View Full Version : UK semi fighting back against Muslim panty twists.

19-Oct-2006, 07:37 PM

'No discrimination' in veil row:

A Muslim classroom assistant suspended by a school for wearing a veil in lessons has lost her claim of religious discrimination at a tribunal.

Aishah Azmi, 23, was asked to remove the veil after the school in Dewsbury, W Yorks, said pupils found it hard to understand her.

The tribunal dismissed her claims of religious discrimination and harassment on religious grounds.

But Kirklees Council was ordered to pay her £1,100 for victimising her.

Ms Azmi, a married mother-of-one, said she would be appealing against the decision to dismiss her religious discrimination claims.

In a statement she criticised ministers who had intervened in the case and said it made her "fearful of the consequences for Muslim women in this country who want to work".

She said: "However, I am pleased that the tribunal have recognised the victimising way in which the school and the local education authority have handled this matter and the distress that has caused me."

'Mark of separation'

The case attracted comments from Prime Minister Tony Blair, who backed Kirklees Council for suspending Ms Azmi.

Mr Blair said the wearing of a full face veil was a "mark of separation" and made some "outside the community feel uncomfortable".

The government's race minister Phil Woolas demanded Ms Azmi to be sacked, accusing her of "denying the right of children to a full education".

Ms Azmi, who is originally from Cardiff, said: "Muslim women who wear the veils are not aliens, and politicians need to recognise that what they say can have a very dangerous impact on the lives of the minorities they treat as outcasts.

"I will continue to uphold my religious beliefs and urge Muslims to engage in dialogue with the wider community, despite the attacks that are being made upon them."

Headfield Church of England Junior School, which has 546 pupils, suspended Ms Azmi because it said pupils found it hard to understand her during lessons.

Kirklees Council said the decision was taken after a monitoring period in which the impact of wearing the veil on the teaching and learning was studied.

It said: "In this case the school and local authority had to balance the rights of the children to receive the best quality education possible and Mrs Azmi's desire to express her cultural beliefs by wearing a veil in class.

"The education of the children is of paramount importance and it is disappointing that the school was unable to reach a compromise with Mrs Azmi in this case."

19-Oct-2006, 07:48 PM
wasn't there something here in the US a few years ago (in Florida, I believe) concerning a Muzzie that wanted to pose for her drivers' license photo with her "hidey ho" veil?

19-Oct-2006, 07:54 PM
This from the country where a teenage girl was arrested by police after causing a fuss about the fact she was in a classroom - in ENGLAND - where English was the vast minority language spoken. She wasn't getting HER education, she complained and she was arrested...yes...this is Britain, come on over and enjoy the party, bajillions of people from all over Europe are lining up to do just that ... join this pokey little island with around 62 million people on it - needless to say, we're cramped ... oh and did I forget the palava earlier in the year with foreign criminals (rapists, murderers, armed robbers) were released ... then illegal immigrants were employed by the gubment to clean the offices of the Home Office - most ironically the immigration department.

Oh yes, now it's come to light some moron in charge of how prisons are run gave the go ahead to PAY prisoners to complete menial tasks so they got 'pocket money' to buy ciggies, sweets etc or send home to their families ... one of the things they could be paid to do was play Scrabble ... for 30 minutes ... no wonder the prisons are literally on the verge of being filled completely.

Seriously - this is the tip of the iceberg, Britain is crashing and burning before our very eyes all thanks to you know damn well who ... it's insane.

At least this fuss over veils shows that when given the chance, the plucky British public will speak out despite the bullsh*t political correctness overload we've had here for the past 10 or so years. The ability to discuss a topic such as that (a topic which 3/4 of Muslims polled thought people should be punished for even discussing in their own damn country!!! :eek::eek:) is showing me that perhaps a revolution against PC-culture is coming soon.

Also - in the paper yesterday there was a bit about a driving examiner who refused to allow a Muslim girl to continue the prelimary guff before taking the test because she refused to remove her veil - eventually she was convinced to go into a private room, and quickly show her face - for cryin' out loud - for a piece of cloth that was on one hand introduced to shield you from sun in the desert and then forced upon women by chauvinistic men with some bizarre idea of femininity, it sure is causing a buttload of trouble...


