View Full Version : "I ask you again Capn, where would you go?"

20-Oct-2006, 01:48 AM
While browsing through the recent posts, I've come up with another thread. Not entirely original but an interesting one nonetheless. Lets say a real zombie apocalypse took over the world and the tv urged you to "stay inside... behind locked doors for safety..." Would you stay inside? I thought not so here's the question. Where would you go? What would be the first place you would run to or rob?

20-Oct-2006, 02:35 AM
In a place like NYC, I probably couldn't go anywhere. The food markets would be swamped with looters. Guns stores are practically non-existent. Even without those two issues, Cops and Nat. Guard would lock the city down with shoot to kill orders for both living and dead. So I guess in the end I would wind up in a sports stadium or public school for my "protection". Ehh, I think I'll just stay home.

20-Oct-2006, 04:58 AM
Being from NY as well, if the NYPD & National Guard blocked the exits out of the city I would fight it out at home. I'm in a second floor apartment of a 3 story building. I would block the stairs & pray :).

If I was able to get out of the city I would gather my family together & head for my brother's place. Big house in a fairly remote (for Long Island) area. He has access to the Long Island Sound & a boat so that would be our last option.

20-Oct-2006, 09:44 AM
Stay at home or bug out? Depends on a number of factors, first how secure is home? If you were locked out and really badly wanted to get in how easy would it be for you to force an entry, I mean if damage to property wasn't an issue.
I'll bet it's appalingly easy in most cases.

How about food and potable water, whats in your cupboards right now? Not enough to last more than a couple of days I'll wager. Are you armed? in the U.K
at least, the answer is most likely not so improvised weapons would be all you're likely to have.

How about getting away then? Harder than you might think in a small island nation with an already groaning travel infrastructure. Imagine the millions of desperate people trying to flee the undead, making the situation worse by jamming everything up. It would be hell.

Me? I'd bug out, up north into the Southern uplands or east, up the Pennines. Stay quiet, stay out of sight. and keep as mobile as possible.

20-Oct-2006, 12:19 PM
I kind of live out in the country....so it wouldn't be so bad. I would get my baseball bats, sledgehammers, axes, etc and stay in my house. My house is quite high off of the ground, so I could knock out the front and back porch stairs and they would have to way of getting to me. Well, except through the basement/garage door.....but at least it would be the only door I would have to worry about. And it's metal, anyway.

Yeah, I'm sorry to say that I had already thought this through.:p

20-Oct-2006, 03:37 PM
Well, if a zombie plague really hit and the world started to go to hell in a handbasket, and it looked hopeless, I would probably want to make my way to the Monroeville Mall and spend my last days on this earth reflecting upon the irony of holding out for real in a place where Roger, Peter, Fran and Flyboy held up in for pretend.

And in regards to the question "I ask you again Capn, where would you go?" I am real sure that I would certainly want to "blow the piss out of them"!

20-Oct-2006, 06:26 PM
Well, if a zombie plague really hit and the world started to go to hell in a handbasket, and it looked hopeless, I would probably want to make my way to the Monroeville Mall and spend my last days on this earth reflecting upon the irony of holding out for real in a place where Roger, Peter, Fran and Flyboy held up in for pretend.

If a real zombie crisis hit the world my man, that would be the most difficult place to get into. A million and one others would have the exact same idea. That is, unless you stole a bike, some nice leathers, a big ol' machete and a flick-comb! :D

21-Oct-2006, 04:46 PM
I would have stayed in my house. I live in a rural area. In Sweden.

The zombie plague just wouldn't catch on. The population density is to damn low. Alright, so it's not THAT low where I live, but still. There's 16,000 people in my community. And it's a big ass community. Let's say 6,000 skip town first chance they get and half of the rest get zombiefied over the course of the first week. That's 5,000 zombies spread out across quite a large radius. My house sits on a hill pretty much, and all the zombies would have to come up that hill where I could easily spot them.

If I took them out one by one, I wouldn't have any problems. Alot of the Z-heads probably wouldn't even come looking my way, because I'm not really living in a central location.

So what if they break in you say? If they do that, I retreat to our garage, which doubles as a bombshelter. Try to bust down that door, zombies. There's a window in the back which I could escape through and do one of the "divert" things to get the zombies to go my way. Then jump in through the window and back out through the main entrance.

And, as I said, The zombie plague wouldn't really be that much of a problem here. The shortage of imported food would be worse. So while society would survive, there'd be a food shortage the first two years or so.

21-Oct-2006, 05:13 PM
unless you are rich or well connected
i dont think there is a place to go

the bomb shelters and such would be taken
over by the elite

and i doubt that any plce could be truly safe

i think a prison or some other place would offer
the best chances
a place like that where getting in or out of
is made difficult is the obvious location

as for private homes
most likely not able to withstand a
major attack from a concentrated group

21-Oct-2006, 06:15 PM
i'd go where they use the search engine


21-Oct-2006, 06:53 PM
Bwhahahaha...creepntom! I had the same thought, really. This is like a 'weapons thread'...six million times and growing.

