View Full Version : UK folks-massive "green" taxes heading our way..

30-Oct-2006, 02:13 PM
Whats your opinions on this?personally im not at all happy about it,apparently the average person is going to be paying around 」1500 extra in tax a year,on top of what we're already paying! :mad:

30-Oct-2006, 02:25 PM
Whats your opinions on this?personally im not at all happy about it,apparently the average person is going to be paying around 」1500 extra in tax a year,on top of what we're already paying! :mad:

Personal opinion?

I had this conversation earlier on today at about 5AM ... the end verdict was unanimous.

That this is just more goverment "spin" on global warming and/or enviromental issues, brought about in order to rob the average person of even more money in the form of yet another tax, and that the goverment do not really care about so called "green" issues.

Why? Could it be that this is really about saving the enviroment? Or, if we "spin" it around ... could it be that the introduction of these new taxes, at this stage, is required to finance THEIR bogus war?

How many billions has it cost so far? How many billions does the goverment still hold? And where do you think those billions came from to begin with?

Looking at the big picture, like it or not, WE have paid, and are STILL paying, hand over fist, for THEIR war, regardless of the fact that WE neither want nor approve of THEIR war.

War is expensive, and green issues and green taxes are neither here nor there.

30-Oct-2006, 02:25 PM
If you drive a car, I値l tax the street,
If you try to sit, I値l tax your seat,
If you get too cold, I値l tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I値l tax your feet.
舛os I知 the Taxman,
Yeah, I知 the Taxman.

The Beatles - Taxman

Yup.....I don't know about what's going on over there, but taxes just suck in general.

30-Oct-2006, 02:47 PM
Taxes, over all, should be lowered as they're too damn high. They're taxing the wrong people. The average family is f*cked over, meanwhile Mick f*cking Jagger gets away with only paying 」1 million tax on a wodge of 」80 million - complete and utter bollocks!!! :mad:

1) "Chelsea Tractors" should have an extra surcharge stuck on them (」50, pfft, idiot Brown) to discourage school run mothers from buying them to "protect their kids" (if they crash into a normal car they'll just kill someone else's family, and even 4x4's have poor Euro NCAP test results). 4x4's that aren't used offroad are stupid, they're too big and use up too much fuel in comparison to a normal car which uses a damn sight less doing the same journey.

2) Dickheads who make unnecessary journeys - whether that's by car or plane or whatever - they should cut down and try walking/combining reasons for travel.

3) Office buildings - computers and all the lights burning 24/7 - turn the f*ckers off at night except on the bottom 1 or 2 floors - install motion-sensitive security lights on the other floors in case someone does break-in. Turn the computers off at night.

4) Big businesses - they produce at least 50% of the problem, so bloody well stop picking on average Joe and his family!

5) People - turn off unnecessary lights and install energy saving bulbs. Turn off TVs etc that just sit on stand-by. Don't make unnecessary journeys. Get your house insulated, take part in your local council's recycling scheme.

6) Boot Labour out on their arses and prepare your trusty cricket bats...

This garbage in general about taxing road users off the roads is complete and utter facist, nanny-state, socialist wank. The reason why people use their cars is:

1) That mystical thing known as freedom.
2) Public transport is a shambles, last time I checked, this isn't Switzerland.
3) Some people travel at irregular times, e.g. freelance workers.
4) Cost of living in the city - everybody is now travelling in to work.
5) A shedload of other, unconsidered reasons, f*ck off Labour you wankers!

If people would chip in a bit in general, if the gubment would make recycling fit in with our schedule (as well as not just landfill our recycled stuff anyway - like on Dispatches - Channel 4, a few months ago) and if businesses were made to take some freakin' obvious measures we'd help sort the problem.

Also, one last thing, as much as this is comedy gold, it's true:

Scientists are manufacturing a chemical to feed to cattle to stop them from farting - their farts (along with sheep etc *cough* New Zealand *cough*) pump a hell of a lot more globally damaging crap into the air than a Land Rover ever could - strange, but TRUE. Get that chemical solved and start feeding it to the leaky-assed animals!

30-Oct-2006, 03:29 PM
I don't see the point since our little island contributes very little damage compared to other countries.

Korea building Nuclear plants like they are Starbucks and George "Bawbag" Bush not giving a phuck about his countries damage.

It's just another excuse to get money off us.

