View Full Version : The Government & Aliens

09-Nov-2006, 06:43 PM
My mother was abducted by aliens.
Maybe that's why I have the third nostril and one toe on each foot.
Go figure.


09-Nov-2006, 06:54 PM
I remember Bill Clinton saying he asked about UFOs at Roswell and was told it wasn't true.
Or was that just a smokescreen to hide the infiltration?
Get out your black glasses and see the truth.
"You, you're OK. You? Real f**king ugly!"

09-Nov-2006, 07:13 PM
This sounds like background materials for Eden Studios Conspiracy X roleplaying game.



09-Nov-2006, 07:55 PM
ok people, let's get all boring and realistic here.

if life evolved on another planet, then it there would be no guarantee of ANY similarities between us & them, even at the most fundamental levels.

blood, skin, eating breathing, even having a carbon based body of your own are all earth-specific concepts, that occurred through the millions of gases & other chemicals that by chance clustered together and formed our planet.

these were almost UNIQUE conditions, the chances of something similar being created is evidenced by the lack of local extraterrestrial life.

the chances that the same, or similar collection of elements collected on a planet similar to our own, a similar distance from a similar sun, and then millions and millions of years of random evolution followed such a similar path to our own that it produced creatures we could in anyway perceive of or communicate with, are really quite small if you think about it.

further to that, these aliens go on to create something as earth-centric as a vehicle and bother to visit this planet (but never do again, or, failing that, frequently)?

it just doesnt seem likely to me. the only plausible aliens i ever saw in movies were the blob and the thing, everything else is far too earth-centric. if it has much similarity or compatibility with earth processes then it's far fetched.

sorry if i s***ted up anyones future enjoyment of alien flicks there, but you can always hang onto the idea that all life in the universe was spread by some kind of space seed. i doubt it though.

all life is the conspiracy of matter to animate itself, and i believe earth is the most important planet in the universe because we alone are the bearers of life, and it is our responsiblity to survive & proliferate through space, bringing animation and thought to a cold, dead universe.

*ahem* nurse, the pills...

09-Nov-2006, 08:33 PM
I totally believe that aliens are walking among us. Just look at Mick Jagger for a start! :lol:

09-Nov-2006, 08:53 PM
okay EAMON

09-Nov-2006, 10:30 PM
is Eamon your alter ego or something? have i solved the mystery?!

probably not

09-Nov-2006, 10:36 PM
i've put my best detective's mac on & a bottle of whiskey on the desk, and i will not rest till i solve this mystery...

09-Nov-2006, 10:36 PM
is Eamon your alter ego or something? have i solved the mystery?!

probably not

Eamon is all-knowing. Eamon is love.
Eamon will deliver us when the great comet comes.
Eamon is all.

wait,....or was that The Lorax?


no, no...not the Lorax....

maybe it was THIS GUY!!!


Damn, someone pass me a brewski!

09-Nov-2006, 11:23 PM
have the mods even checked his IP adress or any of that jank to figure it out if its a span bot?

09-Nov-2006, 11:26 PM
not even close... Eamon is either the alter ego of someone higher up the ladder or some nonsense spambot that doesn't even know what hpotd is...

i'd say the first since he seems to get alot of protection around here
If that's the case, then he's a phucktard of the lowest sort. If he has a point to make then he should just make it.

I'll bet the clown is laughing his arse off as everyone responds to his posts like a buch of Pavlov's dogs.

If anyone else used the same "post & run" tactic the mods would be all over them. I think someone is taking the piss, trolling a board that the majority of members use in good faith and getting some kind of sad little power trip from it.

10-Nov-2006, 01:52 AM
wheres mulder and scully when you need them

10-Nov-2006, 02:19 AM
Damn Dirty Apes!

10-Nov-2006, 05:01 AM
If you cut down a tree in the Garden Of Eden would it have rings?

10-Nov-2006, 10:06 AM
Let me explain it all to you.
The government is in cahoots with aliens who are secretly in league with the apes whos population is dying. On 23rd december 2012 the aliens will unleash a deadly virus on the human population and exterminate a large portion, cause the rest top devolve,. the apes to evolve and kill off most of mans allies- canines and felines.

10-Nov-2006, 01:26 PM
I remember Bill Clinton saying he asked about UFOs at Roswell and was told it wasn't true.
Or was that just a smokescreen to hide the infiltration?
Get out your black glasses and see the truth.
"You, you're OK. You? Real f**king ugly!"


"You... you look like your face fell in the cheese dip back in 1957."

I believe in aliens. I saw a UFO once. And this wasn't a "look....there's a speck of light in the sky" type deals. This thing was only about about 50 yards from me and freaked me the f*ck out....:|

12-Nov-2006, 12:57 PM
That was a good read. Sounded like an episode of the X-Files. I do not know how exact that all is. I have seen UFO's and very close up a few times in my life so I do believe in aliens or that there is something very strange going on out there. No I never want to meet one!

12-Nov-2006, 01:30 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: