View Full Version : It doesn't have to get this bad...

07-Nov-2006, 03:34 PM

So now it's got to the point where kids are so frightened of bullies, that they're leaving the country? It should NEVER get to this point!!!

Fine, schools claim that they have anti-bullying policies, but that basically means that when the attack does occur, they just wipe their hands clean of the incident. As some of you may know, I was bullied to the point of wanting to commit suicide. I've got depression because of it. I'm so sick of hearing about kids who are so scared of going to school. They should feel safe and looked after in school, not scared to death!

What the hell is going on when it gets to the point of leaving the fcuking country because of the bullies?

What do you guys think???

07-Nov-2006, 04:49 PM
At least she had the option of leaving.

I grew up in a crap neighbor hood that was, uh, frequently unfriendly to my complexion. Though the white kids were pretty bad too.
I had many fights, often with groups of kids at a time.
In 6th grade I was the only white kid so I fought literally every few days. I never started anything, but I don't like putting up with idiots. Plus you dont have a choice when a kid walks up on you and punches you in the mouth.
Once I fought 5 Black kids and a HUMUNGOUS (250lbs, 5'10) black girl named "Tywana".
It was a valiant battle but I was doomed from the start. After 7 or so months of constant racial epithets and abuse I experimented, as they were already commencing the fight, with my own withering torrent of unpolitically correct verbal abuse of my own. Then it was really on. But I was fed up. So, long story short, I caught a major beat down. Also the ghetto kids were much older because of being help back 2,3 years (!, OMG the dumbasses) and were 14, 15.
I end up in class with a bloody face after lunch,and the teacher ignores me completely. That was about 26 years ago. So nothing has changed.
Honestly, are any of you actually SURPRISED no one gives a damn? I am certainly not.
Maybe its new to UK, but it sure ain't new here.
I didn't want to go back, but I had no choice. I would've ended up in Juvinile hall, which is much worse.

07-Nov-2006, 04:50 PM
yeah this is the led zeppelin girl i mentioned in the other thread.
it's certainly a bit crazy, but my mate walsh put forward a pretty simple solution;
"why not just move school?!"

What happened to the days when little turds were scared of the rocker kids *sigh*

07-Nov-2006, 04:58 PM
They need to stop pushing the pacifst point of view and start teaching kids eye for an eye over there I guess. I have noticed culturally that a lot of people are being raised to be pacifists. This is not good, especially when the time comes where you need to stand up for yourself.

07-Nov-2006, 05:13 PM
I see this problem as two fold.

First off, the bullies - it's a parental issue. Let me just tell you this: if I ever heard of my son bullying someone in school he would get his ass beat three ways to sunday. No, I don't mean I'd beat up my child, but a good lesson in discipline would be heading his way (spanking, grounding, whatever it takes to make him understand his mistake). The problem I see with the bullies is that their parents never put them in their friggin' place - a problem I see with the majority of kids nowadays. No one wants to discipline their kid 'cause they're afraid their kid will call the cops and claim abuse. Hey, if my son wants to call the cops on me for disciplining him for doing something wrong, he can go right ahead - but he better hope his fingers are in good enough shape to dial the damn phone. That's all I've got to say about that.

The second problem is exactly what Khardis was saying - pacifisim. Just like I said above, people are afraid to discipline their kids (or just don't give a sh*t or can't be bothered to do so). The kids brought up like this know not of the consequences of their actions 'cause they've never had the 'heavy hand' of their parents laid down upon them.

Look, I don't think "beating" your child is right. I do believe in discipline. There's a BIG difference... but I am ALL FOR disciplining kids, and if that means they need a good spanking (if they're young enough) or some serious punishment, I'm all for it. Kids need to be taught to RESPECT others, and the majority of the parents out there don't give a sh*t or don't care enough to teach their kids that.