30-Oct-2006, 04:42 PM
Another thing,werent government sponsered scientists telling us last year that in 10 or 20 years,some massive asteroid is heading our way which will be catastrophic for the planet?if thats the case then global warming is the least of our worries!

i really dont see how pushing middle earners into poverty is going to help,and if they make it so damn difficult to travel anywhere because of cost,wont that revert most communties back to isolated inbred "deliverence" places?i live in a village which has no rail access & only a handful of buses a day that are never on time,if they think im going to stop using my car they can think again!plus theres no social life round here,so i travel over 100 miles to the cities for my clubbing & to see my mates,im not quitting my life while brown lines his pockets!if they cut all the pointless spending within the government,with their plush offices,cars & thousands of stupid non-jobs in the public sector,then they could easily save all the money they need.Ive also heard that government inspectors are going to be allowed into every single home in the country to see how we live,if we have a nice view,what appliances we have,how much electricity we use & if we've modified the house in anyway.Once they've snooped round they are going to review council tax based on that,& tax you on the lot!so basically your better off if you live in a dump!we'll also be fined 」2000 if we refuse them entry,& that adds up by 」200 a day til you let them in!even the nazis werent that harsh on their own people!

30-Oct-2006, 05:47 PM
Tricky - well said, it's utterly shocking how bad this country is getting and what flagrant disregard this gubment has for its people - the same idiots who voted them in (well, however many people it was, what 38%? ... of voters).

A storm is coming, but hopefully much sooner rather than later. You can only push the ridiculously subservient British public so far before there'll be rioting. This gubment will go down in history as one of the worst the country - if not the world - has ever seen.

Pissing cash all over something doesn't mean it's fixed. Labour - the classic example of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

30-Oct-2006, 06:14 PM
If theres going to be a fight on British soil to return Britain to the way it should be,i want to be young enough to take part in it,the revolution is coming y'all! :p

30-Oct-2006, 06:23 PM
I'm just waiting, counting the days as it were, until the revolution comes - well, "backlash" might be a more fitting word. Labour can't possibly gain a fourth term in a row, heck, this is the first time they've done a hat-trick! :eek: And this is what happens when people give Labour this much time to bugger around - chaos, control, a climate of fear. It's sad, but it's incredibly tough to be proud to be British when the country has been raped in such a manner...

30-Oct-2006, 06:31 PM
The only problem is the opposition,David Cameron is captain planet himself,just give him a dodgy green mullet & spandex suit!the chances are whatever crackpot "green" taxes labour put on us will be carried on under the tories,so we'll be no better off :(
I do think the environment needs looking after,but raping joe publics bank account isnt the way to do it

30-Oct-2006, 06:35 PM
Hopefully Cammo would do them more sensibly, just gotta have faith, the man can't even whip out his policies because Labour will just steal them (they blatantly did during conference season recently too, unbelievable isn't it!?) :eek:

30-Oct-2006, 08:09 PM
i think some people have missed the point here, they make these things more expensive so you do things like spend less time in the car and more walking and public transport and ****, its not to make you pay its so you say "i aint payin' for that!, it ****in' used!" so people dont give off so many green house gases.
its harsh but hey would you rather not pay and live in a world destoryed by global warming?.

30-Oct-2006, 08:12 PM
I always thought it would be just oh so lovely over there to live, but the way you guys make it sound it hell

30-Oct-2006, 08:23 PM
man you wouldnt want to be american when the news came on about global warming over here believe me.

"meanwhile america doesnt seem to want to lose there suv's"

"americans dont accept that option" etcetera, etcetera.

they rip your guys heads off, guilt trip style.

30-Oct-2006, 08:40 PM
I dont own a SUV but george is acting like global warming doesnt exist, SO DIG UP MORE OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ICE BERG WATER FOR ALL!!!

30-Oct-2006, 08:43 PM
heres an example

US slams 'desperate' UK over climate change

The US administration has reacted non-committally to the Stern review's stark warnings, remaining silent on its prediction that failing to tackle climate change will hit the global economy far harder than taking action.

But experts said they believed the report would add weight to the pressure already being put on President George Bush by the increasing number of American big businesses calling for change and by measures being adopted by individual states.

One senator however accused Tony Blair's government of "sheer desperation'' in appointing former vice-president Al Gore and said the UK and the EU were looking for a "US bailout'' after committing to a failed policy on global warming.

