View Full Version : Former Intelligence Agent Says Google In Bed With CIA

30-Oct-2006, 04:06 PM
Former Intelligence Agent Says Google In Bed With CIA
Steele also sounds off on 9/11 doubts

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | October 27 2006

A former clandestine services officer for the CIA who also maintains close relationships with top Google representatives says that the company is "in bed with" the intelligence agency and the U.S. government. He has also gone public on his deep suspicions about the official explanation behind 9/11.

Robert David Steele appeared on the nationally syndicated Alex Jones radio show and began by voicing his deep doubts about the official 9/11 story.

While Steele stopped short of saying 9/11 was a complete inside job, he agreed that the evidence points to the overwhelming complicity of the Bush administration.

"The U.S. government did not properly investigate this and there are more rocks to be turned over," said Steele adding, "I'm absolutely certain that WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition and that as far as I'm concerned means that this case has not been properly investigated."

"There's no way that building could have come down without controlled demolition."

Steele pointed the finger of suspicion directly at the Vice President saying, "There's no question in my own mind that Dick Cheney is the tar baby in this whole thing."

Steele outlined the bizarre circumstances preceding the attack that would have greased the skids for bombs to be planted in the buildings.

"You do have the whole issue of the security cameras being disengaged, the bomb sniffing dogs being removed, the family ties with Bush - I mean if you smell a rotten fish there's probably a rotten fish somewhere around."

Steele's biography is impressive. He was the second-ranking civilian (GS-14) in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence from 1988-1992. Steele is a former clandestine services case officer for the Central Intelligence Agency.

He is the founder and president of Open Source Solutions, Inc., and is an acknowledged expert on computer and information vulnerabilities. Steele holds graduate degrees in International Relations and Public Administration from Leigh University and the University of Oklahoma. He has also earned certificates in Intelligence Policy from Harvard University and in Defense Studies from the Naval War College.

Before the 2004 election Steele advocated the re-election of George W Bush and he has been cited by numerous Republican luminaries as a credible source. His testimony is added to the chorus of other credible 9/11 whistleblowers both in and out of government and academia.

Steele raised eyebrows when he confirmed from his contacts within the CIA and Google that Google was working in tandem with "the agency," a claim made especially volatile by the fact that Google was recently caught censoring Alex Jones' Terror Storm and has targeted other websites for blackout in the past.

"I think that Google has made a very important strategic mistake in dealing with the secret elements of the U.S. government - that is a huge mistake and I'm hoping they'll work their way out of it and basically cut that relationship off," said the ex-CIA man.

"Google was a little hypocritical when they were refusing to honor a Department of Justice request for information because they were heavily in bed with the Central Intelligence Agency, the office of research and development," said Steele.

Steele called for more scrutiny to be placed on Google if it continues to engage in nefarious practices, saying, "If Google is indeed starting to do harm then I think it's important that be documented and publicized."

30-Oct-2006, 04:16 PM
Why isn't this guy banned yet?

30-Oct-2006, 04:54 PM
Okay, lets make a deal people. If you respond to this guy, even negatively, you are just adding more fuel to his fire. It's pretty obvious he's been watching way too much 'Loose Change' and has no desire to talk about GAR or even horror movies in general. For reasons unknown, the mods are continuing to let this guy s**t stir and I am thinking about posting a petition to them to get rid of this asshole once and for all. It is rude and irresponsible to repeatedly post sensitive issues of this kind on a totally unrelated website. Dude, just take it somewhere else!

30-Oct-2006, 04:59 PM
Why isn't this guy banned yet?

Why haven't you bothered to report this post?:rockbrow:

30-Oct-2006, 05:01 PM
Okay, lets make a deal people. If you respond to this guy, even negatively, you are just adding more fuel to his fire.

But at the same time, this jackass should've been gone after his first post, and here he is, yet again, spreading his BS across the forums - and it's being allowed to happen. I'm kinda confused?

Maybe we have our own conspiracy right here on HPotD, although I'm not about to suggest what i'm thinking. :elol:

"Things that make you go hmmmmmm........"

30-Oct-2006, 05:02 PM
As a self-described member of the right, I applaud this guy's efforts for our cause. I enjoy his posts, not for the intelligent debate that they provide, but for the comedic relief on an otherwise all-too-serious subject... 9/11.