Disclaimer - just venting, yet again - I'm not racist. Racists are retards who don't realise we all come from Africa and that skin colour is merely to do with melanin levels in the skin - I'm exercising my right to discuss political matters ... just making that clear. :)

19-Oct-2006, 08:40 PM
Racists are retards who don't realise we all come from Africa and that skin colour is merely to do with melanin levels in the skin...

Bravo MZ!

19-Oct-2006, 09:25 PM
Do you think when they take the veils off they have a tan line that looks like bonos welded on shades?

@ MZ-in yesterdays daily mail there was a letter written in by a muslim woman,who claimed that the British people are like Hitlers Nazis & that the muslims of this country are being persecuted & will suffer the same fate as the jews in the holocaust!i couldnt adam & eve it!This coming from people who were actively part of the holocaust!Hazard a guess at the religion these waffen SS chaps followed


19-Oct-2006, 09:46 PM
So she was asked to take off the veil so the pupils could hear her and she refused!!! So do you think a teacher could get away with wearing this then?


19-Oct-2006, 10:15 PM
Ooh Neil, ya cheeky monkey.

If you had a teacher like that all the authorities would do is say "niiiice" whilst squinting/grinning (what, nobody else watched South Park 10x10?)

Anyway, there's a fine line here, and I think it basically comes down to - there's no problem with wearing a turban or the thingymi that goes around the head but not over the face. Now, in WESTERN society - in Britain - where these people are now living because their families migrated here, we do things by looking at your face - and in this day and age of terrorism and crime and bla bla bla - what good is a passport/driver's license/CCTV camera or the plucky British public's own eye, if your religion "forbids" showing your face.

When in someone elses home you take your shoes off, so likewise when in someone else's society, abide by their rules - both legal and social - here we do things to people's faces, not a black piece of cloth. No problem with the head wrap or the turban or covering the rest of the body even - but we do things by faces in our society - kindly respect our way of things. It's a two way street people, but political correctness - and the people who rape the good use of PC behaviour - has whacked up that red circle with a white line through it...


Muslims in Britain to end up like the Jews under Hitler? Who have they been getting their lessons in media over-sensationalism from ... Jack Thompson?

19-Oct-2006, 11:02 PM
Neil... if that:


were standard facial wear for married muslim women....more married westerners would convert, I think. :lol:

19-Oct-2006, 11:22 PM
Do you think when they take the veils off they have a tan line that looks like bonos welded on shades?

@ MZ-in yesterdays daily mail there was a letter written in by a muslim woman,who claimed that the British people are like Hitlers Nazis & that the muslims of this country are being persecuted & will suffer the same fate as the jews in the holocaust!i couldnt adam & eve it!This coming from people who were actively part of the holocaust!Hazard a guess at the religion these waffen SS chaps followed


Bosnian Muslims in the Waffen SS, this is one reason why Islam was/is so popular with Serbs.:rolleyes:

I find it amusing that the people who wish to use veils or burkas or whatever
to make a political point about their adherence to Islamic law are trying to use the western values that they obviously despise to shore up their own intolerance of the society in which they choose to live.

The veil/burka is a declaration of Jihad. It's interesting to note that many who choose to adopt it's use were born in the U.K of Muslim parents who never wore it in their home countries. Similarly, note how it's use has increased amongst the young over the past couple of years. Cui Bono?

I seem to have inadvertently captured a picture of that self important prick from U2, Boner or whatever he calls himself. How long is it before that clown starts flapping his gums again?

20-Oct-2006, 12:31 AM
This from the country where a teenage girl was arrested by police after causing a fuss about the fact she was in a classroom - in ENGLAND - where English was the vast minority language spoken. She wasn't getting HER education, she complained and she was arrested...yes...this is Britain, come on over and enjoy the party, bajillions of people from all over Europe are lining up to do just that ... join this pokey little island with around 62 million people on it - needless to say, we're cramped ... oh and did I forget the palava earlier in the year with foreign criminals (rapists, murderers, armed robbers) were released ... then illegal immigrants were employed by the gubment to clean the offices of the Home Office - most ironically the immigration department.

