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View Full Version : NOTLD3D in theaters

10-Nov-2006, 02:27 AM
in the newest issue of game informer, it says that NotLD 3D comes out in theaters november 10th. that is all the information it gives, but i thought you guys and gals would like to know.

10-Nov-2006, 12:48 PM
Not playing anywhere near me. I checked over 15 theaters between DC and Baltimore and it isn't anywhere here.

10-Nov-2006, 02:25 PM
ok, here's the latest from the director:

"On November 10th Midnight Movies Entertainment, Inc. and Alliance Atlantis Motion Picture Distribution L.P., Canada’s largest motion picture distributor, will release “Night of the Living Dead 3D” in over 300 theaters in the Southwest U.S. including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Lancaster/Palmdale, San Bernardino/Riverside, Phoenix/Tucson and Las Vegas Markets and all across Canada from Vancouver to Toronto. NOTLD 3D will then continue a regional roll-out across the U.S..........The cities and theatres in each region are determined by the distribution/marketing team."

--From Suzie Sids fiance

10-Nov-2006, 02:32 PM
Not playing anywhere near me. I checked over 15 theaters between DC and Baltimore and it isn't anywhere here.

Not playing here, either.
`guess I wont be able to BOO the "cell phone Barb" scene:(

10-Nov-2006, 02:55 PM
ok, here's the latest from the director:

"On November 10th Midnight Movies Entertainment, Inc. and Alliance Atlantis Motion Picture Distribution L.P., Canada’s largest motion picture distributor, will release “Night of the Living Dead 3D” in over 300 theaters in the Southwest U.S. including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Lancaster/Palmdale, San Bernardino/Riverside, Phoenix/Tucson and Las Vegas Markets and all across Canada from Vancouver to Toronto. NOTLD 3D will then continue a regional roll-out across the U.S..........The cities and theatres in each region are determined by the distribution/marketing team."

--From Suzie Sids fiance

What happened to the original 1500 theater roll out that was planned? I guess the movie sucks because I remember reading it was supposed to be 1500 theaters, not 300.

Thats a bad sign when your theatrical distribution is yanked from 1500 to 300. Well I guess I will go see Borat

10-Nov-2006, 07:29 PM
yeah, this isn't playing anywhere in my area and i'm not even sure if i care...

scotty Boy
10-Nov-2006, 09:17 PM
any news about whether it will be shown in the UK?

If anywhere im sure the BFI would screen it.

10-Nov-2006, 10:46 PM
any news about whether it will be shown in the UK?

If anywhere im sure the BFI would screen it.

I would like to think so Scotty but it's highly doubtful :(. Not only that, this movie has got 'straight to dvd' written all over it.

Adolf Kitler
11-Nov-2006, 10:43 PM
Why was it even made? The Original and Savini remake covered the story as much as it needed. Jeez...Hollywood.:rolleyes:

12-Nov-2006, 09:35 PM
seeing it tonight, with Sid Haig it can't be all bad, but wait he was in House of the Dead II, okay , I'll keep an open mind

12-Nov-2006, 10:03 PM
seeing it tonight, with Sid Haig it can't be all bad, but wait he was in House of the Dead II, okay , I'll keep an open mind

Post a review, there's a good chap. :D

The Alive Man
14-Nov-2006, 12:42 AM
Why was it even made? The Original and Savini remake covered the story as much as it needed. Jeez...Hollywood.:rolleyes:

Holy words...

14-Nov-2006, 06:50 AM
very disappointing, doesnt warrant going into much detail, and the 3d was just awful,not enough 3d gags to even warrant doing it in 3d. Only some decent gratuitous full frontal nudity had any redeeming value. very sad. they ket referring to the original film and were watching it on TV in the film, lousy makeup, bad acting, the lead Barb (dont callme Barbara) character was okay, everyone else, awful

if you plan on seeing in theaters, better go this week I seriously doubt it will still be in wide release next week. Yes Virginia, it is that bad. May be on bargain bin DVD by Thanksgiving,... thats next week, ok so?

14-Nov-2006, 07:07 AM
Dang, I was looking forward to this too :(. I will still give it a try whenever they release it in the UK.