I have a 10 year old son. I've spanked him maybe 3 times in his entire life. That doesn't make me a bad parent, but you can rest assured that if I was pissed off enough to raise my hand to his butt, he damn well deserved it. Discipline is one thing, "beating" is another, and is wrong.

07-Nov-2006, 05:16 PM
They need to stop pushing the pacifst point of view and start teaching kids eye for an eye over there I guess. I have noticed culturally that a lot of people are being raised to be pacifists. This is not good, especially when the time comes where you need to stand up for yourself.

I agree, somewhat, but the answer is not always violence. Violence usually begets violence. Especially these days when children will shoot each other rather than take a chance of taking a beating.

Violence is not always the answer. The old testament was "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Our Lord said to turn the other cheek. That's not to mean that you never stand up for yourself, but I do think that one needs to be prudent in choosing to answer violence with violence.

I think that the real problem is that people have lost their moral compass. They think they can do anything they want because our society, such as it is, praises people who do whatever they want.

We're raising a generation or two of sociopaths. We will reap what we sow, I guess...

07-Nov-2006, 05:23 PM
pacifism can be the greatest barrier to peace, but an eye for eye will leave the whole world blind!

moderation & common sense should be the order of the day.

07-Nov-2006, 05:30 PM
The problem I see with the bullies is that their parents never put them in their friggin' place - a problem I see with the majority of kids nowadays. No one wants to discipline their kid 'cause they're afraid their kid will call the cops and claim abuse. Hey, if my son wants to call the cops on me for disciplining him for doing something wrong, he can go right ahead - but he better hope his fingers are in good enough shape to dial the damn phone. That's all I've got to say about that.

The second problem is exactly what Khardis was saying - pacifisim. Just like I said above, people are afraid to discipline their kids (or just don't give a sh*t or can't be bothered to do so). The kids brought up like this know not of the consequences of their actions 'cause they've never had the 'heavy hand' of their parents laid down upon them.

Bully kids probably have bully parents. The Soft style of Parenting is annoying. Like somehow your kid is so beyond perfection they could never be human. I don't think thats pacifist, it's just negligent. What I see kids getting smacked for nothing, then do something really bad and get away with it.

If my kid wanted to claim abuse I would inform him how being in a foster home is big fun. Like getting buttslammed by your foster father or chilling in an orpahnage or home with a bunch of dicks for the next 10 years.
Thats why actaul abuse victims choose home unless it's reallllly bad

Thats kinda sick, like you kid is an agent of Stalin and he's gonna report you to the Secret Police. I could see that making you hate your own kid.

07-Nov-2006, 07:06 PM
You speak the truth Liam & Lou. Lou, I'm glad there are parents in the world who still "spank" (us Brits "smack" hehe) when the situation dictates. Heck, I was smacked as a kid, and it put me in my place and I immediately understood I'd done something wrong. But my parents actually paid attention to my life - unlike the "parents" these bullying wankstains have. My folks are pretty damn cool and I only got a good telling off when I really deserved it - as a result I learnt how to be a decent human being - therefore avoiding a smacked arse, but also because being decent is good.

Bullied kids need to be taught to stand up for themselves, I was bullied, but it wasn't the worst bullying the world has seen by far, but it still was not a pleasant experience at all (the worst point was getting a concussion in Year 8). The bullying generally remained verbal/mental, but eventually I toughened up and started not paying attention to it/standing up to it. Heck, I wish I'd done much more, I wish I'd given the bully the complete and utter beat down, smashed his f*cking skull into the ground after he did that to me, scumbag son of a bitch. :mad:


Kids need to stand up to bullies, don't show them one iota of weakness or signs that their bullying is working on you. Come out fightin' if need be and show those bastards who is boss. Also - tell a teacher, tell you parents. Telling on a sh*tbag isn't "uncool", so there.

Parents need to take responsibility and stop relying on pussy-ass non-threats, teachers need their power back, parents (again) need to teach their sh*tbag kids to learn what respect is.