Oh yes, now it's come to light some moron in charge of how prisons are run gave the go ahead to PAY prisoners to complete menial tasks so they got 'pocket money' to buy ciggies, sweets etc or send home to their families ... one of the things they could be paid to do was play Scrabble ... for 30 minutes ... no wonder the prisons are literally on the verge of being filled completely.

Seriously - this is the tip of the iceberg, Britain is crashing and burning before our very eyes all thanks to you know damn well who ... it's insane.

At least this fuss over veils shows that when given the chance, the plucky British public will speak out despite the bullsh*t political correctness overload we've had here for the past 10 or so years. The ability to discuss a topic such as that (a topic which 3/4 of Muslims polled thought people should be punished for even discussing in their own damn country!!! :eek::eek:) is showing me that perhaps a revolution against PC-culture is coming soon.

Also - in the paper yesterday there was a bit about a driving examiner who refused to allow a Muslim girl to continue the prelimary guff before taking the test because she refused to remove her veil - eventually she was convinced to go into a private room, and quickly show her face - for cryin' out loud - for a piece of cloth that was on one hand introduced to shield you from sun in the desert and then forced upon women by chauvinistic men with some bizarre idea of femininity, it sure is causing a buttload of trouble...


Disclaimer - just venting, yet again - I'm not racist. Racists are retards who don't realise we all come from Africa and that skin colour is merely to do with melanin levels in the skin - I'm exercising my right to discuss political matters ... just making that clear. :)

Noone really knows where all the human groups came from. We do know though that sentient humanoids like the Neanderthals were hanging out in Europe long before the modern humans were. Wether or not that has something to do with the riddle is unknown. Finding fossil records in a place that was covered by ice and then thawed several times is a lot harder than finding them in a desert of million year old grasslands.

20-Oct-2006, 02:35 AM
The Muslim branch of the SS, didn't activly participate in any death camps, any mass killings of Jews, they were mostly there to handle Tito and his partisans. Just wanted to make that clear.

Sorry, have a soft spot for them as their the last decendents of the Ottomans in Europe.

20-Oct-2006, 10:21 AM
I find it amusing that the people who wish to use veils or burkas or whatever
to make a political point about their adherence to Islamic law are trying to use the western values that they obviously despise to shore up their own intolerance of the society in which they choose to live.

Damn well spot on - it's all take and no give, expecting US to change OUR society's long-standing socio-political and cultural ways for THEM ... now if we went over there, you'd be damn sure we couldn't change their society to allow women their own careers, for FHM to be on a waist-high shelf ... or shelf for that matter, for women to wear bikinis and tight clothing to show of their figures if they choose and a whole bunch of other very much Western ideals that we hold dear - like freedom of speech, for one.

It's like playing the race card - all take and no give, abusing a system (poitical correctness and freedom of speech) that was supposed to be there to allow equal opportunities in life for minorities and women and F-O-S to allow people to express themselves (yet - NOT preach hate ... but PC has gone mad and even those numbnuts - like NAMBLA and so on - get to abuse the system to suit themselves).

It's sickening ... roll on the inevitable backlash...

20-Oct-2006, 11:19 AM
ahh the race card.

K, when has any brit here heard a normal person yell a racial slur in an argument?, cus i havent since the early 90's.

for all our wars and **** people of all colours get along much better than 100 years ago so its just fear of being un-p.c thats used to scare people.]

CASE IN POINT- my teacher was talking to a student about his job in a store where the teacher shops and he said "theres a few staff members i dont like theres this msulim girl who works on the till who every day asks me how i am have i been to the doctors lately, and way to many in oppropriate questions"

now he was just saying how someone on a till in a store was prying to much and asking arqward qeustions when he just wanted some groceries but from the moment he said "muslim" around 60% of the class had a look of horror on there faces, they didnt think, oh he only knew that because she was wearing a headscraf (cant remember the proper name) did he know she was muslim it wasnt a slur but you apparently cannot call a muslim a muslim, why?, forgive my squirelly ignorance but if your a member of the christian faith your a christian ,jewish a jew, and muslim a muslim.
people get so damn jumpy about that kind of stuff.

