View Full Version : moderate voter fraud

09-Nov-2006, 06:44 PM
Calm down there Eamon

09-Nov-2006, 07:21 PM
That the Republicans are still a viable party is one measure of how far the Democrats’ policies and values differ from those of most Americans.

Doom, did you write that or copy and paste? Since you are a respected member and not Eamon_Whatever, then I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

Must point out, however, about the quoted statement above. do you really believe that?

Have you looked at how close the last 4 major elections in the US have turned out? 50 - 50 almost exactly.

We are a nation divided when it comes to politics. I really see and believe this. There is no such thing as the blanket statement "most Americans" any more. Most americans do not support the Republican Agenda, only 50% of them do. That fact is backed up at the polls and has been for 6 years now!