21-Oct-2006, 11:29 PM
hmm A WATER TOWER!!! how fkin cool would that way, empty that bitch out brign a generator and all lifes essentials up there

22-Oct-2006, 12:50 AM
I would have stayed in my house. I live in a rural area. In Sweden.

The zombie plague just wouldn't catch on. The population density is to damn low. Alright, so it's not THAT low where I live, but still. There's 16,000 people in my community. And it's a big ass community. Let's say 6,000 skip town first chance they get and half of the rest get zombiefied over the course of the first week. That's 5,000 zombies spread out across quite a large radius. My house sits on a hill pretty much, and all the zombies would have to come up that hill where I could easily spot them.

If I took them out one by one, I wouldn't have any problems. Alot of the Z-heads probably wouldn't even come looking my way, because I'm not really living in a central location.

So what if they break in you say? If they do that, I retreat to our garage, which doubles as a bombshelter. Try to bust down that door, zombies. There's a window in the back which I could escape through and do one of the "divert" things to get the zombies to go my way. Then jump in through the window and back out through the main entrance.

And, as I said, The zombie plague wouldn't really be that much of a problem here. The shortage of imported food would be worse. So while society would survive, there'd be a food shortage the first two years or so.

I am curious, how would you take them out one by one? Do you have guns in Sweden? Do you personally have guns and a lot of ammo? Or were you ugonna throw snowballs at them?:skull:

22-Oct-2006, 12:51 AM
Bwhahahaha...creepntom! I had the same thought, really. This is like a 'weapons thread'...six million times and growing.

yeah but he's new its when the old members start these up again and again that really bug me.

22-Oct-2006, 06:31 PM
its true what hellsing said

what fun is it for a new member to search thru an archive
when they can have a fresh discussion
with all the new people
who were not around to be a part
of the original posts

i think as "old timers" we can
stand to discuss these things a little bit more

and i remember the last post about this
and it actually ended up being pretty funny
with people showing the lamest spots to hold up in

22-Oct-2006, 06:56 PM
Well the prophet Edgar Casey predicted that the dead will rise from thier graves, most of his prophecys came true and im kind of hoping that this one aint.

30-Oct-2006, 12:03 AM
This topic isn't quite what I expected :rolleyes:

I thought it was going to be a discussion on what Rhodes' options would have been, as asked by Frankenstein.

So have at it. Where do you think Rhodes would have gone? Where could he have gone?

30-Oct-2006, 12:14 PM
Perhaps if he was on better terms with John, they could have all gone to tha island. But, I doubt they all could have co-existed for long...

31-Oct-2006, 11:37 PM
i live out in the country there are only about 5,000 people when the students are around and about 8-9,500 when school is in. miami Univ is a wealthy school full of clueless, dipsh*t children of wealthy parents. after they fled, freaked out and got themselves killed, etc. oxford would probably be rather safe because aside from the students and faculty this town is full of friggin hillbillies, who unfortunate as it might be (i frakkin hate hillbillies, whitetrash, rednecks, etc with a passion that is literally blinding) would probably do rather well in an scenario like this.

01-Nov-2006, 02:04 AM
or a video rental store....i wouldnt ever get bored and all the candy i could eat

01-Nov-2006, 02:14 AM
hiya everyone since im new this is a great thread to start in.

being a gun dork and a zombie fan and currently living 8 miles from any town i hope to god im home when it happens.

older house theres a bomb shelter in the basement but i dont plan on going in there with the copius ammount of food thats also stored in there untill its my last chance.

imo the key is to stay hidden, quiet and not to shoot anything untill you realy have to.

if it comes to shooting ill enjoy it lol.

02-Nov-2006, 01:23 PM
(i frakkin hate hillbillies, whitetrash, rednecks, etc with a passion that is literally blinding) would probably do rather well in an scenario like this.

I'm sure some stupid rednecks will be saving your ass from the zombified rich university kids:lol:

02-Nov-2006, 04:33 PM
Id go to disneyworld, and wrap cinderellas castle with barbed wire.

02-Nov-2006, 08:15 PM
I basically live out in the country, and I would think that would be a better chance of survival than being in a city or highly populated area. Sure, you can band together to fight the zombies.. but there's always a weak link and sooner or later one by one will get attacked and then turn.

I basically have a small arsenal of weapons at my house so I would begin by fortifying my house and boarding up the windows and all entrances except one or two. Actually.. i would probably just sit up on my roof drinkin miller lites sniping any zombie that may stumble on to my property lol

lol hey sciopo, we're practically neighbors.. i live about 10 minutes away from miami u.

04-Nov-2006, 03:57 PM
I basically live out in the country, and I would think that would be a better chance of survival than being in a city or highly populated area. Sure, you can band together to fight the zombies.. but there's always a weak link and sooner or later one by one will get attacked and then turn.