And while the tough report topped the news agenda in Britain, it barely featured on the American TV networks.

The Bush administration rejected the Kyoto treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the grounds that it would harm the US economy, and remains opposed to caps on carbon emissions.

The Republican chairman of the leader of Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, who does not believe carbon emissions are responsible for global warming, was scathing in his criticism of the report.

"Britain, in a move of sheer desperation, has hired Al Gore as their foreign lobbyist to convince the American public to join Europe on its road to economic ruin,'' Senator James Inhofe, from Oklahoma, said.

"Simply put, Britain and the rest of the EU have committed to a failed path on global warming and are now looking for a US bailout."

Speaking at the launch of the Stern report, Prime Minister Tony Blair warned of the "disastrous" consequences if global warming continues unchecked.

"This is the most important report on the future published by the Government in its time in office," he said.

"The disaster is not set to happen in some science fictin future many years ahead, but in our lifetime.

"Unless we act now...these consequences, disastrous as they are, will be irreversible."

Sir Nicholas Stern's review of the likely impact of climate change warns that rising temperatures could cut global economic growth by as much as one-fifth.

He argues that taking action now could cost one per cent of global GDP - much less than not acting - and is thought to pave the way for green taxes.

"harm the u.s economy", surely 40% of speices wiping out and the oceans rising 30 feet would have a larger impact?

30-Oct-2006, 09:39 PM
We should slap a large tax bill on mother nature for those nasty polluting volcanos pumping out all those hazardous gases as well,you bad,bad girl!There were no humans last time the earth went through a massive climate change,just like if there are no humans left after the next big climate change,earth will still be here & it will still have life on it,just not human life,**** happens,game over!

30-Oct-2006, 09:51 PM
The USA BADDDDDLY needs to relize this, I know this is true but power / money drivin polititions dont care

30-Oct-2006, 09:52 PM
Indeed - humankind seems to think of itself as the be-all and end-all of everything - er, no, we're not - we're a blip on the radar. Yes we're changing our environment by being here, but the earth itself is screwing itself up on its own ... then add all the farting animals to the equation and that's doing a vast amount of damage - yes, FARTING is doing it. Hell, it's why New Zealand couldn't meet their quota, they didn't count all their bloody farting sheep! :eek: - TRUE STORY.

Get that no-farting chemical out there, get people to not needlessly waste (people AND businesses) and get that fuel cell technology going (fuel cell cars in around 15 years apparently) - that's how you fix things, not taxing middle England's already taxed out families and employing headline grabbing schemes to look like it's solved now, because that's bollocks.

01-Nov-2006, 04:39 AM
all because someone wouldnt throw there hats over the wall to develop "the flying car":lol:

01-Nov-2006, 05:10 AM
lol MZ come off it with your blair bashin hyperbole man, one of the worst governments the world has ever seen? up there with khmer rouge and the third reich?! maybe not! not as bad as the thatcher regime, imo.

but fair shout, let's tax the crap out of 4x4 drivers, they've got the money :cool: and how often do you see mud streaks up them from all the off roading they do? not very. if you get hit by one you're screwed and they eat fuel like popcorn.

not sensible!

aye, labour are just trying to stealth the shirts off of our back ATM though, it's like they're punishing us for putting pressure on them to deal with the environment!

and indeed, we here do not make enough of a difference to emissions to be taxed so heavily, but i think they're trying to set some kind of example to the world. with my wallet!

01-Nov-2006, 07:20 AM
Give me thatcher over blair any day!

01-Nov-2006, 10:20 AM
Same here - the gal had gumption and would stick with her decisions. She and her government didn't always make the right ones, but in her heyday she was a strong and decisive leader. Blair and his crowd govern by whatever is in the papers this week, and create a completely unworkable piece of legislation to go on the front page the next, and by a couple of weeks later it's kicked into the long grass having wasted hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax payer's money.

I want a strong and decisive leader, not someone who flip-flops back and forth and just steals his ideas from the opposition so he can mess them up and not do them properly.

Thatcher has been the political whipping boy since she was kicked out by her own squabbling party (morons), but now as Blair's (and hopefully Labour's) reign comes to an end, it'll be Blair, Labour and them lot who'll be the new whipping boys. Their crimes against the British people are ten fold in comparison to Thatcher's lot.

