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07-Nov-2006, 08:43 AM
I was in the shower earlier and kinda had a freaky mind moment and thought someone was in the bathroom with me, my mind being the way it is I instantly thought zombie (yeh I know *shrug*) and being on the rag I wondered if that would be like catnip for the undead?

Slow brain day :o

07-Nov-2006, 10:26 AM
i think dj sold you some bad HPTOD:shifty:

07-Nov-2006, 11:51 AM
i think dj sold you some bad HPTOD:shifty:

:lol: :lol:

I bet it was MZ, he's the one with the tainted HPotD. :lol:

07-Nov-2006, 12:00 PM
Yeah... it was MZ. My stuff is pure uncut Co-lum-bee-an HPotD. I would never cut, or taint such a great product. Nothing worse than blowing $250 on a 8 ball of HPotD only to get it home, sniff the entire fawking bag only to find out it was cut with baby laxative. :mad:

07-Nov-2006, 12:40 PM
Hey, can you blame a guy for makin' an extra few hundred thou by cutting half his stash of HPOTD? I've tripled my revenue! :elol:

That said, the other half of my stock is pure 100% "Coovan" HPOTD, the best this side of being deceased. :sneaky:

07-Nov-2006, 01:17 PM
oh man...i got no idea whuts goin on......:skull:

07-Nov-2006, 01:18 PM
"catnip for the undead :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's friggin hilarious!!!

07-Nov-2006, 01:27 PM
being on the rag I wondered if that would be like catnip for the undead?

THAT is just wrong on so many levels!!!


07-Nov-2006, 01:51 PM
THAT is just wrong on so many levels!!!


Why? Dogs LOVE it!:D

07-Nov-2006, 02:04 PM
Why? Dogs LOVE it!:D


07-Nov-2006, 02:07 PM

indeed....I'm still mopping up vomit!:barf:

07-Nov-2006, 05:33 PM
and being on the rag

got any pics? :eek:

07-Nov-2006, 05:43 PM
got any pics? :eek:


07-Nov-2006, 06:04 PM
lol, see prettycorpses, us blokes just aren't built for such statements.

We can have burping competitions, or peeing championships, but mention *ahem* you know, and we turn into a bunch of pansies. :lol:

I wonder how many people here generally like to believe the fairer sex don't avail themselves of the "restroom"? :D

07-Nov-2006, 06:21 PM
lol, see prettycorpses, us blokes just aren't built for such statements.

We can have burping competitions, or peeing championships, but mention *ahem* you know, and we turn into a bunch of pansies. :lol:

I wonder how many people here generally like to believe the fairer sex don't avail themselves of the "restroom"? :D
Speak for yerself homey:D

I've lived with a few women and you just get over it, no matter how much they try to pretend they don't have body functions.
Farting, THAT I can't handle:eek:

07-Nov-2006, 06:28 PM
lol, only time I've lived with girls is first year uni, and I got used to them burping - in fact I had competitions with one of them - but all us blokes living in res with those girls ran away/recoiled/drank up faster at the slightest mention of "lady blood" (Joe Cornish said that, not me, everybody download the free Adam & Joe podcasts, they're great!).

Anyway, so having not been "exposed" enough to day-to-day female living, I'm very much a blokey bloke and swiftly change the subject or uncomfortably sorta-exhale and look for an interesting car or something nearby to be blokey about. :lol:

08-Nov-2006, 07:52 AM
Well. bloke, them girlie types is gonna be there for pretty much 100% of your lifetime, so not tweaking about the biological neccesitudes is a good strategy. The local beagle was running around with a used tampon a couple of days ago. Thought it was grand, best toy evah, and didn't want to give it up. Went back in the can, and nobody bugged. Neither girls nor boys. Just a side effect of how the body works, and best to get used to it reasonably quick.

08-Nov-2006, 08:50 AM
got any pics? :eek:

That is sooooo wrong on sooooo many levels....I bet your the type to bump uglies whilst the decorators are in arent you :shifty: ;)

08-Nov-2006, 10:27 AM
lol ... you don't quite "get" British men do you? :D We're a childish bunch who don't grow up until they're at least 30, but nowadays more likely 40 (and then they're still down the pub getting pissed up). The Brits are a reserved bunch ... generally ... at least when it comes to "women's days" and related accessories. :lol:

It also doesn't help that the girls I know make you feel embarrassed when you dumbly ask "what's up?", because they too are quite reserved about such things, and respond in a manner which suggests that you, Mr Man Bloke Geezer, shouldn't ask such questions. :eek: Girls amongst girls though, oh damn it's a festival of "decorator" discussion, so the boys run away and talk about boobs and cars and farting. :D It's when the girls start talking about such things when you're all down the pub or having a meal (especially when you're doling out the Tomato Ketchup onto your cajun chicken) that the British male mind will implode, at least not before making a vain attempt to resurrect the balance of power by talking about some sicko video you saw on the internet the other day. :lol:

Ain't Britain, and the obsession with being so reserved, grand? :p

08-Nov-2006, 01:27 PM
That is sooooo wrong on sooooo many levels....I bet your the type to bump uglies whilst the decorators are in arent you :shifty: ;)

huh? wtf does that mean? can someone translate this for me? are you asking if i like period sex? :confused:

i'll end the derail after i get my answer, sorry

08-Nov-2006, 01:36 PM
:lol: yeh it does

08-Nov-2006, 01:56 PM
no, i don't, actually

08-Nov-2006, 02:01 PM
:o sorry dint mean to offend!

08-Nov-2006, 03:34 PM
huh? wtf does that mean? can someone translate this for me? are you asking if i like period sex? :confused:

I like period sex, it calms cramps, if the guy isn't too wussy about it.


08-Nov-2006, 05:40 PM
I'll have sex with a girl on her period. It never bothers me. All depends on if she'll let me or not.

08-Nov-2006, 05:44 PM
:o sorry didnt mean to offend!

you didn't, i didn't have my british to english translation book handy

08-Nov-2006, 06:10 PM
I'll have sex with a girl on her period. It never bothers me. All depends on if she'll let me or not.
Gotta get those red wings!:kiss:

09-Nov-2006, 05:15 AM
I'll have sex with a girl on her period. It never bothers me. All depends on if she'll let me or not.

Damn straight. Period sex brings out the vampire in me! :D

09-Nov-2006, 07:04 AM
The Red Wings are for going down, work it out yourself.

Ain't Britain, and the obsession with being so reserved, grand?

My last steady girl was a somewhat upper-crusty Brit, and that bit ran up me craw a little. Okay, so your going out with a mad scientist who likes doing FX for films and plays in punk and metal bands. God, I think her mom wanted to kill me. Though I have to say, Thanksgiving arguing about the origin of the universe with a good chunk of the physics faculty from Harvard was pretty friggin' cool. Okay, I'm a geek, but watching a quantum physicist and a astrophysicist trying throw each other into the fireplace ain't something you see every day. Nothing like a drunken scientist dustup.