View Full Version : The Amityville horror (not the movie)

29-Oct-2006, 06:21 PM
What do you think of this case? genuine but ruined by a pack of lies or a complete and utter hoax?

29-Oct-2006, 07:02 PM
Total hoax
The only thing horrifying about Amityville in the 80s was rampant crack.
I know the stroies from the 70s, but large parts of it have alawys been scary as hell. But No ghosts.
I saw the house a couple of times.
Its just a house
It doesnt have eyes.

29-Oct-2006, 07:59 PM
My step Mother saw it

29-Oct-2006, 08:01 PM
What do you think of this case? genuine but ruined by a pack of lies or a complete and utter hoax?

Wasn't this case unmasked as a hoax like 10 years ago? I admit some of the pictures are genuinely scary and the book is pretty darned good too but thats whats so phoney about Amityville, too well written to be true. I mean, blood running down walls and ghostly pig-faces staring through windows? It's total BS!

29-Oct-2006, 09:59 PM
They came out and told everyone they made up the whole haunted house story way back in the 80's.

The only true thing was the murders that took place there.

30-Oct-2006, 01:58 AM
The current residents of that house say nothing is going on in there. The only thing that's unsettling are the house gawkers that frequent the neighborhood.

Cool story though.

30-Oct-2006, 06:08 PM
They changed the address number of the house so people can't (theoretically) find it.

30-Oct-2006, 07:12 PM
Last I heard was that they tore the house down.

:dead: Dawg

30-Oct-2006, 07:47 PM
I heard there were bloodthristy vampires living there!

30-Oct-2006, 07:50 PM
they changed the street name and those special windows to the house but it exists

02-Nov-2006, 04:21 AM
My 6th grade teacher (one of the few teachers I ever had that I thought was worth a damn) grew up in that house. Her grandfather built it. I remember discussing it when I was in her class, and she thought it was a great steaming load. In particular, the whole "secret room" thing. She said "I played there all the time, it just wasn't there." The murders afterwards, well, that's a whole 'nother thing, but there were always holes in them thar stories.

02-Nov-2006, 07:58 AM
Way I heard it, the killer claimed he heard his family whispering in the next room, plotting against him and then a hooded demon handed him a rifle.
The actual reality is the boy was on drugs that cause hallucinations, coupled with a abusive father he imagined the whispering. Also it was his sister who gave him the gun a group monitoring the house siad they saw her leave in a hooded jacket beforehand.

Has anyone seen the photo of the supposed 'white eyed demon' taken in 1995? It's supposadly the demon Jodie. Looks more to me like a boy with glasses.

02-Nov-2006, 02:03 PM
they changed the street name and those special windows to the house but it exists
It did not have special windows. It has the same windows as many other house built in that era. Those attic windows were only in the movie.

And the house is still there. It wasn;t torn down. Why? Its not haunted.

I dont think any house is haunted anyway. But that justy my fact based opinion.:D

02-Nov-2006, 04:03 PM
Has anyone seen the photo of the supposed 'white eyed demon' taken in 1995? It's supposadly the demon Jodie. Looks more to me like a boy with glasses.

Wearing special contacts for that effect, maybe? If he's legit, he's been awful quiet with the new tenants.

02-Nov-2006, 05:31 PM
damn 7feet. cool story.

02-Nov-2006, 05:35 PM
Have there been any children living there since the Lutzes?

02-Nov-2006, 09:29 PM
'Aint that kid the actor who played Danny Glick in Salem's Lot? :D