01-Nov-2006, 10:48 AM
Same here - the gal had gumption and would stick with her decisions. She and her government didn't always make the right ones, but in her heyday she was a strong and decisive leader. Blair and his crowd govern by whatever is in the papers this week, and create a completely unworkable piece of legislation to go on the front page the next, and by a couple of weeks later it's kicked into the long grass having wasted hundreds of thousands of pounds of tax payer's money.

I want a strong and decisive leader, not someone who flip-flops back and forth and just steals his ideas from the opposition so he can mess them up and not do them properly.

Thatcher has been the political whipping boy since she was kicked out by her own squabbling party (morons), but now as Blair's (and hopefully Labour's) reign comes to an end, it'll be Blair, Labour and them lot who'll be the new whipping boys. Their crimes against the British people are ten fold in comparison to Thatcher's lot.

first off "gumption"?

second, you do have some good points but those poor miners couldnt get there hands on any videonastys :dead:

and thirdly "gumption"?:lol:

01-Nov-2006, 01:51 PM
Gumption, my dear Hellsing, is like get up and go - staying power, strength, a can-do attitude - basically, you know how Carol Thatcher (Maggie's daughter who was on that Celebrity Jungle thingy show) - she had gumption, because she took the task head-on and got on with it - gumption is being able to roll up your sleeves and get on with things.

Indeed, like I said, Thatcher didn't do everything right, selling off a load of businesses was a poor move, an idea that didn't pan out. Of course, Labour have done their fair share - if not more - of f*cking people over. Add to that their blatant lies (like today in the house of commons Blair was saying how well they'd done - well, if you LIE about the statistics then yes, you've done well, but when you haven't massaged and targeted your stats then you'd find out the truth - which isn't tabloid friendly).

I'd sooner "accept" mistakes made by someone who had gumption and strength of character than mistakes made by a weasily, toothy tabloid-chaser.

01-Nov-2006, 04:47 PM
Gumption, my dear Hellsing, is like get up and go - staying power, strength, a can-do attitude -.

i know what it is i just didnt realise you were born in the 30's :p


01-Nov-2006, 09:35 PM
lol, my parent's use the word, I guess it had a resurrection in Scotland when they were kids and they've passed it down ... didn't think it was that old. Now, if I was saying "gay" to mean happy - rather than "stupid" (the newest meaning) - then I'd be living in the 1930s. :D

02-Nov-2006, 02:23 AM
how many electric cars are over in the UK anyways?

02-Nov-2006, 03:24 AM
I have to say that I myself am unconvinced of Global Warming as well. Especially since it was supposed to destroy us in the 80s, then the 90s and now in 2006. I do believe pollution can ruin an ecosystem, but I doubt man could do enough (short of nukes) to change the environment to that extent. THe earth goes through periodic global heating and cooling. It has been for millions of years. Did you know that in the middle Ages there was a global heating that happend for a few centuries that lead to Wine making being able to exist in places like England? Yeah, it happend for a long time until the earth cooled again. Then the English and Germans stopped making thier wines and learned how to make Beer and hard liqors. Research it. Read up on stuff like the Little Ice Age.

The earths environment is not static.

lol MZ come off it with your blair bashin hyperbole man, one of the worst governments the world has ever seen? up there with khmer rouge and the third reich?! maybe not! not as bad as the thatcher regime, imo.

but fair shout, let's tax the crap out of 4x4 drivers, they've got the money :cool: and how often do you see mud streaks up them from all the off roading they do? not very. if you get hit by one you're screwed and they eat fuel like popcorn.

not sensible!

aye, labour are just trying to stealth the shirts off of our back ATM though, it's like they're punishing us for putting pressure on them to deal with the environment!

and indeed, we here do not make enough of a difference to emissions to be taxed so heavily, but i think they're trying to set some kind of example to the world. with my wallet!

Over taxing the achievers is always a bad policy. Theyy get tired and then use thier wealth to move, which increases taxes on the poor. Its the same reason my state is falling apart nearly in the job sector. So many taxes that all the achievers are moving down south where its a little more rich friendly.

Indeed - humankind seems to think of itself as the be-all and end-all of everything - er, no, we're not - we're a blip on the radar. Yes we're changing our environment by being here, but the earth itself is screwing itself up on its own ... then add all the farting animals to the equation and that's doing a vast amount of damage - yes, FARTING is doing it. Hell, it's why New Zealand couldn't meet their quota, they didn't count all their bloody farting sheep! :eek: - TRUE STORY.