The Alive Man
14-Nov-2006, 11:30 AM
I'm wondering if they will release it in Italy.

I already know the answer, however.

scotty Boy
14-Nov-2006, 12:41 PM
Dang, I was looking forward to this too :(. I will still give it a try whenever they release it in the UK.

100% its got to be seen as soon as possible whenever and however it is released, however bad it is meant to be

The Alive Man
14-Nov-2006, 02:08 PM
Well said, Scotty.

... and it will be as bad as possible...

... :confused:

01-Dec-2006, 01:55 PM
Any news on this? It looks like it completely stalled and disappeared from the theaters. Not that I'll miss anything the reviews have spoken and pretty much condemned this to be almost as bad as Day of the Dead 2: Contagium. I heard there were some legal issues or some nonsense. Anyone hear anything through the grapevine?

01-Dec-2006, 04:14 PM
TGB... not many of us here were following the film that closely. I was hoping to catch it in theaters, but.... f**k it.

Could always do a google search for NOTLD3D Legal and see what comes up.

01-Dec-2006, 08:45 PM
Thats funny. It is not /was not in any theaters in my area. Crap. I do want to see this.

08-Mar-2007, 03:32 AM
Any idea when this is coming out on 'official' DVD?

10-Mar-2007, 04:11 PM
I ain't droppin' a penny on this crap, I'll at best leech it from somewhere and then demand my 90 minutes back, or however much of my life will no doubt be wasted as a result of it.

10-Mar-2007, 10:26 PM
Yeah, I only want it for the collection and believe me I wont be paying face value. Just wondered of there were any release dates.

06-Apr-2007, 03:05 AM
Yeah, I only want it for the collection and believe me I wont be paying face value. Just wondered of there were any release dates.

Heck, it could already be out. Has anyone checked? A project that dubious usually gets a quiet, low-profile release that basically happens in the "middle of the night" (an expression that is occasionally used in retail).

06-Apr-2007, 03:16 AM
I think I heard that it's out this month.

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 11:32 PM
Sorry guys, nothing yet. this info is current as of today. This movie must really suck balls to not get a dvd release yet. I mean, even contagium got one.


25-Jul-2007, 01:48 PM
just in case anyone cares, i just read over on fangoria news,that notld3d will have a october 9th dvd release. although i haven't many expectations for it, i'll still add it to the collection!:D

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 04:57 PM
just in case anyone cares, i just read over on fangoria news,that notld3d will have a october 9th dvd release. although i haven't many expectations for it, i'll still add it to the collection!:D

Can you please post a link to this info? We've been searching for a while for the word on that. thnx.

25-Jul-2007, 05:07 PM
Indeed, I've searched Fango news all over and can't find anything about the DVD. A link would be great man. :)

25-Jul-2007, 09:08 PM
sorry guys, but being computer stupid as i am, this is the best i can do.


its listed under 7/24 news and under lionsgate dvd releases.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:42 PM
Yeah i seeit. Let's see if the date gets pushed back or not as has been known to happen. I don't expect it to be very good but damn them all to hell, i have to buy it !!

25-Jul-2007, 10:20 PM
It will probably be in the bargain bin at Wal-mart.
Sorry but it just sounds so lame,
I want something I can sink my teeth in, not a remake
of a remake of a....

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 01:34 AM
Careful about that bargain bin thing. I saw land in one not too long ago for $6.99.

28-Jul-2007, 12:07 PM
I even have seen Shaun of the Dead in a bargain bin, and I thought that was sad. Land belongs in one, but Shaun? NFW!

darth los
29-Jul-2007, 06:38 PM
Well, it could also be that they're trying to get rid of a surplus of the film that they might have and not nescesarily because it's a bad movie.

29-Jul-2007, 06:38 PM
What I don't understand is that people bitch about DVD prices being too high and then complain when top titles hit the bargain bin. Makes no sense to me. :rolleyes:

29-Jul-2007, 06:41 PM
lol, I know, all DVDs come down in price eventually and you can find brilliant films really cheap, so it's all bonus if you never got around to seeing some flick, you can buy the DVD for half the price it would have been to see it in the cinema (sometimes), or the same price...I've bought a few flicks that way recently, didn't get around to them earlier, so got to them later, picked them all up for like a fiver each.