Dude, keep up the good work! The more people like you post for the Left, the more middle-of-the-road folks will see the true nature of the nutcase on the far left.

Enter DJFunkmaster to agree with Nutcase#1 in 5... 4... 3...

30-Oct-2006, 05:02 PM
Why haven't you bothered to report this post?:rockbrow:

This guy showed up a couple of weeks ago - this is all he posts.

30-Oct-2006, 05:06 PM
This guy showed up a couple of weeks ago - this is all he posts.

If you believe that he is breaking a rule, then report it.

Reporting posts is actually a good thing. It quickly draws the attention of all of the mods/admins.

30-Oct-2006, 05:08 PM
If you believe that he is breaking a rule, then report it.

Reporting posts is actually a good thing. It quickly draws the attention of all of the mods/admins.

I always forget the little "complaint box" is there in the corner. Posts like these are quickly shoving it closer to the front.

30-Oct-2006, 05:12 PM
Guys... freedom of speech/thought/opinion/expression/etc. I don't think there is a rule on these forums that say you MUST talk about GAR's movies before talking about anything else in any of the other forums.

I enjoy reading this guy's posts anyway.

/me is a nutcase. :D

30-Oct-2006, 05:17 PM
Guys... freedom of speech/thought/opinion/expression/etc. I don't think there is a rule on these forums that say you MUST talk about GAR's movies before talking about anything else in any of the other forums.

I enjoy reading this guy's posts anyway.

/me is a nutcase. :D

but, I can't discuss "religion" the way I'd like....the way I would speak my mind about religion offends alot of people. This guy offends me by posting Conspiracy Theories.
Rights for one bunch, rights for all. (if a group or individual is offended the post is removed and the poster is warned)
Conspiracy Theorists offend me.

30-Oct-2006, 05:21 PM
There are clear-cut rules against spamming on the forum, and if this isn't a clear attempt at spamming, I have no idea what could be considered so.

Not only that, he's not really posting per se, he's just cutting & pasting BS he's read or seen on other websites. Conspiracy websites to be more specific

30-Oct-2006, 05:27 PM
Guys... freedom of speech/thought/opinion/expression/etc. I don't think there is a rule on these forums that say you MUST talk about GAR's movies before talking about anything else in any of the other forums.

I enjoy reading this guy's posts anyway.

/me is a nutcase. :D

exactly why no action has been taken against him. he isn't breaking any rules.

spamming, as defined in the rules, is:

Repetitive posts: Member's posting multiple times in the same topic, the same exact thing in multiple topics, or multiple threads on the same topic deliberately.
Nonsense posts: Posts/Threads that totally do not make any readable sense and have no point to them.
Short posts: Repetitive postings that generally adds nothing to the discussion at hand (one word or short posts, a lone smilie etc.) unless the topic specifies it.
Off-topic posts: If the thread starter specifically asks not for their thread to go off topic, those posts that do are considered spam.

he dosn't post the same topic over and over again, his posts do make readable sense, no-one can call his posts short and as he is starting the topic in general discussion, which i remind you guys is "For general off topic issues", he isnt posting off-topic.

if you guys dont like it, dont reply to his topic.. it will make its way down the forum list with no replies, but the simple fact is, he isnt spamming.

30-Oct-2006, 05:32 PM
But he does it to be annoying. Get everyone riled up and at each others throat.

He isn't contributing anything meaningful. Even though he thinks too far left he is just being an annoying sh1thead. Technically he is spamming because he just posts and runs away, then doesn't come back until he feels like dropping more rhetoric on the boards.

30-Oct-2006, 05:45 PM
so you want us to start warning people and issuing bans becuase they are annoying?

30-Oct-2006, 05:47 PM
oh it's spamming.

He doesn't seem to articulate any arguments. Just copies and pastes and runs away until he copies and pastes again...

30-Oct-2006, 06:23 PM
so you want us to start warning people and issuing bans becuase they are annoying?


:lol: :moon: There are quite a few annoying people here, myself included. Remember this isn't a democracy it's a dictatorship so lets dictate this asshole right out of the community.

30-Oct-2006, 06:37 PM