Get that no-farting chemical out there, get people to not needlessly waste (people AND businesses) and get that fuel cell technology going (fuel cell cars in around 15 years apparently) - that's how you fix things, not taxing middle England's already taxed out families and employing headline grabbing schemes to look like it's solved now, because that's bollocks.

Its true. a volcano eruption tosses more pollution and carbin into the atmosphere than 100 years of automobiles.

There was a volcano eruption in the 18th century I beleive somewhere in the pacific that caused the sun to be nearly blocked out of the sky for an entire summer over parts of the world. Its known in New England (where i live) as the Year without a summer. What happend was that the ash and carbin blocked out the suns heat from much of the northern atmosphere and it kept the northern latitudes even in summer exceptionally cold. So cold it snowed most of June and July in my area. And its HOT here in the summer.

02-Nov-2006, 03:32 AM
thats pretty cool i actually didnt know a volcano did that

02-Nov-2006, 03:33 AM
"harm the u.s economy", surely 40% of speices wiping out and the oceans rising 30 feet would have a larger impact?

That is merely a theory. Not a fact. A flacid theory thats been floated around with the same predictions since the 1970s. Only every decade that the "disaster" doesnt happen they push it back another decade. Its sillyness.

02-Nov-2006, 10:30 AM
Also, with farting animals, I can't quite exactly remember the quote, but a cow will fart a shedload more damaging methane into the air in a day (or was it a month?) than a Land Rover will belch CO2 etc, when driven an average amount, in a year. :eek:

Clearly, something needs to be done about that flatulence - and it is being done, but they don't have the chemical to achieve it yet. *sigh* The human race, always going for the obvious answer rather than the bigger answers underneath - all part of mankind's obsession with being the be-all and end-all of everything. *tut tut*

Like people buying those electric cars you had to charge up ... er, where did they think the electricity was coming from? How about a power station that burns coal! :rolleyes:

02-Nov-2006, 01:17 PM
But who are we to stop animals farting?its nature!mother nature will make us all infertile like on children of men if we dont watch it."lets have those bloody meddling humans gone eh" :lol:

02-Nov-2006, 01:25 PM
Also, with farting animals, I can't quite exactly remember the quote, but a cow will fart a shedload more damaging methane into the air in a day (or was it a month?) than a Land Rover will belch CO2 etc, when driven an average amount, in a year. :eek:

Clearly, something needs to be done about that flatulence - and it is being done, but they don't have the chemical to achieve it yet. *sigh* The human race, always going for the obvious answer rather than the bigger answers underneath - all part of mankind's obsession with being the be-all and end-all of everything. *tut tut*

Like people buying those electric cars you had to charge up ... er, where did they think the electricity was coming from? How about a power station that burns coal! :rolleyes:

Youre right man, where does that electricty come from? It sure as heck isnt Tofu powered.
have you ever read up on the oil crisis?


interesting read through.

02-Nov-2006, 07:12 PM
But if we stop the animals farting, then I can fart twice as much and not feel guilty about it. :p

Also, guaranteed that'd do a damnsight more than a Prius owned by a fart-sniffing smug-merchant. :sneaky:

02-Nov-2006, 07:34 PM
My farts after a plate of fish,chips & curry sauce from a proper chippy are responsible for the hole in the ozone layer i think!how long before Reichsmarshall brown invents an "arse tax" on us? :lol:

03-Nov-2006, 07:40 AM
Green taxes are just the epitome of pure greed.

03-Nov-2006, 12:49 PM
really?, i thought it was the oil industry, meh different storkes i guess.:lol:

03-Nov-2006, 02:21 PM
Just because the whole environmental movement stands for being kind to trees and moss and such, doesn't mean it won't get exploited to the ends of the earth, heck, it's already being exploited by Gordo, that damn facist.

03-Nov-2006, 02:58 PM
Just because the whole environmental movement stands for being kind to trees and moss and such, doesn't mean it won't get exploited to the ends of the earth, heck, it's already being exploited by Gordo, that damn facist.

Exactly. A lot of it stems from these nutbar psuedo-scientists who are just looking for funding so they dont have to get REAL jobs. People love being funded by the government because you dont have to produce results.