If you're respectful, you command your own respect. If you're a sh*tbag, you'll just get dumped on for the rest of your life by society in general - and will therefore continue being a sh*tbag to other people ... like the sh*tbags they are. :mad:


Rant over. :)

07-Nov-2006, 07:24 PM
Y'know what the ultimate in karma is though? 90% of those bullies grow up to work meaningless jobs and remain morons the rest of their lives. At least we can rest knowing that the bullies usually don't end up getting very far up the ladder of life. They're usually still on the last 2 rungs. :elol: I know one of the bullies in my school (one that fu*kin' picked on me, too) ended up working in a gas station at age 25 and still continues to work there today. He's 35 now. :lol: Yeah buddy, man those pumps. Hell of a manly job ya got there, ya bully jackass. Ya got real far bossing people around in school, didn't ya? :lol:

MZ - yes, my parents whooped my ass (spanked / smacked) MANY a time. It was the indication of "hey, you fu*ked up, don't do it again!" and guess what? When I got my ass beat? I didn't do what caused me to get my ass beat EVER AGAIN! (at least not where my parents could see.. :elol:). I've had people at my work argue with me about violence begetting violence when we talk about discipline and our kids, but y'know what? I don't buy that sh*t. I know when I angered my parents enough to spank me, what I did was WAY off the "that was wrong" chart. That made me straighten up REALLY quick and it also made me re-examine what I did and why I did it - and why it was a baaaad idea. ;)


07-Nov-2006, 08:08 PM
Violence begets violence ... yes and no.

No - as in just smacking your kid when they're been a bastard and need to be told they've done wrong, that ain't violence, that's discipline.

Yes - beating your kid up, throwing him/her down the stairs, punching them and kicking them - that is violence. Abusing a kid will turn them into a predator or completely screwed up individual. Smacking your kid when they step outta line, that commands respect and discipline.

When/if I have a kid(s) I'll smack them if the situation dictates.

Also, karma is a great thing isn't it. Last I heard that bastard who ringlead the bullying against me was working behind a till ... in a girl's clothes shop. :lol: Take that f*ckhead. What am I doing? I'm seeking out my life dream in an exciting industry. :cool::thumbsup:

07-Nov-2006, 08:14 PM
If those girls were laughing in court, it's a shame the judge didn't point this out and take it into SERIOUS consideration!

With this mentality, these people do not deserve consideration, but punishment... Lock em up for a few months...

07-Nov-2006, 08:43 PM
I never got it particularly bad at school,the odd times were mainly when so called mates would decide to pick on me for a few days,then they would pick on someone else later.The real problem is what to do when the bullying is acknowledged,if you tell a teacher,he/she/they might get detention,put on report or shouted at,but that only makes them more determined to get at the person who "grassed" them up,or said bully has ways of downplaying whats been happening & even making the teacher laugh,which means they get away with it.And when teachers do take a hardline,it happens all too often that bullys pyschotic father comes down to school and threatens the teacher "pick on my lad again & il ****ing kill you" kind of thing.Im not sure how i'd tackle bullying if i was in the position to deal with it,but i wouldnt take a softly softly approach to the ones doing the bullying

07-Nov-2006, 10:09 PM
lol i initially got picked on for being a bit of a geek, but i just hung out with the heavy metallers and drug dealers to get a bit of peace & clout :D

but then it is sad i went to those lengths, i guess.

maybe they should teach nietzsche in school, that way the dumb kids wont pay attention and the smart ones become SUPERMEN (with mental problems maybe, but hey).

07-Nov-2006, 10:11 PM
I guess it depends on where you live and what school you go to as well as the severity of the bullying. Like I said, mine mainly stuck to mental/verbal but occasionally strayed into physical. It was like highs and lows, peaks and troughs - the latter being a current of underlying tension and intimidation, the peaks being an incident.

I told the teachers, who fortunately were on my side as I was a good pupil and treated them with respect, so they stood up for me. Fortunately as well, one of my favourite teachers was (and is) a really good guy (has been or still is - not quite sure - a Justice of the Peace and is currently on the police board (or whatever they call it) in the Mercia region). Anyway, he dealt with all things fairly and treated pupils with respect, so if they'd been bad they got dealt with appropriately. He has a good way of dealing with people.

Anyway, also my parents were cool about the whole thing too, us being a Scottish family we're quite stubborn and won't let things lie if we feel like we're being fobbed off - I think we made a name for ourselves amongst the teachers for being a family you can't fob off so you'd better deal with whatever the situation is properly.

lol, I remember one winter in P.E. and we all got dragged out for Rugby (or football, not sure which) and it was literally below freezing - and we were wearing a flimsy rugger shirt, those short-arse black shorts which trap cold rather than heat as well as those hideously hard-to-get-on red football socks, which again, only attract cold. Needless to say I was frozen to the bone and was shivering like I'd been in an Earthquake and ended up ill off school with ... *forgets the word* ... you know, what you get when you're out in below freezing temperatures wearing clothes so useless you might as well lie on a sheet of ice naked - yeah, I had whatever the word is I'm forgetting, not hypothermia, a step below, but a damn sight more than a simple chill ... annnnyyyyywaaaaaayyyy, my Dad went ballistic - the P.E. teacher didn't know what had hit him, we never went out in below freezing termperatures ever again, in fact the lowest was probably 5 celcius. I think this also kicked in for all other years - so I guess it was school community service in a way, I (my Dad) stood up (shivering) for others in my situation...

Where was I? What was I on about? ... er ... yeah, f*ck softly softly. I say we ro-sham-bo these bullying pricks.

07-Nov-2006, 10:46 PM
lol i initially got picked on for being a bit of a geek, but i just hung out with the heavy metallers and drug dealers to get a bit of peace & clout :D

but then it is sad i went to those lengths, i guess.
I became buds with one of the most hardcore kids in school. He was really tall, had a sick Afro and would fight anybody. He did some sick violence early on in school, so didnt have to fight much. So I got left alone by association mostly. Funny, I was In all these Honors classes and everyone of my friends were strictly shop class/Vocational studies.
And it's true, as soon as I started "partying" as we used to call it, the BJs suudenly started flowing. Boy was I surprised! Pothead chicks rule!

07-Nov-2006, 10:48 PM
lol, you paint a vivid picture of being dragged out for rugby practice back in school...there's gotta be some human rights thing against putting kids through that kinda thing 4 times a week.

edit - lmao coma. that's the way it rolls. pothead chicks indeed. "this one's for the star trek fan club"

08-Nov-2006, 01:56 AM
kids are just as bad here anymore. Personally I would love to move to England.

08-Nov-2006, 04:44 AM
nothing can be changed about the situation of people being mean to other people.

08-Nov-2006, 08:20 AM
Where was I? What was I on about? ... er ... yeah, f*ck softly softly. I say we ro-sham-bo these bullying pricks.

I did once. It worked. Some kid who lived a couple blocks from me started crap with me and I told him if he didn't stop I would do it. He didn't believe me. I feel bad about it now, but he deserved it at the time.

Then a few years later another kid tried to pick a fight with me. After trying to do the walk away thing he decided to take a swing so I just ducked the punch, came back with an uppercut and proceeded to beat the h*ll out of him after knocking him to the ground. I guess he thought that because I'm a smaller guy (I'm only 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighed about 140 at the time) that I couldn't fight, but he was wrong. It took my friend who was much larger than me (about 5' 10 and 220lbs) to pull me off of him and hold me back. From that point on nobody messed with me.

Something just snapped in me that day. I am glad it hasn't happened since, but to this day when I run into him he will not look at me.

08-Nov-2006, 09:58 AM
I never got revenge on the bullies. Due to the fact that they nearly killed me on more than one occaision, and I basically was scared of them...