View Full Version : Sony says we don't need sound to play games.

13-Nov-2006, 08:18 PM
It would seem that Sony has shot themselves in the foot again. The amount of time they've done so I'm ready to believe they may not have any toes left. Read said quite below to see another toe take another shot.

Sony Comments on Backwards Compatibility
Some people don't need sound when playing games.
by Anoop Gantayat
November 13, 2006 - Yesterday, we shared with you a quickly compiled list of PS2 titles that were, according to a database accessible at the official Japanese PlayStation.com site, causing problems when being played on the PlayStation 3. We only looked for the biggest games and found a list that wasn't too long. But the full list of problematic titles is apparently quite hefty.

Japan's Cnet.com reports backwards compatibility problems for over 196 PlayStation 2 titles. This figure counts multiple versions of the same game (budget versions, limited editions, etc.) as a single entity and includes the full range of problems, from simple sound issues to more dramatic freezing issues.

In response to these issues, Sony's PR department pointed out that it, from the start, expected backwards compatibility to be less than 100%. It was also good enough to point out that some people can put up with playing games that lack sound.

Regardless of this somewhat arrogant response, an official statement issued at the PlayStation.com site states that Sony will fix the problems with a future system update, and may even resort to individual patches for certain titles. When this will happen has yet to be specified.

I, for one, will be waiting for the first major rpg to come out for the PS3 before I even buy that monster-sized console.

13-Nov-2006, 11:49 PM
So P$3 is having compatability problems with P$2 games huh? Again, another thing they promised which has now gone tits up. I'll be amazed to see if a game actually works on the damned thing!

14-Nov-2006, 06:05 AM
"dont need sound to play games?"

pfft!, like mario and zelda would have been as successful and fun to play , same goes for almost any game, cept maybe dead rising since thats just "hulk smash" kinda gamplay:cool:

but damn sony really are doing worse than i thought they even could, i mean have you heard of any problems with the wii yet, any problems?, i mean i would have thought there would be something myself but it seems like the most reliable so far since there aint no "and will be held back till problem is sorted" style news storys, maybe spending more time on new ways to play games but sticking with actual console materials that are allready out'l make it more reliable.

14-Nov-2006, 06:58 AM
"dont need sound to play games?"

pfft!, like mario and zelda would have been as successful and fun to play , same goes for almost any game, cept maybe dead rising since thats just "hulk smash" kinda gamplay:cool:

but damn sony really are doing worse than i thought they even could, i mean have you heard of any problems with the wii yet, any problems?, i mean i would have thought there would be something myself but it seems like the most reliable so far since there aint no "and will be held back till problem is sorted" style news storys, maybe spending more time on new ways to play games but sticking with actual console materials that are allready out'l make it more reliable.

First off sound was AWSOME in Mario 64 it wouldnt be the same without it....Woo ...Woo Hoo....Yeeaahhhhhh!

Secondly not only has there not been any reports of probelms with the Wii release but nearly all the places I know of are selling out on their preorders...and thats with having the largest initial release number of consoles...thats pretty significant man....

The only thing that can really be described as a probelm is Nintendo denying third party developers from accessing Wii online content information....thats why most of the games on release date arent wii online supportive except for mostly Nintendo owned franchises... ...Now this isnt really a probelm per say...because there are a number of reasons why this could be the case....Its not fully ready for certain types of games....They want to first gauge the sales before the fully support the online content...Or as simple as they want the first online games to be theirs to increase the sales of their content....

But any of those arent so much probelms as deliberate business decisions....

The Wii release is going unnaturally smooth

15-Nov-2006, 01:37 PM
Here's an article from today's (11/15/2006) New York Daily News:

Sony buggin' out!


Red-faced Sony bosses announced yesterday that their prized PlayStation 3 is a plagued-station.
Just days from the U.S. debut of its mega-hyped video game, legions of fans were peeved that the updated console won't play some old games.

The announcement comes after Sony spent months boasting that first- and second-generation PlayStation titles would be compatible with the latest version set to be released in the United States on Friday.

"We are sorry for the game fans that they cannot play all games. But unfortunately some of these problems could not be avoided," said Sony spokesman Satoshi Fukuoka.

PS3 was released in Japan on Saturday and complaints soon followed.

The popular war game "Final Fantasy XI" is among those that don't work on the new 60gigabyte machine. The glitches are also muffling the background music to the "Tekken 5" combat game. And the virtual gun on "Biohazard" won't fire.

The problems are causing Sony to eat crow after it blasted rival Microsoft's XBox 360 last year for having similar compatibility problems.

"The big deal is they [Sony] claimed it would be fully backwards compatible and now they're running into problems," said Tim Surette, news editor of the San Francisco-based gaming magazine Gamespot. "I'm sure Microsoft is smiling."

