View Full Version : Delayed decomposition

29-Oct-2006, 09:03 PM
Dr. Logan mentions in "Day of the Dead" that the longevity of the corpses can be as long as 10-12 years. Has anyone written a story or does anyone have any theories on why the rate of decomposition would be slowed in zombies other than it being a convenient story-telling device?

With thanks...


29-Oct-2006, 09:10 PM
i imagine as the body is moving it decomposes at a slower rate than it would if it were still.

i may be wrong.

29-Oct-2006, 09:35 PM
i imagine as the body is moving it decomposes at a slower rate than it would if it were still.

i may be wrong.

I'll go along with that.

29-Oct-2006, 09:37 PM
i imagine as the body is moving it decomposes at a slower rate than it would if it were still.

i may be wrong.

That is sort of what I was thinking of, myself. However, what I wonder about is that a dead organic creature is a magnet for slews of bacteria and other assorted nasties.

If the decomposition is slowed and since it seems that carrion eaters avoid zombies (at least, I've never seen that in any of the films or in any of the stories I have read here, thus far), then perhaps there is something being produced by whatever might be reactivating them which renders them unpalatable to all of these facilitators of decay?


29-Oct-2006, 11:10 PM
Possibly the disease that kills them and brings them back also kills the bacteria that decomposes the zombies.

29-Oct-2006, 11:43 PM
all of those reasons sound good. ive thought of this a few times also