since were talking about race a funny thing happened yesterday, i brought my canon mv900 in to college to film some stuff in the woods nearby and im walking around with some freinds, one of which is english but his family is from india so he is wearing a turban and just for that some asshole chavs and kappa slappers yelled "oy o-sama get back to iraq you terrorist *insert n word here*".
being from an indian family in england he's cool with it and tells us to ignore it, but the rest of us, 3 white guys a chinese guy and an caribean guy were all basically "hell no, **** that!", then i get the idea to whip out the camcorder, we approach these guys and when they see the camera you literally saw the colour drain from the burberry capped faces.
we said "excuse me would you care to reiterate what you were saying to our freind a moment ago?", to which they replied "shu-op, wes gonna break that fing if youns get it near us", to which we said "well were here now and thats on film (it wasnt filming) , would you care to explain how you thought it was okay to say that you racist ****s?", to which they slumped off towards amccy-ds in a sulk.


its only the un-educatwed yobos that act racist. and its all very ironic with what mz said.
according to some mag i read the idea that we come from africa and since its colder we dont need as dark skin to protect from less eexreme heat condtions is considered a load of bollox by the majority of the western world.

its a damn shame.

religion, race its all stuffweve made up 2 million years ago there was no english and scottish border it was just an island off the coast of france, we make up religions to cope with the frailty of the human condition and when another pops up on of us disagrees with wars can be started, but were all the god damn same, thats the whole irony of race adn religion were all as bad and as good as each other and anyone who thinks other than that is a fool.

20-Oct-2006, 12:00 PM
we're all as bad and as good as each other and anyone who thinks other than that is a fool.

Damn straight, and that's where this ultra political correctiveness is f*cking us over.

Also - good on you guys for confronting those chavvy wankers for shouting at the Indian guy (they called him an "n-word"? :rockbrow: ... damn, that is under-educated, even for a chav!). Racism is the tool of the thick, balanced discussion which says all races are as stupid/cool as any other race is the tool of the people that will bring the human race forward into the future.

Education, education, education - it's our greatest tool ... and Labour have completely destroyed it ... thanks a bunch. I guess it's all part of their domination plans - make the populace stupid and scared through ignorance so they can justifiy ID cards and all sorts of bizarre and completely illegal pieces of legislation based on taste rather than evidence...and so on.

*sigh* This friggin' country...

20-Oct-2006, 12:46 PM
So she was asked to take off the veil so the pupils could hear her and she refused!!! So do you think a teacher could get away with wearing this then?


frak, does she come with the ballgag?

hubba hubba

20-Oct-2006, 01:26 PM
Since were talking about race a funny thing happened yesterday, i brought my canon mv900 in to college to film some stuff in the woods nearby and im walking around with some freinds, one of which is english but his family is from india so he is wearing a turban and just for that some asshole chavs and kappa slappers yelled "oy o-sama get back to iraq you terrorist *insert n word here*".
being from an indian family in england he's cool with it and tells us to ignore it, but the rest of us, 3 white guys a chinese guy and an caribean guy were all basically "hell no, **** that!", then i get the idea to whip out the camcorder, we approach these guys and when they see the camera you literally saw the colour drain from the burberry capped faces.
we said "excuse me would you care to reiterate what you were saying to our freind a moment ago?", to which they replied "shu-op, wes gonna break that fing if youns get it near us", to which we said "well were here now and thats on film (it wasnt filming) , would you care to explain how you thought it was okay to say that you racist ****s?", to which they slumped off towards amccy-ds in a sulk.

Oh yeah, that's what I like to read Hells! I too have been on the defensive recently about racism. I have a few racist 'friends'; football hooligan, beer drinking, wife slapping, s**theads who wont stop using the word n**ger whenever a black actor/musician appears on tv. "They smell like this, they talk like that" etc. Man, it bugs me! Whenever I speak out in defense I get the whole "n**ger lover" jest, that is until I threaten to punch their lights outs! Then a couple of months ago at work, a new guy started. The HARDEST motherf**ker you have ever seen in your life (polite as a Care Bear), 100% pure Caribbean muscle. I started inviting the guy round to mine for doobie snacks (warned the guy beforehand), did my 'friends' say a goddamn word? Hell no! They sat there silently toking away and looking sketchy. In fact, half of these a**holes haven't been round since. My point? Cowardice - nothing more, nothing less.

