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03-Nov-2006, 11:53 AM
well, which one;

30 Days of Night or Preacher or any other comic you think is worth buying?

Bearing in mind i already read all Superman 1s, JLA, Superman & Batman, Supergirl, Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, The Walking Dead, Zombies, Ultimate X-Men, Spiderman....

03-Nov-2006, 12:50 PM
the goon, it rocks, and hellboy thats my alltime fav comic book series, but im a big hellboy fan so you may not view it as that great

03-Nov-2006, 08:08 PM
hellboy...hellsing...are they in common with each other some how?

03-Nov-2006, 09:19 PM
hellboy...hellsing...are they in common with each other some how?

Er, no man. :lol:

04-Nov-2006, 03:14 AM
actually as the series goes on one has a vampire fighting nazis the other has a .....demon fighting nazis:lol:

basically when i first joined an online forum i had to pick a name right?, and rather than "yetanothergoku11999473" i picked hellsing becuase it sounds kinda wierd so there was just less chance of having to remember something with a number on it, and it kinda stuck as the name i use to register on forums and the like.

basically hellsing is a japanese manga about a company like the b.p.r.d called the hellsing organisation who clear england of vampires and the like, but there top agent is a vampire named alurcard who for some as yet undisclosed reason is duty bound to serve the hellsing family that runs the joint, it sarts off were a group of police officers are whiped out in a village turned into zombies/ghouls but one woman who he shoots to get to the vampire but in turn makes her a vampire as well, but then it goes all mental with any kind of plot so it just goes to the usual fallback of nazis as you do if you cant finish a story in comics or manga.

its still a good read and the origional 13 ep series has this wierd jazz soundtrack and thats worth checking out as well.

04-Nov-2006, 04:56 AM
yeah hellsing is an incredibly stylish and entertaining animated series. recommended heartily.

good comics imo; wolverine: origin, batman : year one (my favourite comic ever), also the sandman series by neil gaiman. arkham asylum, mickey maus(seriously cool & disturbing, nazis cats stalk mice), anything by alan moore.

also, bit of a wild card there was a graphic novel about palestine (simply called "palestine" i think) that was really good.

04-Nov-2006, 05:11 AM
oh and y the last man, thats a great one that is.:D

04-Nov-2006, 06:18 AM
basically hellsing is a japanese manga about a company like the b.p.r.d called the hellsing organisation who clear england of vampires and the like, but there top agent is a vampire named alurcard who for some as yet undisclosed reason is duty bound to serve the hellsing family that runs the joint, it sarts off were a group of police officers are whiped out in a village turned into zombies/ghouls but one woman who he shoots to get to the vampire but in turn makes her a vampire as well, but then it goes all mental with any kind of plot so it just goes to the usual fallback of nazis as you do if you cant finish a story in comics or manga.

Gives a respectful nod to the Hammer movie 'Dracula AD 1972' with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. As anyone may recall, Professor Van Helsing goes up against a satanist by the name Johnny Alucard (surname is an anagram of Dracula) who resurrects the vampire in modern day London.

Funnily enough, a friend of mine burned me the first Manga 'Hellsing' set and I've not got around to watching them yet. Must give those babies a whirl someday.

04-Nov-2006, 07:44 AM
im guessing your making the traditional over 30's statment of mixing manga, japanese comics with anime, japanese animation.:rolleyes:

unless you bootlegged manga volumes as like pdf's and thats just wrong:lol:

acutally i found this http://groups.msn.com/ATU-BOTI/pictures this is most of hellsing and its prequel hellsing:the dawn and loads of other horror mangas.:D

04-Nov-2006, 10:00 PM
im guessing your making the traditional over 30's statment of mixing manga, japanese comics with anime, japanese animation.:rolleyes:

I guess thats the traditional over 40's statement as my buddy wrote 'Manga - Hellsing' on the cover. :D So far I only watched one of his dvd's which was about a kid with a female android guardian (cant remember the title) and I enjoyed it. I will get around to watching Hellsing at some point, I've been told that it's s**t hot!

04-Nov-2006, 10:14 PM
well, which one;

30 Days of Night or Preacher or any other comic you think is worth buying?

Bearing in mind i already read all Superman 1s, JLA, Superman & Batman, Supergirl, Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, The Walking Dead, Zombies, Ultimate X-Men, Spiderman....
Get "The Invisibles" books by Grant Morrison, they kick arse.

If you really want a challenging read and if you can get them, try the "Lord Horror" books Published by Savoy, "Meng & Ecker" too.:D

If you like a good vampire tale "Thirty Days Of Night" and it's sequels are pretty good.

05-Nov-2006, 04:04 AM
yeah the invisibles is required for anyone who liked the matrix. i remember thinking the first book pretty much foreshadowed the first movie in terms of the structure and some of the key events.

another cool variety of comics is the 50s EC sci fi/horror books (tales from the crypt, weird fantasy etc), i remember the only time i ever got to talk to romero (on that ollllld website he had that was designed like an EC comic, in fact) he said he loved em as a kid, and that they were controversial at the time, funny now as they seem totally tame (like a kid nurtures an alien blob that ends up eating neighbourhood pets and livestock. mercy!).

05-Nov-2006, 04:45 AM
you can allways fall back on marvel, though im more of a dark horse and image kind of guy, but theyve allways got something going, as for 30 days its mucho overrated it has about 7 spinoffs including "vampires in space" its not one id recommend.

course if you dont want "plot" and just want cheap tits and arse theres allways avatar press;)

05-Nov-2006, 04:53 AM
yep, dark horse have been extremely consistent over the years, i love the "aliens" spin off paperbacks, especially "stalker" (vikings vs aliens!) & there was one where a lovecraftian cult worshipped aliens they excavate on some barren planet. also "earth angel".

what about 2000ad stuff? always liked sinister dexter & durham red.

05-Nov-2006, 06:18 AM
ive never been into 2000ad ,purely because its been going for so long i have no idea who characters like judge death are or what there story is.

05-Nov-2006, 04:04 PM
Eh? you'd dismiss something just because it's been running a long time?

05-Nov-2006, 06:50 PM
ive never been into 2000ad ,purely because its been going for so long i have no idea who characters like judge death are or what there story is.

Judge Dredd and Judge Death are violent, comedic and very, very cool...

There was a one off 2000AD story called 'SHOK!' that was very groundbreaking in terms of violence for a kid's comic. It dealt with a female sculptor who used scrap droids for her art. One day she collects the remains of a battle droid called 'MK3' that actually turns out to be alive and extremely psychopathic. It adapts to its new artistic body and goes on to stalk the poor woman through her apartment with sarcastic menace. I wont give away any more details but the story inspired a fantastic and ultraviolent British movie by Richard Stanley called 'Hardware'.

05-Nov-2006, 07:03 PM
i think it's probably worth mentioning that the judge dredd comics are a LOT better than the sly stallone movie.

strontium dog was cool as well

06-Nov-2006, 03:09 AM
Eh? you'd dismiss something just because it's been running a long time?

well its like watching the last few eps of an anime series, it may be entertaining but without knowing the plot and backstory it just cheapens it a little.

06-Nov-2006, 06:05 AM
Check out The Boys, its a new series, only on issue 3 or 4, but it's really good. Also check out Exterminators and Invincible, they are both pretty good.