View Full Version : Renegades & rebels...

09-Nov-2006, 05:26 PM
as someone way out on the left i have always admired people who have stood up to authority/tyranny and broken the "law" for freedom.

throw out some names of your top renegades/rebels.

i'll start off with one a lot of you might never have heard of:

sextus pompey. the youngest son of pompey magnus he carried on the fight against caesar/octavian/antony/lepidus, etc for 13 years after pharsalus. he took over sicily and beat off all comers until 35BC. this was a dude who stayed true to the republic to the bitter, bitter end. no compromise, no deals.
a real renegades renegade.

and on the other hand i have absolutely no respect for law abiding conformists muppets that hide behind the maxim "the law is the law." if that kind of idiotic thinking were to prevail all the time black people in this country still wouldn't be able to use the same bathroom as i do.

"there may be a legal obligation to obey but there is no moral obligation. when it comes to history it will be the people who broke the law for freedom who will be honored and remembered." tony benn

people like rosa parks, the people who put it all on the line to found the united states, the people who fought to get rid of apartheid and finally folks that have been forgotten like sextus pompey.

09-Nov-2006, 05:46 PM
michael collins, aung san suu kyi ("it is not power that corrupts but fear, fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it"), tank man.

09-Nov-2006, 05:56 PM
I like liam's answer of Michael Collins. I'll add another of the more famous, William Wallace.

09-Nov-2006, 06:39 PM
John Brown. That guy was hard core.