About 200 of the 8,000 old games are affected by the glitches in the new $600 system.

Gaming fans already lining up outside the Circuit City in Union Square for PS3's release at 12:01 a.m. Friday said they'll just hold on to their old consoles to play the old games.

Rutgers University student Tamba Peters, 21, was more worried about getting his hands on one of the new PlayStations than coping with its bugs.

"The PS3's going to be my second girlfriend," said Peters, as his girlfriend, Katherine Poff, 20, rolled her eyes.

Here the link: http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/471602p-396736c.html

I bolded, underlined & changed the font color of my favorite part :D. Perfect name, PlagueStation3 !! :lol:

15-Nov-2006, 01:44 PM

o and about the ps3 not being fully backwards compatible...

atleast microsoft dident lie to us you know.

360 and wii is all i want.. i dont know its just ps3 dosent do anything for me except for graphics.

360 is geting resident evil,gta and all other popular titles that was just for play station.

so basicly all i see is ps3 and 360 has the same games but ps3 cant get HALO!!!!!

im an online gamer and 360 is for me.

i want the WII becuase i still love nintendo games.

somebody tell me what ps3 has that xbox360 dosent except for the "amazing graphics"
the 360 has good graphics aswell i remember when COD2 came out for the 360 it looked like the gameplay was a real movie.

15-Nov-2006, 07:34 PM
did that guy call final fantasy a war game?:rockbrow:

15-Nov-2006, 09:06 PM
I've been telling folks for the past year that the P$3 will be s**t. I had MAJOR problems with the P$2 and I abandoned them ever since so I guess my words were out anger more than anything. Never once did I think it would ACTUALLY be s**t but it appears my anger has turned into an eerie prophecy. The more I hear about this console, the more big-headed I become.

I have friends that are DEVASTATED about the negative press $ony have been getting lately and are now thinking about getting a Wii/DS combination instead. :D

15-Nov-2006, 09:17 PM
I have friends that are DEVASTATED about the negative press $ony have been getting lately and are now thinking about getting a Wii/DS combination instead. :D

Yeah thats where Im headed a Wii/DS combo....

I just dont have the constant funding for an Xbox 360 plus the Membership...Im afraid that if I buy it I wont get much use from it...other than infrequent pulses of playing...

and I dunno I might be more drawn to Wii style games....
...Xbox 360 is a solid system... I just dont think its for me

16-Nov-2006, 05:32 AM
Yeah thats where Im headed a Wii/DS combo...

As a 360 owner I'm found myself being drawn to the Wii quite a bit so I pre-ordered one. The DS I will purchase later I'm sure.

While writing this, I just read an article where $ony are trash talking the 'tendo with it's P$3/P$P combo. GOD they bug me! :mad:

16-Nov-2006, 06:39 AM

16-Nov-2006, 08:13 AM
Great find Slick. The P$3 looks like a 'chippers' wet dream! :D

16-Nov-2006, 03:35 PM
I just read on Yahoo homepage that a Walmart in California had to be shut down after a fight broke out between people in line for the PS3. I couldn't the link for the video to work, though. I saw 2 dorks camped out next to Gamestop last night when I paid for the rest of my PS3 last night. I bought Fall of Man, too, since the games are already out. The game looks good. Too bad I can't play it right now. There was at least 20-50 people camped out in front of Best Buy further down the shopping center. The manager, sale associate, and myself were making jokes about the people camping out, because I was smart enough to preorder mine and not camp out 4 days before the release. :elol:

16-Nov-2006, 05:24 PM
that is absolutely ridiculous. for me, san andreas proved how critical a decent set of diagetic & non diagetic sounds can be to a game.

having been an avid PS supporter since 1996, i have to say it looks like sony's sodding about may just bring nintendo back from the brink...

...however, until nintendo get over their ultra violence phobia, i will be wii-less.

16-Nov-2006, 07:07 PM
lol @ Sony, they sure are arrogant...tits.

I don't know of anybody that likes playing games without sound. I might choose at times, to do so, but that's usually with the sound still on but me playing loud CDs in the background.

Geez, the sheer arrogance of Sony. What a bunch of dimwits, don't they realise that the people who buy their consoles and tech (therefore the people who support them) don't appreciate corporate arrogance?

Microsoft may be dicks and not always putting the best sh*t out, but they're generally not that arrogant. Anyone remember the video with Windows crashing during a tech demo? Damn that was funny. :D

16-Nov-2006, 09:26 PM
I just got back from Best Buy and played a PS3 that was on display. The console is indeed much larger than the XBOX 360. The graphics look impressive, but equal to the 360's. I played some NBA game.

16-Nov-2006, 10:02 PM
yeah thats what ive noticed on the footage ive seen on gamespot, granted its a nice looking console and fall of man looks liek a schweet game the grahpics arent any better than the 360 at all they just cost more per game.