29-Jul-2007, 06:44 PM
I do that regularly, if it's a movie that I wanna see (but don't mind holding out for) then I'll pick it up a year later in the bargain bin. No skin off my nose.

And Shaun has been on DVD now for over two years already!

29-Jul-2007, 06:55 PM
It is true.
Last summer at Wal-Mart in the
Bargain bin I saw a copy of
Dawn of the dead ultimate edition
for 19.95
My wife bought it for herself,
so now we have two sets lol
I usually wait until the price goes
down, unless it's something I can't
wait for. Like when the DOTD ultimate
edition first came out

29-Jul-2007, 07:37 PM
What I don't understand is that people bitch about DVD prices being too high and then complain when top titles hit the bargain bin. Makes no sense to me. :rolleyes:
me either. The Bargain Bin is my friend.
Cost has no relationship to quality. I got NOTLD for a 99 cents.

29-Jul-2007, 09:06 PM
Exactly, there's just some DVDs you simply have to have straight away (as long as it isn't the case of vanilla sh*t release followed 6 to 9 months later by the bonza edition - think Sin City).

I've bought many DVDs straight away, had them on pre-order for months and so forth, but there's plenty I forget about - there's just too many movies, not enough time.

For instance, recently I got "Right At Your Door" and "Brick", both utterly brilliant films (kinda wish I'd gone for the more costly 2-disc of Brick now, but no skin off my nose really). "Human Traffic" I got for £3.99 a few weeks back, that film is several years old now and I've only just got around to checking it out, or Pirates of the Carribean 2, got the 2-disc for about £8 as Pirates 3 had come out...

One DVD I've had pre-ordered for a while because I simply must have it is - The Zombie Diaries. Comes out in August I think, bring that sh*t on, son! :cool:

29-Jul-2007, 09:21 PM
One DVD I've had pre-ordered for a while because I simply must have it is - The Zombie Diaries. Comes out in August I think, bring that sh*t on, son! :cool:
You knows it, treacle. TZD looks s**t hot and have you seen the reviews? Yeah, that's an "off the bat" buy. :D

30-Jul-2007, 10:20 AM
I see the spirit of Mike Reed has left his body and entered yours, treacle. :p

Aye I gave the review a quick scan, didn't wanna read too much as I didn't wanna know too much about the film, I wanna watch it first time knowing as little about it as possible, it's rare to be able to manage that when a new flick comes out...so I know the basics from posts here and the review I quickly looked at, I know it scored well and that's all I wanna know thus far. :) I really look forward to checking it out and coming into it really fresh with no expectations or anything. :cool:

Dead Hoosier
31-Dec-2007, 04:51 PM
I saw NOTLD 3D on my digital cable service. It was SO bad that I didn't even finish it. Do NOT waste your time or money. It makes Land of the Dead look like The Godfather. Its too pathetic to even put into words.

01-Jan-2008, 11:38 PM
yeah, that movie sucks major donkey-di(k.:barf:

can't even single out the worst part, as there are an endless list of them.

darth los
02-Jan-2008, 07:21 AM
I saw NOTLD 3D on my digital cable service. It was SO bad that I didn't even finish it. Do NOT waste your time or money. It makes Land of the Dead look like The Godfather. Its too pathetic to even put into words.

I know that we disagree on alot of things here in the forums but i think that everyone to a man/woman would say that that film is absolutely horrendous. It's easily the worst movie i've ever seen. It's unwatchable. The worst film they've ever shown on mst3000 has nothing on this turd. The sad part is that i can't ever get that hour and a half of my life back. :(

Dead Hoosier
02-Jan-2008, 04:44 PM
Agreed. It doesn't even fit into the "so bad it's funny" category, especially since its creators wanted to make money off of their -- as coined on this forum -- "name rape." I've seen a lot of bad films, too, but I couldn't think of any worse than this.

darth los
02-Jan-2008, 05:59 PM
It's the kind of film that will make you the butt of jokes when it is discovered that you actually spent cold hard cash on it. I like to call movies like these "witness protection films" because a new identity is the only thing that will save you from that stigma.