20-Oct-2006, 02:44 PM
Oh yeah, that's what I like to read Hells! I too have been on the defensive recently about racism. I have a few racist 'friends'; football hooligan, beer drinking, wife slapping, s**theads who who wont stop using the word n**ger whenever a black actor/musician appears on tv. "They smell like this, they talk like that" etc. Man, it bugs me! Whenever I speak out in defense I get the whole "n**ger lover" jest, that is until I threaten to punch their lights outs! Then a couple of months ago at work, a new guy started. The HARDEST motherf**ker you have ever seen in your life (polite as a Care Bear), 100% pure Carribean muscle. I started inviting the guy round to mine for doobie snacks (warned the guy beforehand), did my 'friends' say a goddamn word? Hell no! They sat there silently toking away, and looking sketchy. In fact, half of these **holes haven't been round since. My point? Cowardice - nothing more, nothing less.

Probably now cowardice, maybe just them being polite. People will say mean **** in private but then clam up about it in the presence of said people. Not because theyre always cowards but because they dont want to hurt anyones feelings on purpose. I know guys like this too.

20-Oct-2006, 06:49 PM
(polite as a Care Bear), 100% pure Caribbean muscle.

k, little creepy:p

20-Oct-2006, 09:00 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I phrase it like that, it does sound creepy. Hehe.

22-Oct-2006, 02:51 PM
MZ it's not all tony blairs fault, do thy homework. tony has made a few bad moves, ok so iraq was a fairly big one, but it's not like the tories didn't send everyone to iraq at the beginning of the last decade.

it was to defend the oil then, and almost nobody got the knickers in a twist, and nobody brings it up now. saddam tried to screw over kuwait, which used to be a part of iraq but the british empire helped it to become independant, due to the vast amount of oil there. ever since then we step in to defend it.

so they sent people to die for oil, and no bones are made about it. but tony blair is demonised after it is merely *suggested* by the media that it might have been over oil. plus don't forget the falklands - the hell was that all about.

neither were necessary, and yet the tories are all like "well we wouldnt have gone to iraq" yeah cause it's probably lost its novelty value.

vote them in, i dare thee

22-Oct-2006, 06:29 PM
Wasn't really talking about the Iraq situation at all here, we're talking veils and then I was talking about education and the lack thereof breeding racist wankers like Hellsing described - education was Labour's "key" interest to improve - when all they've done is f*ck it up completely (paying kids to go to school isn't progress, that's bribery for a disaffected youth whose education has been botched).

Labour's answer to everything is to throw money at it, no matter what it is, throw any amount of money at it and then run away and hide behind a tree until it blows over ... then release a well-trained statement which completely avoids any and all questions ... then come up with some bizarre piece of legislation to cover anything from (to them) "distasteful porn" to a little black box in your car to track exactly where you go at all times ... said headline grabbing wastes of time go in the papers for a few days to keep them from gawking over some f*ck up they've made, then they repeat the cycle all over again.

And once they've ran out of money from throwing it willy nilly at all their problems, they find themselves in desperate times and come up with any scheme possible to tax the British public who voted them in in the first place, to continue said willy nilly money dumping.

Tony Blair is the poor bastard acting as the face of Labour, he's a smarmy wanker but he's not the worst politician by far - it's those greasy-gutted living Spitting Image charicatures that surround him who cause all the damage, particularly Darth Brown ...

Can you tell I'm very much anti-Labour yet? :p;)

22-Oct-2006, 10:16 PM
damn straight mz i couldnt agree more, labour aint getting my vote.

....if i do that is.

and yes this thread was about the current situation about muslim women wearing veils NOT another pro or anti labour thread and it WAS over oil plain and simple so just get back on track people this is about the 4th thread this liam guys popped up in just to cause an argument.

iraq is not the subject of this thread, leave it outside.

