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View Full Version : So who is going to see Halloween this Halloween

26-Oct-2006, 05:26 PM
It is being re-released two nights only.

26-Oct-2006, 05:32 PM
Is there a link to a page that lists the locations it will be showing? I'd like to go.

26-Oct-2006, 05:33 PM
HELL YES!! I will be there, no question. I was 7 when it was released in the theatres, there's no way in hell i'm missing this opportunity. :D

I'll be going to see it Monday night. ;)

26-Oct-2006, 05:39 PM
no..i wont get a high out of it like ya'll

26-Oct-2006, 05:54 PM
What cody said.....I'm not too big on the "Halloween" series, myself. I am looking forward to Rob Zombie's remake, though.:)

26-Oct-2006, 06:00 PM
Well, to be honest, I HATE the series, but I think the first was a masterpiece for it's time and I still enjoy the hell out of it today.

As far as I'm concerned, Halloween consists of:

Halloween II
Halloween H20

All the other movies were complete sh*t (and H20 wasn't that great, but at least they brought back my woman, Jamie Lee Curtis), and as MZ would say - and I quote - they "choke copiously on the amount of balls they suck" :lol:

I, like bassman, eagerly await Rob Zombie's take on Halloween. I have faith in him. I just hope he does the film justice.

26-Oct-2006, 07:19 PM
Obviously won't be seeing it in cinemas, but I have been thinking of watching it on DVD again lately. Been watching Slumber Party Massacre 2 and 3 in bits before I go to bed over this past week or so (taped from off Zone Horror, have the first on DVD you see).

So with watching those I'm starting to hanker for a real slasher film, and being the season (albeit a season only recognised in Britain by supermarkets and little bastard teenagers out for free money) I thought I'd whack it in the old duh-vuh-duh player.

Lou - lovin' the quote-age, hehe, and aye - lookin' forward to seeing RZ's take on it. For me there's only Halloween 1 and 2, the others are utter shiv (to quote MikePizzOff). :D

26-Oct-2006, 07:36 PM
Already got my tickets. While I have issues with the sequels, the original was great (Assault on Precinct 13 is still my fav Carpenter though), and was well made. To me the only one's worth watching are 1,2,4, and H20.

26-Oct-2006, 08:42 PM
While I'm thinking about "Halloween"....

Earlier, I read that Rob Zombie will be spilling ALOT of detials about what he's doing with his "Halloween" tonight on the *gulp*......MTV channels. It's going to be on some show called "Overdrive". The article wasn't too clear as to what time or time zone but it's going to be between 7:30 and 10:00. I don't know if I can handle MTV long enough to get the low-down.....but I might try. Then again, I know it will be on the web, tomorrow...

26-Oct-2006, 09:44 PM
I always have the first two Halloween movies in my disc tray on the 31st. A sort of religion for me really. I also watch The Thing and NOTLD because thats what the characters are watching on the television. Sad I know but hey, I'm a loser! :D

31-Oct-2006, 12:21 PM
Well, went to go see it last night. WOW.

I was 7 when the movie originally came out in 1978, so I never got a chance to see what I consider to be my absolute favorite horror movie of all time on the big screen.

Well, that changed last night.

When we got to the theatre (10 minutes before showtime), we got our tickets and hit the concession stand. A few sodas and reese's cups later, I was heading to the theatre where it was being shown - but realized there was not ONE single adverstisement, poster, NOTHING showing or letting people know the movie was playing there. I figured the theatre would be empty.

We walked in, turned the corner and HOLY CRAP was the theatre packed with people! I was shocked! It must've been damn close to being sold out, save maybe 8-10 seats total in the theatre that weren't taken (an it holds what, maybe 200 people? I dunno the capacity, but there were LOTS of people there).

As far as the movie itself - it looked great on the big screen, however, whoever mastered the movie in 5.1 surround wasted their time. There was only one instance in this movie where I could actually tell it was in stereo. The idea that putting Halloween in 5.1 surround was a bad idea considering the original release was mastered mono. go figure.

Regardless, Halloween on the big screen was even more entertaining than I thought it would be. If you get a chance to go see this, do it! It could very well be your last chance to see this classic in its full glory. ;)


**edited to say - there was a nice little featurette at the beginning called "Halloween: The Shape of Fear" that featured PJ Soles, Nancy Loomis, Rob Zombie and a few others. It was depressing to see that many of the people involved in the first halloween died in 2005 with the exception of Pleasance, who died in 1995. :(

31-Oct-2006, 12:41 PM
I watched Halloween on DVD the other day, a fantastic movie so it is. Then I skipped to the new scenes in the TV version on the other disc ... damn, they really were filler huh? :lol: Long, pregnant pauses of silence with people looking at each other before saying basically nothing.

Tonight I'll probably just watch Top Gear ... but I was toying with the idea of watching The Thing (Carpenter) tonight ... but if I get my computer back today (somehow I doubt it :() then I'd be upstairs spunking all over it with joy at getting it back ... I've been feeling a growing need to play Call of Duty 2 again for some reason.

*sigh* :D

31-Oct-2006, 01:37 PM
Not ONE theater is playing it here!!:mad:
But, we did watch it in the last week (or so) on DVD - (the gal had never seen it! Very cool sitting in the dark watching her jump for the first time at a few key scenes)

31-Oct-2006, 01:39 PM
Good idea, MZ - I think I will celebrate tonight with a viewing of The Thing. ;)

one of my favorite lines:

Clark: "I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off" :lol:

31-Oct-2006, 04:55 PM
The Thing - classic Carpenter. The movie still spooks me, the slowly ratcheting tension builds up un-noticed until you're wrapped up in the story with the characters themselves, you - like them - are trapped with the enemy.

