw a movie called 'Night Of The Comet' where a comet lands on Earth and turns the people into crazies. I remember liking it as a kid and often wonder if it still holds up now as I've never seen it since. Has it been released on dvd?

Yes, I own it, found it at Walmart. Probably in the bargin bin. Look for it, but you'll have to dig. I saw several on EBay too, but the price is always inflated.


15-Oct-2006, 05:25 PM
now thats an oldy!, jesus i aint heard nor seen anything about that film in't time!:)

15-Oct-2006, 06:01 PM
Yes, I own it, found it at Walmart. Probably in the bargin bin. Look for it, but you'll have to dig. I saw several on EBay too, but the price is always inflated.


This movie has never been released on DVD so I am not sure how you can own it especially from WALMART.

I have a sister who works at WALMART and she works in the electronics department and keeps an eye out for mo onthese things and she has never seen it.

I think you may possibly be mistaken. :skull:

15-Oct-2006, 06:25 PM
This movie has never been released on DVD so I am not sure how you can own it especially from WALMART.

I have a sister who works at WALMART and she works in the electronics department and keeps an eye out for mo onthese things and she has never seen it.

I think you may possibly be mistaken. :skull:

You are correct. This movie hasn't ever been released to DVD (except bootleg crap) due to rights.

I got the original VHS off eBay for like $4 a couple years ago.

Yes, the movie does still hold up even after 22 years.

15-Oct-2006, 06:54 PM
You are correct. This movie hasn't ever been released to DVD (except bootleg crap) due to rights.

I got the original VHS off eBay for like $4 a couple years ago.

Yes, the movie does still hold up even after 22 years.

I have had the VHS for years and love it.

I do see some bootleg versions on eBay so my apologies to Marie, it is available there but I do not think it would ever be in WALMART.

I did buy a version of "DONT BE AFRAID OF THE DARK" that turned out to be bootleg that is not too bad but I hate buying them bootleg.

15-Oct-2006, 07:35 PM
I did buy a version of "DONT BE AFRAID OF THE DARK" that turned out to be bootleg that is not too bad but I hate buying them bootleg.

wasnt that a sorta horror show for kids in the early 90's on one of those channels like nickelodeon?

15-Oct-2006, 07:41 PM
wasnt that a sorta horror show for kids in the early 90's on one of those channels like nickelodeon?

It was but I am talking about the 1970's movie of the week one with Kim Darby and the house with the little gnome like creatures that are haunting her.

Check it out on IMDB.com

15-Oct-2006, 08:33 PM
wasnt that a sorta horror show for kids in the early 90's on one of those channels like nickelodeon?

That was Are You Afaid Of The Dark?; a great show.

15-Oct-2006, 08:48 PM
In the mid eighties I saw a movie called 'Night Of The Comet' where a comet lands on Earth and turns the people into crazies. I remember liking it as a kid and often wonder if it still holds up now as I've never seen it since. Has it been released on dvd?
Was that the one where you had to be inside something metallic to survive? Was one of the kids that survived in a cinema projection booth?

I saw it on telly years ago, it was ok. Cheesy, but ok.
BTW, CapnSpaulding, is your avatar John Holmes?:rolleyes: :D

15-Oct-2006, 10:02 PM
BTW, CapnSpaulding, is your avatar John Holmes?

Yup. Johnny Wadd, Mr 12 himself. Thanks for the info on NOTC guys, looks like I'm gonna have to track this sucker down on VHS! :mad:

15-Oct-2006, 11:35 PM
That was Are You Afaid Of The Dark?; a great show.

thats the one!, i loved that when i was little.:D

17-Oct-2006, 11:34 PM
Was that the one where you had to be inside something metallic to survive? Was one of the kids that survived in a cinema projection booth?

I saw it on telly years ago, it was ok. Cheesy, but ok.
BTW, CapnSpaulding, is your avatar John Holmes?:rolleyes: :D


I LOVE this movie, right up there with 'Night of the Creeps'!

How it goes, is this particular comet was last by Earth several million years ago when the dinosaurs suddenly went extinct... hmmm... :confused:

It doesn't actually 'land' on Earth, since that would probably mean the Earth would be destroyed.

Anywoo, if you are directly exposed to the comet and its 'dust' (watching it from outside), your skin starts to feel weird and basically by morning, you are reduced to a pile of dust yourself. If you are not directly exposed, you start to decay slowly and become crazed, sort of like the 'zombies' in 28 Days Later.

Instead of eating brains or guts, you just become a psycho and want to kill people, but you are not out of control like those in 28 Days Later.

If you are enclosed in a metal box or something to that effect, projection booth, semi-cab sleeper, metal shed, etc, you are fine... but then you are left with an empty world with some crazies running around.

As long as you outlast them though, they all become dust as well and then its free nachos for everyone!!! YEAH!!! :D

BTW- Love the cheerleader with the uzi, oh yeah! ;)


:dead: Dawg

17-Oct-2006, 11:45 PM
Love the cheerleader with the uzi, oh yeah!

I totally remember that. She'd get it!

18-Oct-2006, 04:57 AM
BTW- Love the cheerleader with the uzi, oh yeah! ;)


:dead: Dawg

That would be Kelli Maroney :). She was smokin' in that movie :D. If you remember, Robert Beltran, good ole Commander Chakotay from ST: Voyager, was in the movie as well :cool:.

I was very happy to get a really good region free DVD copy of this movie off of eBay. Plays great on my portable as well as my regular DVD players.

18-Oct-2006, 05:26 PM
Catherine Mary Stewart was on the Outer Limits a few years back. Still looking good...

18-Oct-2006, 08:28 PM
In the mid eighties I saw a movie called 'Night Of The Comet' where a comet lands on Earth and turns the people into crazies. I remember liking it as a kid and often wonder if it still holds up now as I've never seen it since. Has it been released on dvd?

I saw 'Night of the Comet' around the time 'Day of the Dead' came out. I remember noticing the similarities with the whole apocalypse thing. The zombies looked pretty cool too.

I got my DVD copy at Flashback 2004 here in Chicago. You can order it online at Fleshwound Video (http://www.fleshwoundvideo.com/N.html) - this is where I get all my hard-to-finds.

18-Oct-2006, 11:04 PM
Cheers man. Thanks for the link.

Pro Assasin
19-Oct-2006, 03:49 PM
Night of the comet is so cool. I hadn't seen it for years not since i was a kid. But a couple of weeks ago i spotted it on the Sci FI channel in the UK. I couldnt belive my luck. I even managed to tape it. I e-mailed the Sci Fi Channel to find out if they was going to show it again but was told they had no plans to. Which was a bit strange because they usually overplay things until you cant stand to watch them again (like most cable or satellite channels). I read that the Negative was lost for the film thats why theres no official dvd release. However the one they showed on the sci fi channel was a good copy i doubt anyone who likes the film would mind the quality. I mean i love the film clerks and that has to be the crappyist looking black and white film ive ever seen but i still bought it twice.

19-Oct-2006, 09:17 PM
In the mid eighties I saw a movie called 'Night Of The Comet' where a comet lands on Earth and turns the people into crazies. I remember liking it as a kid and often wonder if it still holds up now as I've never seen it since. Has it been released on dvd?

you know so did i and it was pretty cool to be honest i would'nt doubt that that some schumk tries to come alone and remake it!