I basically have a small arsenal of weapons at my house so I would begin by fortifying my house and boarding up the windows and all entrances except one or two. Actually.. i would probably just sit up on my roof drinkin miller lites sniping any zombie that may stumble on to my property lol

lol hey sciopo, we're practically neighbors.. i live about 10 minutes away from miami u.The only problem with this philosophy is that after a short while, you will be out of supplies. Presumably you only have so much Miller Lite at the house, after that is gone, then what?

You know, it would be funny if the zombies stormed your house, thinking they were in Miami, FL, then get pissed when they realize they are in Ohio and just shamble off ......

06-Nov-2006, 04:57 PM
While browsing through the recent posts, I've come up with another thread. Not entirely original but an interesting one nonetheless. Lets say a real zombie apocalypse took over the world and the tv urged you to "stay inside... behind locked doors for safety..." Would you stay inside? I thought not so here's the question. Where would you go? What would be the first place you would run to or rob?

Well it depends. If I am well stocked with food and perhaps lived in a fenced in yard I would. I think that as long as the zombies do not see you they will not know your in your house. I suspect that if you close the blinds and do not make loud noises to draw attention to yourself you will be ok.

06-Nov-2006, 09:00 PM
Well it depends. If I am well stocked with food and perhaps lived in a fenced in yard I would. I think that as long as the zombies do not see you they will not know your in your house. I suspect that if you close the blinds and do not make loud noises to draw attention to yourself you will be ok.

But what happens when the food supplies run out? When you leave the house to get more, you will have no choice but to draw attention to yourself. This is why I think I'd run to a farm. Big wide open space to view the zombie situation, grow food on the land (provided the zombies don't tread on it) and have a little community going for company. Nice. :)

06-Nov-2006, 09:13 PM
But what happens when the food supplies run out? When you leave the house to get more, you will have no choice but to draw attention to yourself. This is why I think I'd run to a farm. Big wide open space to view the zombie situation, grow food on the land (provided the zombies don't tread on it) and have a little community going for company. Nice. :)

exactly...I know for a fact there's lots of unpopulated areas here in the US that one could easily start a commune on.

06-Nov-2006, 09:27 PM
i'd get one of those bite proof wetsuits, motorcycle helmet, a weapon of some kind and just do what i want. wuhey

12-Nov-2006, 02:49 PM
But what happens when the food supplies run out? When you leave the house to get more, you will have no choice but to draw attention to yourself. This is why I think I'd run to a farm. Big wide open space to view the zombie situation, grow food on the land (provided the zombies don't tread on it) and have a little community going for company. Nice. :)

I will have buckets on the roof to collect rain water and ill grow a garden in the back yard, can food for the winter and grow mushrooms in the basement :) And since I will have plenty of time on my hands I may dig a tunnel out to the safest area. Or maybe I will do what Shaun did and pretend to be a zombie and walk to the nearest pub

12-Nov-2006, 07:32 PM
I will have buckets on the roof to collect rain water...

You've been watching too much 28 Days Later. :lol:

Adolf Kitler
12-Nov-2006, 11:34 PM
If this were to actually happen, I'd probably crap my pants. After that, who knows.

13-Nov-2006, 01:45 AM
If it were Khardis, the zombies would probably pursue him first. The idea of eating someone with a very swelled head would be really enticing to them :D

13-Nov-2006, 04:57 PM
You've been watching too much 28 Days Later. :lol:

Well it is a good idea. lol!

09-Dec-2006, 08:09 AM
Like most zombie horror fans with friends of a similar stripe I've debated the "what would you do if a zombie apocalypse occurred" til the cows come home with my buddies. Here's what we came up with.

This is Florida, other than Texas, Montana and West Virginia we have the highest cross-section of (legal) handgun owners of any state, with an estimated 53% of non-convict men owning at a mininum 1 gun and at least 1 box of appropriate ammunition. Personally, I own 2 pistols and 1 shotgun. So being caught unarmed and trying to defend ourselves with bats and screwdrivers isnt something we much worried about in our hypotheticals.
Owing to geography and population density, Florida's a deathtrap and escape by land would be suicide as there are only a couple major roads leading out of state, and one of them will take you through Atlanta, GA..one of the worst traffic nightmares in the U.S on its best day let alone during a zombie infestation with millions of people trying to flee. Sitting still also isnt much of an option down here. The design traits to help cool Florida homes tend to make them among the worst structures you could imaging to defend. As anyone who watches what goes on during bad hurricanes knows, emergency services/law enforcement are pretty pitifully equipped to handle any sort of major disaester.

So, we decided getting out by boat would pretty much be our only option. I think the trick to surviving the first little while when everyone's in denial about whats happening and human panic is killing as many people as the zombies are, is to have what you need so you dont have to go looking for it. The biggest hitch in our plan would be how to get control of an operating boat and loading enough fuel on board to get anywhere significant, if we didnt die while trying to get that done, we could probably get out to one of the small islands off the coast to get our bearings, listen to the radio and plot a next move.