View Full Version : Tankball !!

02-Nov-2006, 01:06 PM
I saw this on another forum & thought I'd post it here since I know there are paintballers that frequent this forum :).

This looks REALLY cool :cool:. Too bad for us members on the other side of the pond that it's in the UK. Cool for you guys there though :D.

Year's ago I played in the "Big Game" at Survival New York in Coram, NY. It was like 250 vs. 250 with each side having Generals & ranks on down. The idea was to capture the enemy General. They had helicoptors dropping paint bombs & Chevy Blazers with paint bazookas simulating tanks. Pretty cool, but now you have the real thing :eek:.

Here is a link to the news story: http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=2619553&page=1

Here is a link to the company website: http://www.chaospaintball.co.uk/armourgeddon.php

02-Nov-2006, 05:38 PM
like man hunt but 10x better