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25-Oct-2006, 10:01 PM
or was my "halloween" post in the media discussion forum nuked?:rockbrow:

25-Oct-2006, 10:12 PM
It was because of the VBB rule against posting information on how to acquire illegal or potentially illegal copies of media.

The post was deleted as you were instructing people to acquire what appears to be technically illegal copies of a version of Halloween 6.

I'll add it wasn't me who did it, I'm just answering as I'm here. I was off watching "Click" at the time.

25-Oct-2006, 10:23 PM
i removed the topic for the reasons MZ has already listed. it was giving infomation on how to aquire a illegal file.

Ive updated the FaQ to better cover this.

25-Oct-2006, 11:29 PM
or was my "halloween" post in the media discussion forum nuked?:rockbrow:

I've been meaning to ask you about your dealer...

25-Oct-2006, 11:38 PM

26-Oct-2006, 07:35 PM
Most of the rules we have in place around here are to keep the place pleasant for you guys, such as flaming, profanity, advertising.. things like that. As it is just our decision to make the place more pleasant, we can afford to be flexible with these rules sometimes. the copyright law and illegal topics rule is the one exception to this im afraid, if we allowed this it could result in the site being closed down, my license being taken off me and both me and neil being fined.

Its pretty much the same on any licensed forums (vBulletin, invisionboard, etc etc) im afraid so it isnt just us being bastards with you guys on this topic, its us covering our own ass.

Hope you understand were im coming from with this.

26-Oct-2006, 09:50 PM
Just thought I'd ask....

27-Oct-2006, 02:37 PM
Why do people always mock drugs like they are bad for you? I was on them for nearly 10 years and they never... did...... meh......... annyy............ hrrrrrrmmmm. (snores)

27-Oct-2006, 05:16 PM
not in my support forum.