23-Oct-2006, 06:30 PM
chiggity check yourself sonny, i'm not trying to stir up trouble - flaming up 4 topics is a wee exaggeration there! ive got less than 20 posts, view my history, i'm a nice man!, this is the only spirited discussion thus far!, anyways i wouldnt say were arguing, me and MZ have talked bollocks online for years, just cause we dont agree doesn't make it uncivil!

i didn't hijack this topic either, MZ ragged on new labour (he started it!), and i followed his criticism.

i realise my opinions may be at odds with most people on this board's, but that's no reason to villainise me, my comments about the tories weren't that inflammatory were they?!

anyhoo, i didn't think i was being uncivil or impolite but i'll pipe down if i'm a bit confrontational for your taste.

anyway sorry to sod off for however many years and then come back and cause a fight, didn't mean to, and the iraq thing was OT.

but getting back on topic...

on the issue of muslim veils posing a security threat in as much as a veiled criminal suspect would be difficult to identify, i have to disagree here, how many muslim housewives rob banks and deal drugs? not many.
so let's say a veiled muslim robbed a bank. so someone wearing a full body garment making a getaway from a crime scene is gonna be hard to trace? not that many people wear veils anyway, so they may as well be dressed as spiderman as far as being conspicuous is concerned.

i realise this is over simplifying the issue, but then so is saying veiled people can get away with crime - we have other methods of apprehending criminals aside from facial verification, or at least i like to think we do!

again if im totally wrong, show me the way...

23-Oct-2006, 06:56 PM
((4 posts already liam? You always were a busy guy ;) ))

I don't recall the issue really being whether or not it was a security risk. The issue at hand was whether or not it interferred with the students' learning. And, I'd say that it certainly does.

Here, in America, dresscodes have become very strict for students. My 6 year old sports a mohawk, yet the school has informed me that if it is spiked higher than 3 inches, that it will be qualified as a 'distraction' to other students and he will be in violation of school dresscodes. :mad:

So, I say: whats good for the goose is good for the gander. A teacher's personal appearance should in no way be allowed to distract from a pupil's learning.

And, MZ is correct, IMHO. In Western society, we do rely upon facial features/gestures not only as a means of identification, but as a form of communication. While immigrants should be given the rights to continue practicing their 'heritage' and 'beliefs', by BEING an immigrant, they should assume that certain changes will be placed upon them.

If she feels that strongly about the veil, let her return to a country where this is the established norm. Otherwise, adopt the practices of your new home and move on.

Sigh...people of Middle eastern descent will be playing the 'race card' for years to come now.

23-Oct-2006, 07:02 PM
mm. it would affect her role as a teacher, there's no question of that.
i guess my problem is i'm an optimistic rationaliser (or a head in the clouds hippy idealist).
it's just a shame to class any immigrants of any kind incompatible with our society - we lose that juicy net gain ;)

23-Oct-2006, 07:06 PM
Well I was ragging more on the gubment in general, and more specifically ragging on the state this country has gotten into, in general. Didn't even think of the Iraq situation as it wasn't connected.

As for veils - they can be abused. A terrorist could wear one, heck, anybody could wear one with the eye shield thingy stuck on as well.

A veil makes CCTV useless, and tracing them doesn't have to involve an obvious getaway situation, it could involve a lot of CCTV work, and in an area with a lot of veils - that's a tricky situation.

I personally would prefer to see their faces, it's respect for us and our society, culture and country - like our women would have to cover up in their homeland. I couldn't possibly imagine being able to have an effective education, or an effective meeting etc with someone wearing a veil - to me that's just a talking sheet. I personally (as I'm sure many more people do) look at someone's lips when they're talking, not eyes - and of course, look at the whole face. I feel "let in" and can guage someone completely by their face.

How are people able to effectively interact if you can't do that?

You've also gotta think about the undereducated morons or even just the sort of person who has grown up in such an atmosphere (but isn't like that themself, necessarily) - it's a divisive symbol. Whether in an aggressive or passive manner, it denotes a separation.

That separation leads to further problems...

I could go on, but we'd be beating a dead horse ... where's Dj when you need him? :lol:

23-Oct-2006, 08:02 PM
I have a Muslim friend of mine who does wear the half-veil (don't know the name). I can safely say she is as normal as anyone else I know, or maybe not (she watches wrestling).

