View Full Version : Crippled zombies...

19-Oct-2006, 09:53 PM
What would happen if a wheelchair bound person became one of the undead?would they get up & walk,or would they still be disabled?

19-Oct-2006, 09:57 PM
Since the brain drives the zombie, the zombie would stay disabled. I still wouldn't like to have it crawling after me though! :D

19-Oct-2006, 09:57 PM
I would imagine that they would use their arms to crawl. Like the guy on Dead Reckoning in Land and the guy in the garage of Yawn04.

19-Oct-2006, 10:48 PM
Aye, I'm gonna go with the flow and repeat what everyone else says to be just, like, sooooooo original and *gol* *flicks hair with finger, kicking feet in the air whilst chatting to girlfriends on own, special pink phone that the parent units gave to show they have trust*


F*ck me that was random - anyway, I've gone utterly goofy tonight, yes - disable person - disable zombie ... sorry, "differently abled zombie" ... geez, even political correctness overload infects the world of the undead.

I'd imagine a zombie would have fudge all understanding of the chair though - it'd either just sit there and eventually figure it out somewhat, or more than likely end up falling out and just crawling around everywhere, slowly grinding it's mangled, rotting corpse down on the tarmac ... oh there's a pretty sight.

19-Oct-2006, 11:20 PM
The only exception I saw in movies was Night of the Creeps.

19-Oct-2006, 11:34 PM
Yea, even if that part of the body was somehow "revived" the brain connection is still broken. It would either be crippled or not able to control where the legs took it<G>.


19-Oct-2006, 11:56 PM
Just like the zombie hit by the truck in NOTLD '90. if dem legs ain't workin' before, they ain't workin' after either;)

20-Oct-2006, 12:15 AM
Then whatever hobbled them in life would follow in death. Since most people with mobility issues have thm because of physical reasons-- severed nerve endings to their limbs or broken bones-- etc. That being said, I would magine that would carry over to death-- you may end up with a crawling shambling zombie that would still be infected and dangerous..

If zombies were real--- ahh the joy-- umm horror..


20-Oct-2006, 01:35 AM
The only exception I could think of would be Return of the Living Dead type zombies, where each cell of the zombie has been reanimated. Due to their amazing damage resistance, it's theoretically possible the zombie would be able to "heal" enough to walk again. Assuming of course a suitable amount of BRAIIIINS are available.

20-Oct-2006, 01:40 AM
If zombies were real--- ahh the joy-- umm horror...

Ooh, I can feel another thread coming on. :D

24-Oct-2006, 07:39 PM
I recall there was a weelchair using zombie in Shaun of the Dead.

If they can retain 'remembered behaviours from normal life' there is no reason why one would not be able to use a wheelchair, in the same way they could use hockeysticks, guns etc.

I imagine that any disabling injuries suffered prior to revival would remain disabling, although one can never be sure, since they cheerfully disobey other basics of biology by reviving from death anyway!

24-Oct-2006, 07:51 PM
After reading the replies in this thread "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" popped into my head. Your answer could be in what happened to Dr. Ashford after he was shot & killed. He was wheelchair bound before being shot & after reanimating he couldn't walk. If you remember, he crawled after the guy who shot him because his disability in life was still his disability in death.

24-Oct-2006, 08:14 PM
If they can retain 'remembered behaviours from normal life'...

One has to wonder how that would apply to Michael Jackson if he ever reanimated! :D

24-Oct-2006, 09:35 PM
One has to wonder how that would apply to Michael Jackson if he ever reanimated! :D

It means there'd be a noseless, probably faceless zombie out there trying to Moonwalk and going EEEwwwwww instead of moaning.


24-Oct-2006, 11:23 PM
jerry lewis would hold a telethon
for the crippled zombies as
he moves on with the new times

but seriously
they would remain crippled
the damage to the body deosnt seem to repair
itself upon revival or thereafter

28-Oct-2006, 01:00 AM
jerry lewis would hold a telethon
for the crippled zombies as
he moves on with the new times

but seriously
they would remain crippled
the damage to the body deosnt seem to repair
itself upon revival or thereafter

LOL..that was good

28-Oct-2006, 01:54 AM
im gonna agree with everyone that they would still be dis-abled, though i think peopel would view it as a little touchy since the only time ive seen nor heard of a wheelchair bound zombie was in david moodys autumn, asid efomr that its like zombie midgets you just dont see em.

28-Oct-2006, 03:07 AM
Yea, even if that part of the body was somehow "revived" the brain connection is still broken. It would either be crippled or not able to control where the legs took it<G>.


I agree entirely.

28-Oct-2006, 09:23 PM
what if the zombie had fake legs..and a cane???