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View Full Version : 'From Beyond' Directors Cut

16-Mar-2006, 03:53 AM
Anyone seen the directors cut of 'From Beyond' yet? Wondering when the region 1 DVD will be in stores.

17-Mar-2006, 03:56 AM
Damn I didn't even know there was a directors cut!! I'll have to keep an eye out for that.

17-Mar-2006, 04:36 AM


21-Sep-2011, 04:26 AM
HP Lovecraft's From Beyond original movie trailer GLgSOelxqmE

21-Sep-2011, 04:42 AM
When I first looked at the thread, I forgot to look at the date on the earlier posts. I had to go check my copy, scratch my head, and go "WTF?!?"
That is such an awesome movie, the day I saw that on dvd, I had to immediately scrap whatever plans I'd originally had, and snatch that badboy up.
My kid watched part of it with me and left early on thinking it was too cheesy. Guess maybe it's a little dated, but I still like it.
One night I listened to the commentary while looking up all kinds of crap on Lovecraft. His stories, a bunch of stuff on Reanimator, and other peoples' movies on his stuff.
I've loved this movie since I first got to see it somewhere in the 80's, probably on an old VHS tape from a crapola video store back in the day.
Maybe I need to give it another twirl soon.

21-Sep-2011, 04:21 PM
I tried to get into this movie and just couldn't. Was hoping to love it, for Ken Foree alone, but it was too damn cheesy for me. Which is odd, considering I love cheesy movies (The Stuff is one of my favorites).

21-Sep-2011, 04:38 PM
Eye sucking scene. Enough said. : )

21-Sep-2011, 06:54 PM
(The Stuff is one of my favorites).
Another one I'd love to get my hands on. Thanks for the reminder!!!

21-Sep-2011, 07:02 PM
Another one I'd love to get my hands on. Thanks for the reminder!!!

It was just re-released by Image Entertainment, yesterday. My girlfriend and I held off on purchasing it, in anticipation for this re-release. While the picture and audio quality are great, it doesn't have ANY extras (as the original DVD release does), and its also missing some footage at the end of the credits. Unless my memory is way off, but I could have sworn at the end of the credits on the first DVD release, it played a long "commercial" for 'The Taste'. However, the DVD does kick off with a few original trailers of horror movies from the 80's so you can get the feeling that you're in the movie theater back then, which I thought was very cool.

But, if you're looking for extras, go with the original DVD release. I'm kinda bummed we held off for this one.

21-Sep-2011, 11:17 PM
It was just re-released by Image Entertainment, yesterday. My girlfriend and I held off on purchasing it, in anticipation for this re-release. While the picture and audio quality are great, it doesn't have ANY extras (as the original DVD release does), and its also missing some footage at the end of the credits. Unless my memory is way off, but I could have sworn at the end of the credits on the first DVD release, it played a long "commercial" for 'The Taste'. However, the DVD does kick off with a few original trailers of horror movies from the 80's so you can get the feeling that you're in the movie theater back then, which I thought was very cool.

But, if you're looking for extras, go with the original DVD release. I'm kinda bummed we held off for this one.

I've not seen the movie since having it as a kid on VHS but I'm pretty sure the post-credits sequence featured a couple of seedy crack-head types exchanging boxes of The Stuff for cash in an illicit "drug deal".

22-Sep-2011, 06:12 AM
Nah, that happens before the credits start to roll. I wish I could get my hands on a prop container of The Stuff.

22-Sep-2011, 09:54 PM
Nah, that happens before the credits start to roll. I wish I could get my hands on a prop container of The Stuff.
I can fill it for you.
Kidding, but I did put the movie as my next pick on Netflix. Should be in tomorrow maybe?