View Full Version : 9-11 conspiracy

09-Nov-2006, 07:43 PM
i don't think the bush admin contrived the incident, but they certainly left a few country gates open, as it were, and allowed it to happen, legitimising moves at home & in the middle east that they wanted to make.

i also think the govt shot down that plane the passengers supposedly took control of. so the passengers took control and managed to make it crash in an empty field in pennsylvania in the nick of time? what were the taliban gonna bomb out there? not convinced.

the footage of the plane hitting the pentagon is also a bit fishy, the hole it left sure wasn't plane shaped.

but, it's this century's JFK - we will probably never know what happened, in our lifetime at least. it was far too complex a series of incidents to boil down to one satisfactory explanation.

although i do think a lot of these 9/11 conspiracy theorists are as loony as that guy who thinks the royal family are jewish lizard men from space or whatever.

speaking of 9/11, what happened to an old poster on here called Wicked_Oblivion? i heard rumours that he was killed in the 9/11 attacks.

09-Nov-2006, 08:09 PM
You really let me down with that stupid post.

09-Nov-2006, 08:34 PM
who, me or him?

09-Nov-2006, 09:03 PM
You really let me down with that stupid post.


09-Nov-2006, 09:21 PM
I like the South Park angle on the whole 9/11 thing. The gubment want the people (some anyway) to think they did it to retain a sense of control, when they're actually not really in that much control as it is. Also that if the whole thing was a conspiracy and was planned, then it was the most flawlessly executed, incredibly intricate plan ever.

"Sh*t happens" explains stuff like 9/11. The failure of several departments due to nothing more than complacency or incompetence or a simple mistake, makes a damn sight more sense to me. Even if the oil situation has ended up playing into the gubment's hands, more often than not, an enabling situation will occur conveniently (yet technically at random) to help your cause/objective/whatever - and of course, such an enabling situation is equally likely not to happen, so other issues don't get solved.

As for "no windows on the plane" ... how the heck are you supposed to make out such a small detail on a plane, what 2 miles (?), up in the air - from the ground with eyes, in this day and age of excessive screen time, are more than likely not the greatest at distance. :rockbrow:

Wicked_Oblivion!? Nah, he still comes round here ... doesn't he?! :eek:

As for the plane downed in the field, perhaps a case of they were taking control but it had already been designated to be shot down as they got to the cockpit/were almost there. The passengers did fight back, phone records show there was communication to and from the plane informing them of the situation and they are recorded as saying they were going to take over the plane - it's just an unsolvable matter of whether they regained control before or after the plane was shot down - if it was shot down.

Like United 93 shows, it'd be quite hard to take over the cockpit in such a chaotic fight and retain control of the airliner.

09-Nov-2006, 10:24 PM
yeah, don't get me wrong, i'm not saying the US government sanctioned it, but as i said, they left some gates wide open.

i think the closest to truth any of the theories come is that they knew something was on the way, but weren't that concerned - there was a big hoo ha when it came out that they received multiple warnings of an impending attack from the intelligence community.

i personally suspect that they underestimated the scale of the coming attacks, but didn't follow it up, as an attack would legitimise arms production & further US activity in the middle east, but believe me, i do realise how crazy it sounds and i don't 100% believe it myself, it's just a suspicion.

but we'd do well to remember that recently declassified documents show that they knew pearl harbour was on the way, but let it happen so they could join the war. prior to 9/11, US think tanks discussed the need for a catalysing event, in their words "like pearl harbour", in order for middle east projects to continue.

again, we'll probably never know...

10-Nov-2006, 04:10 AM
I do apologize, I wasn't in my head when I posted that,but if you believe that crap then I stand by it.

I am sure there are things that happened that day that we aren't being told about though. Flight 93, we might have shot it down, I wouldn't be angry at them for doing it at the time, just tell us the truth.

10-Nov-2006, 04:10 AM
why you don't like random, nonsense cut and paste? Jeez, Eamon lied to me!


Éamon oh Éamon oh Éamon oh Éamon oh Éamon oh Éamon!!!!
Come forth from the depths of Caguanna Fatulagilaga!!!


Shooooowanga Noot!!
Famma Dong Ganglonagga Song Tang Galaga Footaaaaaaaaaaaah! Shmackta!!!


Poontahg Vanna Habbanagasombanaweee!


10-Nov-2006, 04:52 AM
Wicked_Oblivion!? Nah, he still comes round here ... doesn't he?!

I don't know if he comes 'round anymore, but I've talked to him since 9/11. He definately did not die in the towers.

10-Nov-2006, 05:30 AM
ah well that's good to know, he was a sound guy.

adreno are you quoting the necronomicon or something?


10-Nov-2006, 09:58 AM
Before 9/11 the pilot episode of the Lone gunmen was about a military conspiracy to fly a plane into one of the towers to increase their budget.

10-Nov-2006, 10:27 AM
Mmm, indeed, I think if the gubment had any slightest 'hand' in the pie, it was from simply not taking a threat seriously and essentially letting it happen. They didn't take part, so they didn't know what it was going to be - or indeed the scale - they just didn't act on the intelligence. I think if there's any slightest slice of conspiracy going on, it's just that - they needed a catalyst and one came along at the 'right time' for them - much like Pearl Harbour as you say.

As evil as the gubment is perceived to be, I somehow seriously doubt they'd actually take part in an event such as 9/11. Even if you're a politician, you're still human.

Blissful ignorance/inaction - that's the entire 'conspiracy'.

10-Nov-2006, 10:32 AM
I think without ANY doubt that it was an inside job and after looking at the available evidence it goes without saying the "powers that be" did have prior knowledge of the attack on the WTC ... and let it happen.

Anyone tried www.loosechange911.com ?

Also google for "Operation northwood" which was pretty much exactly what happened on 9/11 ... only that this operation was concieved during the 1950's.

10-Nov-2006, 10:35 AM
I'll point out that "Loose Change" has been endlessly criticised and proven to be talking bollocks. :rockbrow:

10-Nov-2006, 01:31 PM
Missiles on the planes?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

some people...

10-Nov-2006, 03:12 PM
I do apologize, I wasn't in my head when I posted that,

You see Doom???!!

This is what I was trying to say the other day, When a respected member posts something like this (as a goof or not), the rest of do not see it as a goof, you, as a member, get the benefit of the doubt and we initially take it as serious.

Sorry man, you just can't hang with the uselessness and randomness of the great Deamon_Whatever! ;)

10-Nov-2006, 05:50 PM
lol... thanks...

yeah, just an off kilter idea in my whacky head... like when something sounds good until you actually say it:rolleyes:
hehe, oh man ... soooooooooo many times I've done that. If only we could travel back in time to visit ourselves to advise our past selves against saying something ... wish I could uncomplicate a couple of friendships "in the real world" that way, but ah well...


Anyway, back to what we're on about ... hmmm ... conspiracies ... er, ... f*ck it, I had a really tasty, light and fluffy naan bread with my curry for dinner just now.

10-Nov-2006, 06:04 PM
Before 9/11 the pilot episode of the Lone gunmen was about a military conspiracy to fly a plane into one of the towers to increase their budget.

one of the creepiest things i've ever seen. for some reason i bought all of the x files last year and munched them in 3 months (good job my girlfriend likes em eh), recently i saw the lone gunmen for a tenner and thought why not.

"weirdness" as the dumpy one would say.

check this out if you didn't buy loose change


i love maddox, anyone read his book?

10-Nov-2006, 06:12 PM
hehe, that whole "bit" Maddox did was excellent. A straight-talking, sense-speaking chap.

I really do think the whole "BUSH DID IT!!!1!1!!!!1111!omfgzz!!11!1!1!" conspiracy is nothing but wishful thinking, if it truly did happen like said conspiracy says it did, it was the most intensely perfectly executed plan in the history of undercover politics let alone mankind.

Ignorance/inaction/genuine mistakes - that's what caused 9/11, an atrocity commited by those terrorists, who are fully capable of being highly trained and committed individuals. Just because they're terrorists, doesn't mean they're a bunch of poo-flinging braindead monkies.

Mind you ... those diagrams of elaborate underground dug-out-bunkers in Rummie's mind are a bit hard to swallow.

10-Nov-2006, 08:38 PM
"BUSH DID IT!!!1!1!!!!1111!omfgzz!!11!1!1!"

Ignorance/inaction/genuine mistakes -

That is exactly why bush couldn't have planned it, he's too stupid/incompetent to pull off something like that!

10-Nov-2006, 08:54 PM
hehe, oh man ... soooooooooo many times I've done that. If only we could travel back in time to visit ourselves to advise our past selves against saying something ... wish I could uncomplicate a couple of friendships "in the real world" that way, but ah well...


Anyway, back to what we're on about ... hmmm ... conspiracies ... er, ... f*ck it, I had a really tasty, light and fluffy naan bread with my curry for dinner just now.

Just get the Prank Call to the Past Phone like Cartman got in the year 2576 whatever and call yourself! Hehe! :D

:dead: Dawg

10-Nov-2006, 09:30 PM
No doubt I wouldn't believe myself and I'd end up screaming "damn I hate that guy!" :lol: