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View Full Version : Horrorfest - nationwide 11/17

09-Nov-2006, 11:40 AM
Has anybody heard about this? A friend told me about it a month ago but I had never read any solid evidence until this morning when I found this website:


I never heard of any of these movies, though. Have any of you?

I feel this is probably going to flop due to practically zero promotion.

09-Nov-2006, 02:32 PM
they've had lots of ads on comedy central, so I'm assuming mtv as well

I'll be 40 minutes from springfield missouri that week, hope i can catch a bus over there, it'll be showing

09-Nov-2006, 04:35 PM
they've had lots of ads on comedy central, so I'm assuming mtv as well

I'll be 40 minutes from springfield missouri that week, hope i can catch a bus over there, it'll be showing

I won't touch MTV with a 10-foot-pole. I hope they haven't been; I don't feel like having my movie experience ruined by a bunch of farking MTV worshipping (brainwashed) teeny-boppers. They're the main reason I rarely go to the theatre's.

09-Nov-2006, 05:58 PM
I won't touch MTV with a 10-foot-pole. I hope they haven't been; I don't feel like having my movie experience ruined by a bunch of farking MTV worshipping (brainwashed) teeny-boppers. They're the main reason I rarely go to the theatre's.

that's why I said assuming.....I haven't watched MTV since the second season of the osbornes finished

09-Nov-2006, 08:29 PM
MTV was ok back in the day,,but now its like wtf

09-Nov-2006, 08:34 PM
Has anybody seen any of these? I know I'm deffinitely going to see Reincarnation but I would like to see one or two others. Recommendations?