View Full Version : Anyone hear of this Asian Zombie film from 2004?

05-Nov-2006, 06:33 PM
SARS WARS: Bangkok Zombie Crisis (2004)
aka Khun krabii hiiroh (2004)

Article from: http://analogmedium.blogspot.com/ CHECK the link out for pretty pics.

SARS WARS was insane. Master Kush and I watched it. All I could think was to exclaim "WTF" every 5 minutes. This movie is billed as a horror-comedy. It wasn't horrific at all (except for the transvestite). This is one of those movies that you might hate if you're not smoking hash. When I think horror-comedy, I think Return of the Living Dead and Shaun of the Dead. Either of those movies was more frightening than SARS WARS.

Besides all that, this movie is hilarious. I was rolling around in my chair laughing the whole time. The story is that SARS strain #4 actually turns people into zombies. Meanwhile, some thugs have kidnapped some chick. So some dude with a sword goes after her. That's when the zombies strike. The single best part of the movie was when it switches to animation to recount a flashback. It was really cool animation too. The worst part of the whole movie is the zombie snake. Apparently SARS affects serpents differently, and actually makes them grow to prehistoric proportions, only to strike right when the plot needs it most. So SARS makes snakes grow and have an excellent sense of timing. Don't watch this movie if you take yourself seriously. You might hurt yourself.

# posted by BigKilla : 11/02/2006 10:37:00 AM

:dead: Dawg

06-Nov-2006, 03:19 AM
couldnt be any wierder than "godzilla vs sars"...could it?:shifty: