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03-Nov-2006, 08:05 PM

Okay, so they finally took the site down (they owned it). What about the Internet Archieve or search engines that send out spider bots to capture sites and put it in their cache files?

Duhhh.... :|

:dead: Dawg

03-Nov-2006, 08:09 PM
is it REALLY even possible for a civilian to make a nuke bomb?

03-Nov-2006, 08:17 PM
Iran, North Korea is apparently the concern.
The site was put up by a group trying to prove that the war in Iraq was, in fact, neccasary. So they release all these highly detailed documents in one location to make it a whole lot easier for Rouge regimes to get the documents.

04-Nov-2006, 05:00 PM
yeah but the materials you need for a bomb are so random & in some cases rare & expensive that anyone buying them automatically becomes conspicuous & is monitored. also the facilities required to refine & produce.

as dave chapelle said
"the n****r bought aluminium tubes...do you mind tellin me what the f**k you can do with an aluminium tube?"

04-Nov-2006, 07:13 PM
is it REALLY even possible for a civilian to make a nuke bomb?
yeah it is, though it depends on how sophisticated you want your home made nuke to be, a relatively small yield device is possible just by using conventional explosives to slam two sub-critical masses of uranium 235 together, this is a fission bomb, this is the kind most likely to be made and used by terrorists. The maximum yield for these weapons is about half a megaton.

The other "common" nuclear weapon is the much more powerful, and much more difficult to build, fusion bomb, commonly known as the hydrogen bomb. These use a "lens" of precision engineered charges to implode a plutonium core, the fusion reaction is assisted by a capsule of tritium (the stuff that they use to make gun sights glow). These devices are capable of colossal yields, the Russians tested a 50 megaton weapon.....

I don't see the point of that website or it's susequent removal, a good physics undergraduate could make a nuke provided he had the right equipment and materials.

It's only a matter of time before someone gets their **** together and builds one with the intention of using it in a major city, I can envision three likely target areas; a U.S city, London, or a strike to destroy the house of Saud.

05-Nov-2006, 03:40 AM
is it really that easy? i thought it took extensive refinement of materials, which is why iran is months or years away from a bomb, and generally the reason why people dont build them on the sly/no atomic terrorist attacks ever.

i'm not saying im right by the way, i admit i know relatively sod all about the construction of these things!

06-Nov-2006, 09:14 AM
is it really that easy? i thought it took extensive refinement of materials, which is why iran is months or years away from a bomb, and generally the reason why people dont build them on the sly/no atomic terrorist attacks ever.

i'm not saying im right by the way, i admit i know relatively sod all about the construction of these things!
It's getting hold of the main ingredients thats difficult, building the thing is the easy part. For instance, some of the materials are very rare and have very limited shelf lives, some of the specialized capacitors used in miitary weapons have to be changed regularly or they don't work.

07-Nov-2006, 01:29 PM
The real threat is rouge nation or terrorist group acquiring refined plutonium from sites in the former Soviet republics. Consider much of the Soviet military isn't paid on a regular basis, and corruption is rampant. Add to that many of the bases where these items are stored are very unsecure - it's a only a matter of time before a hostile group obtains nuclear materials.