Such a good movie.

31-Oct-2006, 05:39 PM
The Thing - classic Carpenter. The movie still spooks me, the slowly ratcheting tension builds up un-noticed until you're wrapped up in the story with the characters themselves, you - like them - are trapped with the enemy.

Such a good movie.

Man, you aren't kidding. The feeling of isolation in this movie is second to none... and the tension it builds (since there's no place to run or hide where they are - and the thing huniting them looks just like one of them!) is just incredible.

Still one of my favorite carpenter movies (next to Halloween and The Fog). :D I still laugh at people who have never seen it viewing it for the first time going "Awww, why are they shooting at that pretty dog?" Little do they realize, that dog ain't that friendly. :sneaky:

Garry: This is pure nonsense. It doesn't prove a thing.

MacReady: I thought you'd feel that way, Garry. You were the only one who could've gotten to that blood. We'll do you last.


31-Oct-2006, 06:03 PM
*shivers* ... on second thoughts, maybe I'm too much of a wuss to watch that movie ... at night ... on Halloween ... :eek::lol: We'll see ... I was starting to get rather tempted by an episode of Top Gear...:D

31-Oct-2006, 06:06 PM
minion you have to watch it know that its going to scare you!! its halloween damnit!!

31-Oct-2006, 07:35 PM
minion you have to watch it know that its going to scare you!! its halloween damnit!!

Right on, Cody! Don't be a puss MZ! :lol:

If you don't, I'll send a husky or similar dog to your house via air-mail. :elol: talk about being freaked out! I would be if I just got done watching that movie, opened my front door and saw the same dog sitting on my step.

My first reaction would be to ask my wife, "Hon? Where is the flamethrower?" :lol:

31-Oct-2006, 07:57 PM
Yeah..."The Thing" is legendary to me. Not to long ago I was finally able to see the original "The Thing From Another World". I was surprised to see it had the same opening with that back-lit text. It's a damn fine oldie, man. After seeing it, I can now pick up on some of the references in the remake.

The only thing that I'm not sure about in Carpenter's remake, is the ending. I don't hate it....but at the same time I don't think I like it too much. Something just doesn't seem right about it.....

31-Oct-2006, 08:28 PM
The Thing is a classic but Halloween just has to be watched for the festivity of it. I've just finished it myself and will proceed to pop the second one in the tray when these pesky brats stop bugging me. Just had a mom with her four year old boy and his older brother knock on my door - the little 'un had his eye hanging out bless him! :lol:

31-Oct-2006, 09:35 PM
Lou - literally just finished the film, the credits are almost done rolling right this moment, Morricone's spooky ass theme is shivering my spine. For cryin' out loud I hope a dog doesn't start yapping at the window right now, I'd sh*t my pants.

The movie is still absolutely legendary, as always, utterly brilliant.

Bassman - the ending didn't bother me, they killed The Thing and Mac is human and Childs is either human or infected. Funnily enough when it was shown at Halloween on ITV here in the UK a few years ago they had this very late 1990s TV-level home-made style CGI alien host for the night's programming and it pointed out how Childs' breath doesn't smoke in the cold - is he alien or is it just a mistake - asked the CGI alien host thing.

Likely a mistake/accident - notice there's fire in the background near Childs, which would warm the air around him, and he does have smokey breath in the last shot of him before cutting back to Mac and then the camp on fire. Of course, that doesn't tell you whether he's alien or not.

What I suddenly thought about - why the heck do they have flame throwers and guns out there? I guess guns for self defense if need be - there are other camps nearby with helicopters and cabin fever is a bitch, but why the flamethrowers? That was a little weird to me for the first time ever tonight.

Anyway, I might replay the game of The Thing, which takes place after the movie with you and a group of marine-type guys sent to check out what the fudge is going on. Up until it all goes a bit 'medical research camp' kinda crazy part way in it's actually quite a good game - you start out at the camp from the movie and it's all blown apart, if I remember correctly you can find Childs' body - but not Mac's.

The Thing (game) ending below:

At the end of the game you get picked up in a chopper after going through a lot of said bio-research camp stuff, and it's piloted by Mac! But you're not sure whether he's alien or not - was he picked up without your character's knowledge? Possible. Could he have survived? Possible - but equally not possible. So could he be an alien? Possibly - but piloting the chopper you sit in to kill the final boss ... hmmm ... partaking actively in helping you destroy the big alien - perhaps, if alien, a ruse to make it back to civilisation - BUT (again) having been picked up after surviving Station 4 he would have had the chance to infect if he was an alien - or just get some much needed R&R ... and insanely open ending there when you get thinking about it.

Quite a good game I thought - despite the rather iffy bio-research sequel plot device type deal - and sometimes actually quite scary and tense. Again, I might pull that off the shelf again and give it a second whirl (only played it once through). Fudge me, I remember leaping out of my chair when playing the game near the beginning, I was cacking me britches and ran away to hide in a shed when a bunch of alien head-walker things were chasing me. I was too scared to leave the shed, but my housemate wanted to see what was going on, so I had to brave it, lol.

Kick ass film, pretty good game.

31-Oct-2006, 11:31 PM
Yeah..."The Thing" is legendary to me.

Man, I'm right there with you bassman. I looooove this movie.

I enjoyed the game quite a bit too, and it did have that 'isolated' feel in it just like the movie - which was pretty kick ass. :D I might have to play it again now, 'cause I just re-watched the movie too and it's got me stoked.

It's "Carpenter Night" at Lou's house.. anyone wanna join me? :elol:

I still laugh my ass off when Clark says "I dunno what's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is" - such a hilarious line in such a tense situation. Gotta love it.

I swear, the first time I watched this movie and that dogs face split open, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack right then and there.