The simple point i'm trying to make is remember never to tar everyone with the same brush. Whilst I can understand the reasoning behind suggesting the full veil could be hiding a terrorist weapon, the simple fact is we won't know unless we search every single person in that dress. The more literal point is that unless our security services get there first, getting them to change their dress will not stop a person carrying a bomb into a crowded area and detonating it.

The full garg is outdated and clearly a throwback to women=possessions. But that does not mean we can simply say "remove it". We need to integrate our communities. Our youths are just as unaccepting of outsiders as they are. Many of our older generation worked for years to achieve a fairly measly pension and see people come here and get anything on a plate. A balance needs to be achieved and both sides need to be brought to the table with the intention of co-operating, not of scoring brownie points.

23-Oct-2006, 09:04 PM
Here, in America, dresscodes have become very strict for students. My 6 year old sports a mohawk, yet the school has informed me that if it is spiked higher than 3 inches, that it will be qualified as a 'distraction' to other students and he will be in violation of school dresscodes. :mad:

Not meaning to detour from the thread but WTF!!!

23-Oct-2006, 09:15 PM
lol, in my high school you weren't allowed to dye your hair or wear more than one ring (guys couldn't wear ANY rings) and likewise wear sensible ear-rings. There was a big fuss over the "slim jim" style of doing your school tie (the school gave up after failing to keep up with their Nazistic threat to search every pupil's tie at any given moment) - meanwhile soldering holes into it in electronics class became fashionable and went un-noticed.

There was also a half-assed attempt to ban those wide Head bags (I had two of those, used to club year 7 wankers around the head in the corridors with it - you know, the little bastards who had no respect for you even though you were a Sixth Former).

All those were considered "distractions", but they seemed to distract teachers away from teaching more than they distracted any pupil, ha!

23-Oct-2006, 09:26 PM
More reasons to:

A: end public schools or reform them
B: require uniforms.

23-Oct-2006, 09:28 PM
yeah just after columbine i nearly got suspended for having green hair and dressing like a weirdo, which had never previously been a problem!

i presume things have calmed down a little bit by now.

heh, to think back then, to all appearences homeland security, instead of chasing a worldwide network of fanatical religious maniacs, were after a few goths...

24-Oct-2006, 01:26 AM
lol, in my high school you weren't allowed to dye your hair or wear more than one ring (guys couldn't wear ANY rings) and likewise wear sensible ear-rings. There was a big fuss over the "slim jim" style of doing your school tie (the school gave up after failing to keep up with their Nazistic threat to search every pupil's tie at any given moment) - meanwhile soldering holes into it in electronics class became fashionable and went un-noticed.

There was also a half-assed attempt to ban those wide Head bags (I had two of those, used to club year 7 wankers around the head in the corridors with it - you know, the little bastards who had no respect for you even though you were a Sixth Former).

All those were considered "distractions", but they seemed to distract teachers away from teaching more than they distracted any pupil, ha!

my headmaster tried to get me in trouble for being one of the few guys with long hair at the time, but he was okay with a guy spraying a union jack on the back of his ehad because it was "patriotic sporting atire"....:rolleyes:

also girls couldnt wear trousers with pin stripes down them, in pe only black trainers were allowed, the list goes on but hell it was public schooling you take what you can get.:lol:

24-Oct-2006, 10:29 AM
lol, we had to wear white trainers to avoid scuff marks on the floor.

I remember doing some after school basketball with my mates and I did the Homer Simpsons circle-floor-walk thing for about 2 minutes, got up and saw there was a huge black circle smudged onto the floor, lol.

High Schools are idiotic places, eh?

24-Oct-2006, 05:14 PM
my headmaster tried to get me in trouble for being one of the few guys with long hair at the time...

I know how that one feels Hellz. Also on the subject of unacceptable school attire, my mate Lee once turned up with a denim jacket with the rebel flag on the back (big Skynyrd fan). Our douche bag of a headmaster dragged him up in front of the whole school at assembly, took the thing off him, showed the jacket to the crowd and stated that it was 'racist' and 'anti-social' to wear it. Joke!

24-Oct-2006, 06:43 PM
that's classic.
you'd have to get a fake mullet and black some teeth out for when you get dragged up in front of everyone.

24-Oct-2006, 07:02 PM


24-Oct-2006, 09:12 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: