View Full Version : 17 Halloween tips

26-Oct-2006, 02:32 PM
I'm sure that you've seen these rules before and really, they're just common sense. But since we're coming up to that time of the year, I think it's wise to review them. Something about this time of year can play havoc with otherwise sensible people.

Just in case you have forgotten the rules for a safe and Happy Halloween.

1. When it appears that you have killed the monster, NEVER check to see if it's really dead.

2. Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke.

3. Do not search the basement, especially if the power has gone out.

4. If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they should not know, shoot them immediately. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. However, it will probably take several rounds to kill them, so be prepared. This also applies to kids who speak with somebody else's voice.

5. When you have the benefit of numbers, NEVER pair off and go it alone.

6. As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell.

7. Never stand in, on, or above a grave, tomb, or crypt. This would apply to any other house of the dead as well.

8. If you're searching for something which caused a loud noise and find out that it's just the cat, GET THE HELL OUT!

9. If appliances start operating by themselves, do not check for short circuits; just get out!

10. Do not take ANYTHING from the dead.

11. If you find a town which looks deserted, there's probably a good reason for it. Don't stop and look around!

12. Don't fool with recombinant DNA technology unless you're sure you know what you're doing. And even if you're sure you know what you're doing, just don't fool with it!

13. If you're running from the monster, expect to trip or fall down at least twice. Also note that, despite the fact that you are running and the monster is merely shambling along, it's still moving fast enough to catch up with you.

14. If your companions suddenly begin to exhibit uncharacteristic behavior such as hissing, fascination for blood, glowing eyes, increasing hairiness, and so on, kill them immediately.

15. Stay away from certain geographical locations, some of which are listed here: Amityville, Elm Street, Transylvania, Nilbog you're in trouble if you recognize this one), the Bermuda Triangle, or any small town in Maine.

16. If your car runs out of gas at night on a lonely road, do not go to the nearby deserted looking house to phone for help. If you think that it is strange because you thought you had half of a tank, shoot yourself instead. You are going to die anyway, and most likely be eaten.

17. If you find that your house is built upon a cemetery, now is the time to move in with the in-laws. This applies to houses that had previous inhabitants who went mad or died in some horrible fashion, or had inhabitants who performed satanic practices in your house.

26-Oct-2006, 02:37 PM
Nilbog? Isn't that from Troll II?

God help me. :lol:

26-Oct-2006, 03:01 PM
Damn, I have an Elm Street in my neighborhood. I'm screwed....

26-Oct-2006, 03:10 PM
Damn, I have an Elm Street in my neighborhood. I'm screwed....

Do you live on it? If not you're fine. Just don't go near it.

26-Oct-2006, 03:24 PM
I have to drive through it most of the time to get home. :( Maybe that's why I'm so evil and have disturbing dreams. I have a damn Elm Street near by.

26-Oct-2006, 05:22 PM
^^ You may be on to something

26-Oct-2006, 05:27 PM
I have an Elm St in my town, too. I also live on Crystal Lake Ave, right up the street from Crystal Lake. Vorhees is a town located roughly 5 miles away. My best friend is named Jason and was born on Friday, The 13th. My name is Mike. Ancora Mental Facility is a mere 20 minute drive from me. Haddonfield is my mailing address. My town is bordered by a town called Collingswood.

Crap, there's more to this... I just can't think straight right now.

26-Oct-2006, 05:35 PM
You forgot to always carry a large supply of "MIAK".


Know what I mean, Vern?:D

26-Oct-2006, 05:37 PM
I have an Elm St in my town, too. I also live on Crystal Lake Ave, right up the street from Crystal Lake. Vorhees is a town located roughly 5 miles away. My best friend is named Jason and was born on Friday, The 13th. My name is Mike. Ancora Mental Facility is a mere 20 minute drive from me. Haddonfield is my mailing address. My town is bordered by a town called Collingswood.

Crap, there's more to this... I just can't think straight right now.

Mike, I think it's safe to say.. well.. you're screwed. :lol:

26-Oct-2006, 06:03 PM
My b-day is Feb 13. It's cool, because I can have a b-day on Friday the 13th every 7 years.

26-Oct-2006, 07:46 PM
Damn Dj, talk about takin' all the fun out of the holiday! :lol:


It's things like this that make me kinda wish it was a bigger deal over here - but only if I had friends living nearby rather than in cities an hour away so we could have a house party with costumes and whatnot.

One of these days I'm coming to America on Halloween, one day ... one day ... and you lot are gonna have to show me how it's done! (Hopefully something akin to that episode of Eerie Indiana. :))

26-Oct-2006, 07:52 PM
MZ, all you'd need to do is spend a halloween weekend with Dj and I, and you'd never wanna come back to america again! :lol:

26-Oct-2006, 07:54 PM
I take it that'd involve getting driven around at one-fifty in the back of a Mustang, being flung back and forth, from side to side as I get high off the fumes from my cheap-ass Wal*Mart zombie mask? :lol:

Actually, that sounds kinda fun. :cool:

27-Oct-2006, 02:17 AM
heres my tips:

dont go or let your kids trick or treat you dont know what some sick **** might give you as a "treat".
ouija boards are boring and yes, even though you cant tell you are moving your hands:rolleyes:
scare the **** out of at least one person, and bonus points if you can get a freind to verbally blaspheme with freight.
get the hose out and hide in the shadows for eggers.
scare and make at least one 6-ish year old cry with fear, bonus points if theyve never gone trick or treating before.
fill a pumpkin full of mayonaise and throw it off a tall building.
if you drink bring beer.
if you drink lock up the guns.
have fun.

happy halloween.:elol:

27-Oct-2006, 08:32 AM
My brother just moved out of his house that was on Elm Street, his address was 26664 and it was a haunted by the old man that has previously lived there.

It was a cool house and fortunatly the stairs never turned to mud while walking up them late at night.

Oh yeah, Nilbog is from Troll 2. Beat me and Lou for knowing that.

27-Oct-2006, 11:38 AM
I take it that'd involve getting driven around at one-fifty in the back of a Mustang, being flung back and forth, from side to side as I get high off the fumes from my cheap-ass Wal*Mart zombie mask? :lol:

Actually, that sounds kinda fun. :cool:

Yeah, something like that. :lol: one-fifty might be conservative considering Dj's driving. :lol: