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15-Oct-2006, 09:39 AM
The Zombie Diaries can be described as a cross between Night of The Living Dead and The Blair Witch Project

The film is shot on DV in a documentary (almost video diary) style.

The film is scheduled for release most likely in 2007.

The Zombies in the film were trained and choreographed by Litza Bixler who did the same job on Shaun Of The Dead

The Special Effects are by Scott Orr, Mike Peel (The Descent) and Cesar Alonso.

The film is composed of three stories that interlink. The first segment tells the story of survivors who retreat to an old farm; the second segment tells the story of three people scavenging the remnants of a dead city; the third segment follows a documentary team who are caught up in the outbreak as it begins. The stories link up at several points.

The film is shot in a hand-held style, with each segment of the film being a different 'tape' that was found which belonged to one set of characters.

The idea for the film came about when I wanted to imagine what would happen if a real zombie outbreak occurred. I know that anyone with access to generators or batteries would try and use whatever equipment they had to document the outbreak. Originally the idea was for a short, but finally we turned it into a feature which comprised of different survivor’s stories.

Official Site (http://www.zombiediaries.com/)
Trailer (http://www.zombiediaries.com/zd_trailer.wmv) (wmv 4.37mb)
makingthefilm.com Diary (http://www.makingthefilm.com/diary.html)
Creature Corner article (http://creature-corner.com/?type=news&id=1637)

15-Oct-2006, 01:56 PM
THis looks pretty friggin cool. I would definitely buy this DVD. :D

Looks very creepy.

15-Oct-2006, 05:36 PM
Let us know when this comes out on dvd looks good I want this one in my collection for sure!!
I actually thought it was GAR's at first *bowing head in shame* lol
Anyhow,a definite 'thumbs up' for me!
Thanks for the links Neil!

15-Oct-2006, 09:40 PM
I've got a 'sort-of' feeling on this one. The trailer looks wicked!

15-Oct-2006, 10:09 PM
I've got a 'sort-of' feeling on this one. The trailer looks wicked!

lol what does that mean? ;)

15-Oct-2006, 11:37 PM
lol what does that mean? ;)

Like 'sort-of' GREAT! I've seen a few zombie trailers recently but TZD looks a cracker! I don't want to reference 28 Days Later (I have already :sneaky: ) but I loved that movie and yours seems very similar. I'm totally raving for another original UK zombie story and TZD looks the business.

05-Feb-2007, 11:17 AM
Er, it's all gone a bit quiet in here. Anything new to report?

06-Feb-2007, 06:18 PM
Just a quick update guys.

We've been busy throughout January and into February working on a new trailer, putting together press packs, revamping the new website (check back at www.zombiediaries.com in the coming weeks) and there's also an official myspace page at www.myspace.com/thezombiediaries

Should be off to the Cannes Film Market with the film in May and we've already got some interest from a distributor over here in the UK so it's looking good. Long old process getting the movie out there but I believe the coming few months should see some real progress.

We'll also be submitting The Zombie Diaries to a number of upcoming festivals worldwide.


06-Sep-2007, 02:21 AM
Trailer looks incredible. Good details, high production values, has a "real" vibe missing from so many zombie movies.
Looking forward to seeing this sometime in America.